Homeowners Feel Trapped by Neighbor's Hostile Holiday Display

Ross Township, Pennsylvania, residents say Bill Ansell is terrorizing them with his anti-Christmas spirit.

コメント (21)
  • @Osokooma
    Maybe pam should mind her damn business
  • @Kozvick
    Blaming the neighbor on your failed marriage LMAO
  • @megano101
    Bill’s house was part of my Christmas traditions. These neighbors ruined it for everyone around Pittsburgh. I hope they’re happy. And shame on you, 20/20 for not telling viewers everything Bill did for the community.
  • We used to drive over to see the display every year. It was beautiful. What the neighbors and 20/20 conveniently chose to leave out of their 'story' was that he collected donations, not for himself, but for children's charities. There was a person dressed as Santa Claus stationed at the peak of the circle accepting donations, and people gladly gave for the children. He started putting the display together in August, dedicating four to five months to creating a spectacular holiday light show. It may have been an inconvenience to the neighbors for a few weeks, but because of their small mindedness and lack of thinking of anything else but themselves, they now have a year long display that reflects their callousness right back in their faces. To have all that goodwill ripped out from under you must have been devastating to Mr. Ansell. And 20/20 should be ashamed of themselves for their shoddy, half assed reporting.
  • The fact that she tried to blame the neighbor for her divorce lmaoooo girl...
  • So basically he had a very nice display up for the holidays every year and his neighbor thought she could force him to turn it off. When her bullying didn’t work she got the town involved and had him shut down and this is the result. Seems like the problem they are trying to identify is THEM and not Bill.🤷🏿‍♂️
  • @oAgL214
    Age doesn't determine maturity. How immature you have to be to blame your failed marriage on your neighbor's Christmas display? This is hilarious.
  • First she complains about his Christmas spirit and now she's blaming him for her divorce? Lmao she's a joke. Merry Christmas Bill!
  • Pam it did not cause your divorce. Stop blaming people
  • They clearly started the battle but couldn't handle the war
  • @Jodyrides
    I live near Bill. My wife grew up one street away from Bill. Bill had the most fantastic Christmas displays, and people would drive by just to see it. He had a collection box and people would donate money to the charity that Bill gave all the money to every year for many years. that all changed when the neighbors started complaining about the traffic jams of cars that drove on their street to see Bill‘s beautiful Christmas displays. They brought in thousands of donated dollars to charity… this report is painting bill as being the bad guy. But the neighbors all ganged up on him to try to get him to stop the Christmas display. They got the law on him. what has happened since, can only be answered by the phrase, no good deed goes unpunished..
  • Ohhhhh ok…that makes sense now. I’m totally on Bill’s side. Those neighbors are horrible! I hope he keeps that display coming for years to come. We all love you Bill!
  • Someone's Christmas decorations caused a divorce...uh huh....
  • @m1c4ela14
    imagine being like “ayo get rid of your Christmas lights you caused my divorce” lmfao
  • Moral of this story: leave your neighbors alone and mind your damn buisness 🙄
  • @xenshia
    Pam is the real grinch. Sounds like her husband was sick of it too.
  • Can't say I blame him. Guy was trying to be festive when the town FORCED him to take down the display. When you mess with the bull, expect the horns..
  • So for any of you who don't really understand... This video starts out telling about the fantastic Christmas light displays of a quaint suburb, and then shifts to Villifying one man. Go back to the beginning- the fantastic Christmas displays... Bill is an Electrician... and prior to what you see in this video, was one of the most fantastic Christmas displays on the PLANET. Christmas light displays require technical talent and skill. The villan here, is the neighborhood: They didn't like all the cars driving through to see the display, so They attacked BILL. They didn't like the season's cheer... all the cars driving by during the Christmas season. They did everything they could to treat him really bad, and this is what happens when people decide to gang up on a neighbor.