Man End Lifes; Bring Messages To Whom Has Lost Hope in Life!

Man End Lifes; Bring Messages To Whom Has Lost Hope in Life!
Our guest today is Salvador Adatsi who shared his experience.
Salvador Adatsi's Website:
Contact Life After Life NDE: [email protected]
Welcome to Life After Life Channel, where we delve into the profound theme of the "end" - an exploration of life's closeness and transitions. Join us on a journey to gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies and meanings of life through a unique perspective on endings and new beginnings.

コメント (21)
  • @DizcobaII
    This reminds me of the times [in high school] we took everything SO seriously but now as an adult we look back and realize how small our problems were…
  • @kobalt77
    "Take care of your thoughts, think good things". Excellent episode with some great advice.
  • @aaron-n
    One of my favorite NDErs. He just keeps it simple and shows you everything you want is already within you. No need to overcomplicate things.
  • Hope in God. The things you can see is temporary. Life is good and bad. In the bad, it can still come out good.
  • Beautiful. He is reiterating what I have come to along my own path. The “don’t watch the news” is a good one.
  • THANK YOU Salvador for sharing your Messages and Experience from the other side .... our ESSENCE indeed is PURE LOVE. and like you Every time I turned my back on my Intuition .... the God Source if you will and relied on my Ego things Never turned out right because my CHOICES were FEAR based. Every day I try to Practice Being God ... Be Love ..Show Love ... Give Love in small acts of Kindness ... Love from this old man of 75 in Canada Salvador .. share that Beautiful SMILE to Everyone .... Roy
  • @linlinali
    this is one of the few nde stories where i rewind n listen again to make sure i memorize the message
  • I'm a guy in my 40es. Some years ago, i underwent a throat surgery. The doctor told me that i might dream a bit. Then he gave me anesthesia, and then everything became black, and then quickly after that, i woke up, yelling hysterically, "An angel, an angel, she's an angel!" and then i saw the staff looked visible annoyed and distraught by me, and they were rolling me away. I don't actually remember seeing anything at all, though, only my own reaction. Shorthly, after that, i became severely depressed, so much so that i was so close to calling someone to come get me and give me some sedatives before i would do something stupid to myself. It's hard to explain other than i could absolutely just not stand being in my body. It felt horrible being alive and being in this body. Some months after that, it slowly went away, and i feel almost completely normal now.
  • @beerman204
    I walked past a man on a city sidewalk in Bangkok wearing a t shirt that read THE EARTH IS YOURS...this guests commentary reminds me of that.....
  • He said “I like the person IAM today”. When a person comes to that understanding, you have a wealth that money can’t buy! I too like the person IAM today! I still buy lottery tickets occasionally! 😂
  • @veev2561
    This was so inspiring here in the usa we have been lied to, decieved.we must change our mindset, our heart
  • @nameislee
    The way he delivers the story is very simple and easy to understand. My most favorite NDE talk 🙏❤️
  • Thank you for sharing your experience with us. This is what I needed to hear. 😊 Love and light to all.
  • Thank you for reminding me. When I went to the light, it said same things. It doesn't care about earth religions. All it wants to know is, did you make the most of your life while you were here? and did you continue to believe in the light even though you had no proof or reason? Nothing here matters. We are part of the light. We all go back. It's pure admiration and love. Thank you for your story and nice salon in your boat. Mine is coming.
  • Your life in the past is like standing on a big stone, so you must jump off the big stone, onto the small stone. That's your new start of life to come, leave the big stone behind infront of you is a flowing river full of Energy. Jump into the river of energy, and let the river take you on your journey. ❤
  • @Heykay34
    What about people in war zones, they didn’t ask for that. It feels terrible that I can do this and that and there are people starving. Idk this game sorta sucks. I feel you I made a lot of changes for the better. But I feel for those suffering.
  • He’s such a smart man I love his explanations ❤
  • "Take care of your thoughts." Thank you Salvador, with love.
  • This was the most inspiring of all the near death experiences I've ever heard!!! I found myself beaming and my face was stretched in a big smile!! Thank you so much for your uplifting messages, and for me simple ways all of us can create the beautiful world we want to live in. Thank you.