25 Tips for Succeeding in Your OCD Treatment

Published 2020-11-23
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👉Postpartum OCD - tinyurl.com/postpartumocdplaylist

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👉Body Dysmorphic Disorder - tinyurl.com/bddplaylist

👉Panic Disorder - tinyurl.com/panicdisorderplaylist

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00:00 How to succeed in treatment
1:07 Step #1
1:59 Step #2
2:41 Step #3
3:17 Step #4
3:54 Step #5
4:46 Step #6
6:02 Step #7
6:25 Step #8
6:47 Step #9
7:10 Step #10
7:40 Step #11
7:52 Step #12
8:39 Step #13
9:07 Step #14
9:56 Step #15
10:30 Step #16
11:14 Step #17
11:55 Step #18
12:29 Step #19
12:55 Step #20
13:28 Step #21
14:18 Step #22
15:03 Step #23
15:37 Step #24
16:11 Step #25

DISCLOSURE: Although I am a licensed therapist. This video is not intended to replace medical advice. This is for information purposes only and should not be used to replace the guidance o

All Comments (21)
  • @ocdandanxiety
    What things help you with your OCD? 👍🏻👍🏻
  • @unknownarc
    anybody that suffers from OCD, you have my heart. We are not alone, and we will be happy.
  • @jenkov2155
    I'm 32, have OCD from childhood, and it only got much worse. Sometimes just want to end life so I can stop suffering. This video is really helpful and gives hope.
  • @wolvesgirl1565
    It's always scary when the thoughts come back and I always feel so guilty. This helped a little bit. Thank you.
  • @khaledali6410
    I was almost tearing up while watching this because what you said at the beginning of the video hit right at home. As an OCD sufferer, I can’t help but to research solutions when my anxiety hit its peak. I’m glad I found this video, as it was super informative and beneficial. I’m doing my best to conquer this demon, and not let it stop me for achieving great things. I’ve got nothing to lose. Thank you so much for sharing these tips!
  • @IDoubleJ
    I suffered from severe obsessive compulsive disorder 2016 to June 2021. Changing my mind, how I lived my life, watching helpful YouTube videos, reading books about OCC, refocusing on my happiness, doing something important helped me. I'm good and healed now. I didn't discover this channel until this year. For people struggling with OCD you can heal and recover. You can overcome OCD. It takes time, will power, discipline, hope, a consistent plan, and taking action. I never thought I would be good again. And I'm good now.
  • @churroboy8493
    Hey anyone reading I just wanted to put this comment out there as I don’t usually comment on videos. OCD is horrific and so incredibly hellish, if you’re going through some bad times just know it will get better. Coming from somebody who had been suffering silently for 2 years over the pandemic, seeking help is your 2nd step for recovery as the 1st for me at least was finding out I had OCD and look where we are, well done 😂.The reasoning behind my OCD was because of the pandemic, whilst also my sister was diagnosed with anorexia at the very start, but she’s now recovering after 2 years thank god. Whatever you’re going through has absolutely nothing to do with you and is just OCD reflecting your deepest fears. Don’t give into the compulsions and don’t feed the thought any of your time. After being on medication for about 3 months I have noticed a significant lift in mood and just a more positive outlook on life. Please just know that it WILL get SO much better as life is to short to be worried away.
  • @cenecasful
    I wish I could explain my OCD to my family better. I think I always want their approval and as I uncover having OCD I wish I had their support. I’m 37. Thanks for sharing this video 💚
  • My treatment has been so hard, I'm 17 and my Dad isn't involved or aware I'm getting help because he doesn't support therapy. Doing this alone is so hard, doing exposures alone for therapy homework is a catastrophe haha
  • @seamstress4401
    Very good tips. What helps me with my OCD prob. the most is sitting with the anxiety, which is also very painful but worth it in the end.
  • @nil.2713
    Two years ago OCD started to take a toil on me. I was 21 back then and a very different person. Looking back it seems like I have most definitely been suffering from OCD my whole life. It was just that OCD found a very sneaky and scary way to get to me. And from then on I seem to unlock a new fear every new year. It is almost like the themes seem to exponentially become scarier and harder to handle. This year in January I had no idea that the next two months would be horrible. I was crying my eyes out each night and hating myself. Three months later and I finally know what I am dealing with. I am so glad I dared to do some research read articles and see a professional. However, even with help it is really hard sometimes. You just want it to disappear. I have bad days and videos like these really help.
  • Made me cry this one. So difficult to get through these fears but you are right. Especially with facing the fear that is most scariest. As bad as it is it will really help for you to face it! Thanks!
  • I’m crying right now as after I was watching it. I don’t feel lonely and being alone anymore. It feels like a hand show up pull me up when I’m in the quicksand right now. Thank you so much for these ocd treatment videos. I’ll make a schedule and fight and deal with my ocd. I’ve been ocd diagnose for 10 years. It was so bad then I got better and now it came back to me severely nearly 1 month ago after a shock in feelings. I have ocd and anxiety complex with lots of ocd symptoms
  • @account1307
    "Motivation comes from doing the thing you don't wanna do"
  • @zestylizbiz
    Good morning, your videos have truly changed my life. I am still trying to find a good therapist but through your videos workshops it’s not as hard anymore. I had a few weeks of feeling so much better but last night it hit me again and I had a night mare based on my fear. It made me feel back at the bottom it also made me forget all my tools and watching this has reminded me of them thank you so much for this. 💕
  • Bro i love you literally you are helping millions of people I wish I could get a hug from you and hear the word it will be alright
  • @gabbieEc
    Wow this has left me in tears. Happy tears. I’m actually glad to know I’ve been doing things backwards so I can now March forward the right way. What got me in tears though was the ending, “ocd doesn’t make sense and it doesn’t have to” great video, thank you for these tips.
  • Hello, I want to thank you with all my heart. I am so glad that I found you on YouTube. I have OCD and Contamination OCD almost as long as I live (I'm 57 now) I believe that your approach of treating OCD is the right way for me the cope with it. These 25 tips are so important for me. I'm changing my life right now. Thank you very much Nathan!
  • @twish1999
    You are the person who has finally made me see 'the light' and now i have the tools, and the answer to how to finally beat this thing. Thank you