Tai Lung did NOT get denied his destiny in Kung Fu Panda

Published 2024-03-12

All Comments (21)
  • @Albino_Wolf
    Forgot to mention that becoming the Dragon Warrior was never Tai Lung's dream, it was Shifu's. He said himself, all he ever wanted was to make Shifu proud. This clearly explain why he was never meant to be the DW, Tai Lung was fufilling somebody elses' destiny instead of his own.
  • @chifyjay
    He's not an underrated villain. He's the best villain in the franchise. He made me love the movie
  • @Sun-Warrior1911
    What angered Tai Lung the most was not being denied the scroll but his father not defending him!
  • @jadonsilva8943
    Source: There was no "dragon scroll". It was a test made by Oogway for Tai Lung. It doubled as a test of self-confidence (for Po). Shifu himself never even knew the scroll was blank! Oogway saw the need for the test from the beginning. Shifu loved Tai Lung like a son, but he was also blinded by his pride. It fed Tai Lung's ego. So, Oogway made the test without telling Shifu its purpose. Oogway died without changing the test. The scroll was always a test of humility for Tai Lung, but it was just a blank scroll. To Po, it just meant there was no "key" to being someone special. Proof: Oogway did NOT make the test to teach Tai Lung self-confidence!!! The whole reason for the test was because Shifu taught Tai Lung everything but humility! Oogway came up with the test during Tai Lung's training, and saw its true purpose after he chose Po, right before he died.
  • @CiprianusXI
    Oogway saw darkness in his heart. End of story.
  • @wayvi4156
    Whats sad about is that tai lung received a life imprisonment when all he did was rage thru the valley of peace he didn’t even killed or harmed anyone if wasn’t for the zeng he would totally die there in old age and shifu didn’t even bother visiting him not even once
  • @matthewrocks23
    Yea Tai Lung is one of those villains I’ve felt sorry for especially since his potential is so high and literally he got the Anakin Skywalker treatment to go with that. Po showed humility even when nobody including Shifu didn’t believe he was capable of being the dragon warrior and proved why Lung wasn’t the one. Still one of the best written villains in Dreamworks history
  • This would work, if not for two things: He never wanted the role, he just wanted to make Shifu proud, it was Shifu not sticking up for him that caused him to go rogue. Second, the way Shifu trained him was the problem, he used too much destruction!
  • @LygarZeroX
    which is why they made the tests go in reverse. find the most humble warrior that is constantly in a state of humility and have them learn everything they need.
  • @melbonesarra2821
    I kinda agree. Before they were running for the title of "dragon warrior", both Po and Tai Lung were the best fighters (tai lung is, po comes later) and both of them were rejected. That was a test on how they will react to it. Tai Lung became furious while Po keeps his head up and continue to be better to be worthy of the title. Thats why Oogway chooses Po.
  • @Jason_N7
    Tai Lung was NEVER an underrated villain. Everyone knows he's the most formidable of all of them in terms of kung fu. He's definitely better than the Five, Kai, and miles over Shen. Kai would never have won against the FIVE.
  • OK, coming from a massive Tai Lung fan, 2 things. I firstly don’t think he ever was truly meant to be the Dragon Warrior. In KFP 3, talking about the first time he saw Po, Oogway says “I saw the future of Kung Fu, and the past. I saw the panda that could unite them both.” While obviously Oogway didn’t know exactly who the Dragon Warrior was meant to be, I think he had an idea, and I think he knew he would know them when the universe presented them to him, and he saw that it wasn’t Tai Lung. They show clips of him violently destroying the training dummies before “Oogway saw darkness in his heart, and refused.” Even before he was denied, Tai Lung had so much rage and bitterness in himself, for the 20 years of blood, sweat and tears he had poured into it, and that’s why Oogway couldn’t allow him. He knew he needed someone pure and good, and he saw the potential for mass destruction and harm within Tai Lung, the monster waiting to be unleashed. Secondly, Tai Lung is not underrated. People nowadays never understand the phrases “underrated” and “overrated” and just take them to mean respectively “I like this” and “I don’t like this”. Underrated means he’s not given enough credit, attention and love, and he’s thought too lowly of. Fans rave about Tai Lung, the majority of us think he’s absolutely fantastic, and we saw how wild people went when he was in the KFP4 trailer. It was like the response to Green Goblin in No Way Home. He is definitely not underrated, he is perfectly rated in my eyes.