How I would Fix Naruto’s Most FORGOTTEN Clan!

Published 2023-05-28
WEEB COMMANDER ►    / @theweebcommander  
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Edited with Love by: @RiddleMMD (facebook)

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Intro Music:
Yoshi Studio Music - Made In Japan
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Background Music:
Chillpeach - Hope :    • Video  

#naruto #hyuga #hinata

All Comments (21)
  • I always found it weird that the Hyuga clan were close range fighters primarily. Which is great and all, but they would make amazing snipers and I always hoped Neji would take Kidomaru’s bow because if you can see through walls from thousands of feet away you can essentially have aim bot and kill people from a distance
  • @robotdrz
    Given the level of chakra control byakugan users have, I am honestly surprised hyuga clan members were not pre-disposed to be really good at medical ninjutsu. Like consider the advantage of being able to effect chakra points in combat and muscle/tissue with a chakra scalpel like kabuto does.
  • @CraigDIGz
    Naruto beating Neji was ultimately plot armor. Not only did Naruto use 9 tails chakra, Neji thought the battle was over after repelling Naruto with Kaiten and subsequently disabling his Byakugan. But I completely agree, there are so many missed opportunities for the Byakugan. I had expected Neji to play a bigger role in Shippuuden since he was the ONLY one from the Konoha 12 to become a Jounin. This implied that he wasn't demotivated after the naruto battle but pushed further than anyone else.
  • Chakra-infused projectile weaponry seems like a respectable way of increasing a Hyuga's ranged options. I've been saying that a Hyuga archer would be horrifying to deal with as an opponent; you can't sneak up on them, and if they can infuse their arrows with Wind-Nature Chakra or Lightning-Nature Chakra, then you won't be able to take cover either... the arrows will just punch through everything on their way to you. And they can potentially do this to you from miles away, beyond the range of typical sensor-type ninja. From an offense standpoint, Hyuga archers are basically perfect for assassinations of high-priority targets. If a character isn't named Naruto, Gaara, A, Uchiha, or Otsutsuki, then they basically have no way to defend against Chakra-infused projectiles; and those are ones they notice coming, what about Wind-Nature infused arrows from five miles away? Sure, the aftermath isn't subtle... that still doesn't un-kill the target. From a defense standpoint, Hyuga are unparalleled. Just station a whole team of Hyuga archers along the outer wall of Konohagakure, and watch as serious problems within and beyond the Village wall get resolved with high-velocity pointy sticks. If someone gets past the arrows? They're still Hyuga, Gentle Fist is always going to be an option, especially for when they run out of ammo.
  • @Deity_devil
    When the hyuga where first introduced I was really interested in them and I wanted to learn more about them as the series progressed the clan has been constantly getting bullied and the only clan that matters now is the uchiha clan 💀
  • You know, something that has actually been creeping into oblivion, like the Hyuga, is the Sasuke tattoo Nick promised THE WEEB COMMANDER subscribers months ago... But we're not letting it go into oblivion. We'll revive it and remind Nick... Have a GREAT day...😂😂😂
  • @deny417
    Neji's fight with Kidomaru showed the Hyuuga's full potential too early. The main problem is that they adhere to tradition too much and don't explore anything beyond it. I'd like if Neji and Hinata truly embodied the "Aim Higher" family motto by either creating new Gentle Fist techniques and incorporating outside jutsus like you said to help mend the relationship between the branch and main family. Especially after witnessing just how powerful the Sharingan is capable of getting. Also, rather than evolving Byakugan into something else, maybe we could've seen more uses for it like how Mukai Kohinata was able to see the weak point in a jutsus and destroy it or how Kagura used hers to read minds. Maybe lock those particular abilities behind needing to infuse the Byakugan with Senjutsu chakra or something.
  • I think a Hyuga should be the first to combine the Eight Gates and the Seven Heavenly Breath Technique, because they can literally see each other’s chakra network’s and see where chakra isn’t flowing efficiently. Or they learn how to permanently open a Gate that isn’t the 8th gate.
  • @oghaze9318
    Hyuga never really needed fixing though, their potential was already broken. What they really needed was screen time (mainly some of that Uchiha plot armor)
  • @blakeeast8110
    The Hyuga clan has eternally been my favorite. But some stuff that always bothered me was why they never molded chakra natures into their techniques, why they never used Genjutsu, why aren’t there more children in the clan? Lol I’m hoping Hima gets a semi dark Deku phase and reinvents what’s possible, because you know she’s about to have been adopted by her grandpa….. but so is Kiwaki…. Which is bound to set off some red flags….
  • @flameking2178
    Honestly speaking, Neiji should have been able to create his own variation of the Eight Gates. He learned the technique from Gai so he knows how it works. Plus Gai would help modify the technique if he asked sincerely considering that he's his student too. Also, the Hyuga clan should be the most knowledgeable people in the world about how the human chalkra network works. Plus, the eight gates aren't a complete technique considering that it was created by one person who was lacking knowledge in many areas. Neiji could have even used his knowledge on chalkra networks to improve the technique and mitigate it's backlash. Would also explain why Lee is able to use it more often when he barely used it before. Finally, Hygua's have the ability to control the flow of chalkra within their tenketsu points. Neiji could have used this knowledge, worked with Gai, and created a eight gates variation specifically for Hyuga clan members using this ability. Also, while filler, we have seen eight gate variations before with the seven heavenly breathes. Lastly, we even see Sasuke imitating Lee's abilities after getting beaten by him. We could have Neiji do the same. After watching Lee using the eight gates. He admits that he would have lost in a straight up fight and then puts all his attention to learning the eight gates; creating his own variation. We could even see Lee go on a quest to perfect the eight gates adding in Neiji's improvements and adding in more improvements by seeking different experts. For example, he could seek help from a medical expert like Tsunade or Sakura who modify the technique to enhance recovery and mitigate the physical backlash. They could even create physical therapy and training methods specifically to better adapt the body for using the eight gates.
  • As a Neji fangirl and fanfiction writer, these ideas are sound. I may implement and/or modify a few for a story I'm currently working on. The Hyūga deserved much more respect and reverence than what Kishimoto gave them in Shippuden, especially since they descend from Hagoromo's twin brother Hamura. With this video, you have earned a like and a subscription. Well done.
  • Imagine if the Hyūga Clan started merging Byakugan and getting the Eternal Byakugan.
  • @gus6
    In all of Naruto ive been waiting for this exact subject to be covered. The Hyuga and Neji were my potential favorite from the beginning and the greatest potential wasted...Your upgrades translate well as what i wanted to see the whole time. Great job
  • @Skungalunga
    As you said., the framework for Hyuga is already there. It's just a matter for them to piece it together. No other power ups needed. They are already closer to Otsutsuki than any other clan. We just need Himawari to nagatoro Metal Lee.
  • @opaluni
    Actually, I think the best way to make the Hyuuga relevant is to actually acknowledge and play with the political aspects of the Naruto-verse. Lean into it fully. The Hyuuga operating in the background, but are still living with a reminder of what happened to the Uchiha clan. A powerful clan, feared yet full of vinegar. While the Hyuuga are likened to honey. Full of decorum, rules, restrictions and aristocratic facades. The Uchiha ran hot; while the Hyuuga ran cold. This clan is one of the 4 noble clans with connections and personal treaties in other lands. And they should've had a major presence or at least reputation in the capital. I've seen this written extremely well in fanfiction. Portraying this clan as a living breathing culture with the walls of Konoha. Think about it. We have a Main branch that considers itself superior and lives worth more than their brethren. Then you have the lesser branch, walking on eggshells, indoctrinated, sometimes fearful, resentful, angry and subjugated. Sacrificial lambs for the slaughter. Yet overall the Hyuuga are massively secretive and tight fisted about their lineage and bloodlines. So, Neji would've never been able to marry TenTen unless he was free; which never happened in the series. Hinata married out, because it was a political and social gain for the Hyuuga to be closer to the Hokage seat by blood. Since becoming Hokage is steeped in nepotism. The Hyuuga play chess, not checkers. Next, since Neji was literally the main focus into the clan...we should've been introduced to varying POV's. We get a sense of heavy restrictions placed on Neji from the get go. He's serving a heiress he doesn't think is worth it. He wants her to be. He wants his father's sacrifice to mean something. And we could even throw in some latent feelings he could've had from childhood that turned in resentment. Neji is cool and stern on the outside, but on the inside he wishes, hopes and burns for change. Hinata in the beginning was a little interesting; especially when it seems she was going to try to change and do what needed to be done to be a proper heiress, prove her father wrong and etc... But Hinata's lovesick devotion to Naruto eclipses all that and erases any drive she had to move forward. Hinata is just disconnected from the Hyuuga storyline. When she needed to be front and center. The odd one out, too soft and emotional yet simultaneously self loathing and indifferent. She was raised knowing about the slave branch, the mark, the Hyuuga council and all that has been whispered about her behind closed doors. Hinata...if anyone, should've never been a fool. I could see her training relentlessly, but also feeling hopeless at the prospect of trying to surpass Neji and keeping some semblance of sisterly bonds with Hanabi. Despite being second best yet needing to keep on an even level to beat her in keeping her title. Hinata should've been shown struggling to balance aristocratic behavior, internal mutiny, love sickness that was blind adoration and equal frustration for a boy that could beat the odds and still keep smiling. While she sunk deeper into uncertainty needing to keep up appearances. That would explain her anxiety and kinda icy, disassociation at times. Hinata keeps a tight lid on her true feelings. And doesn't say what she wants or means. Hinata would speak in euphemisms or in a generous way that could be taken positively or open ended. I don't see her as the type to be bold and daring without weighing the pros and cons. Also, I hate the idea of this "perfect" waifu Hinata. Show her struggling. Show her with subtle vices. Show her love for Naruto as strength but also a vice, because she knows he love ls another girl and despite that ...despite feeling inadequate and internally knowing Naruto would never look at her...she hopes, because deep down...she doesn't want to face the reality of her clan duties, her life, the privilege and pitfalls. She wants a boy to save her and Neji serves a cold reality. A daily reminder that responsibility can't be escaped. Hinata did express some selfishness when it comes to fighting to protect Naruto, because she felt she would've have a chance to express them. And it was anyone else she never would've stepped out. I think Hinata does share some Hyuuga traits in this instance. The sense of entitlement that's latent. Because he's all she ever wanted to really reach for. 🤷‍♀️ The relationship with Neji should've been pivotal, as well. Both are teaching the other something new. Or even Hinata stalking Naruto could've had her noticing Sasuke using lightning release and given her an idea. Since she uses lightning and water. This is why Sasuhina fics usually have Sasuke helping Hinata innovate her fighting style and techniques. The Hyuuga are about tradition. 🙃 Lastly, the Hyuuga could've given us awesome storylines. Imagine an entire compound full of people you rarely see. The Hyuuga males fight and are shown once in a while, but their women are under lock and key. They don't really mix with the village. And the only Hyuuga in the academy are clan heads. That's it. The entire issue of freedom was never even acknowledged or mentioned. I think fans have done a far better job at writing about the Hyuuga and portraying their capabilities in ways that Kishimoto could only dream of. 💜
  • Madara to Guy: I hereby declare you the strongest of them all! Hyūga Clan: Are we a joke to you?
  • The problem was ultimately the sharingan became the ultimate "i can do anything bullshit tool". The orignal idea was the Sharingan gives you this ability to basically track your opponent perfectly to the point you are almost reading into the future, while it was hinted early on that it is also a buff to genjutsu users. You could also use its tracking abilities to teach yourself new jutsus quickly, so lets say you never once did water dragon, you could learn water dragon in a near instant just by watching someone do the hand signs. Zabuza vs Kakashi being the coolest version of this display. Making this the Ideal tool for Ninjitsu specialists and later on Genjutsu. The Byakugan while not having any genjutsu buffs, and not having the level of foresight that the Sharingan offered, had a different approach in tracking people which in some ways was considered superior with the fact it basically gave you x ray vision so you knew where to hit your opponent perfectly. And with how it worked you also had near 360 degree vision making it so you had nearly no blind spots when fighting. The perfect tool for Tai Jutsu specialists. But Notice how Byakugan is the ultimate tool for Tai jutsu, while Sharingan covers both Ninjitsu and Genjutsu while also being pretty useful for Tai jutsu as well. That's where Byakugan became worthless in comparison. Sharingan did everything. While it lacked the x ray vision of Byakugan, the fact it did everything else made it the superior ninja tool, to than be given buff, after buff after buff.
  • @achimsinn6189
    One thing the Hyugaclan was lacking was actual screentime. So the first thing I would add is that the Hyuga members could see recognice people through their chakra network. Because of that camouflage, shapeshifting or anything of that sort is hardcountered by any Hyuga member. That would have been greatly usefull during the ninja war arc because that would mean they can identify the white zetzus who infiltrated the ninja army. And because of that there would be a good reason for Hyuga members to be around everywhere on the battlefield and to be targeted by white zetzus and by other ninjas that were resurrected by edo tensai. In terms of power levels I would add 2 things - one is a way of striking chakra points without actually hitting the opponent through a short distance chakra release - something that could be told very well as part of a strategic fight where the other guy makes a point in not getting touched by the Hyuga and then it is revealed that he didn't had to actually touch him because he knows that technique that works over a short distance. The second one is to add chakra elements to their chakra releases. This could work offensively as they could then hit somebody with a burning fist or a lightning fist or water fist and in extention to that manipulate their opponents chakra even further by for example heating up their opponents body with fire or solidifying it with stone or defensively as those releases could be added to rotation for creating a permanent ice shell with water chakra or repelling stuff further away with wind chakra. If you want to be even more creative you could add special tactics like a wind chakra tornado causes by a version of wind chakra rotation or a lion fist that additionally stuns opponents with lightning chakra. But again that all can only work if the Hyuga clan gets enogh screen time to actually show all those moves in fights.
  • @ThPrRe
    I love the idea of an upgraded byakugan. The susano like cloak sounds sick. I also love the idea of neji learning the eight gates and maximizing the range abilities of the upgraded byakugan and hinata focusing on the susano like cloak and twin lions fist sounds like a great what if. It's funny to think of neji becoming one punch man and flying through the sky. Also of them using their tenketsu points to move at high speed and make insane shots would be great sakuga.