In the Mood for Love - Shigeru Umebayashi

"The roads gleam towards you
The oceans beckon towards you
A beauty beyond the lapping waves..."

Ink Painting: Gao Xingjian

コメント (21)
  • @cut--
    I'm 57. both of my parents died from covid and strokes in the last few months. I have no children. I have no bucket list. My brother died in 2004. I have nothing left but to hang on and wait for something. I have a small garden and 2 little dogs to keep me busy. There isn't ANY music that better defines my existence.
  • Last year I worked at this coffee shop, it was warm spring evening and the place was empty, my manager was somewhere out and I took my chance. I opened all the windows and blasted this on the speakers. It was magical. Music was flowing down the streets, people living in the nearby buildings opening their windows and letting music in. People were drawn in the coffee shop, they were so happy. It was the most perfect, divine moment of my life. Edit: Wow! I couldn't imagine this would reach so many people. Thank you for all the likes and comments, it brings me the purest joy to know that so many of you experienced what I felt and that my story made you smile or brightened your day. I am very grateful and blessed, wish you all nothing but love. ♡
  • @Guts76
    It seems as if this comment section is something like the modern tree into which people whisper their secrets
  • @navneetsoni9460
    Noone: Can you mix tragedy, sorrow, pain, longingness with comfort? Umebayashi: Hold my drink.
  • 67 years old and dancing with my shadow. It doesn’t matter how I dance, good or bad, for she dances in time with me and I in time with the mood for love.
  • isn't nice how strangers just meet up here and talk generally about life with no judgment or anything. In fact, it feels like one of the purest forms of communication.
  • I'm 20, living in Serbia. My best friend was my mom we were really close. She died from cancer in june this year. She teached me to love music and cinema. I finished just now "In the mood for love". She would have loved this movie and this song. Love you mom
  • Can you, dear listeners, imagine how painful to hear this masterpiece while living in Syria ! In mood for Love, Love of the lost ones.
  • This is like dancing a forbidden dance with a stranger who loved you in another life but you have yet to meet again. It tells of a longing I do know but don't know the name of, yet I will keep dancing in the night until I find you again. Dearest stranger, I love you.
  • I'm a lonely person who cannot find any meaning in life, this music somehow tells me I'm not that lonely, I'm understood and some other person on the earth got it. It makes me smile while my eyes are tearing
  • I'm 17. I have faced loss and sadness but right now, I'm sitting at my student desk, listening to this music and finishing writing my first ever movie script. I just discovered this comment section and I honestly think it is the most fragile and beautiful place of the internet. Reading all these stories from strangers inspired me to share a piece of my own. It's people like you I want to write about and for, thank you for existing and making the world a beautiful place.
  • The movie In The Mood For Love came out when I was a young medical student in the early 2000s. I loved it so much I bought the DVD (remember them?) and played it over and over. Now I’m a middle aged doctor with all sorts of heavy responsibilities but hearing this song take me back to when I was young and more hopeful. In these 20 years I have loved and lost. I’ve despaired and have felt pain and anguish. I’ve hurt those I loved and been hurt by them as well. This song exposes all those emotions and make them raw again. But I suppose it’s better to feel something rather than nothing.....It’s strangely melancholy yet peaceful.
  • If melancholy had a sound, if longing could speak, if the shoulders you cry on had notations, if strings could hold the weight of pain, if vibrations in the air were sad one day, if the definition of hope and defeat had the same language, it would sound like this piece.
  • @maggialbiez
    I live in a small wooden house in the forrest near a waterfall. Listen to this wonderful music is like dancing in between the trees up to the fresh water ❤
  • I am 70 and listening to this music gives me calm, peace. Sending my Light and Love to all of you, especially those who feel sad.
  • "In the old days, if someone had a secret they didn't want to share... you know what they did? They went up a mountain, found a tree, carved a hole in it, and whispered the secret into the hole. Then they covered it with mud. And leave the secret there forever."
  • I'm looking outside my window to the snowy streets of Prague, my new home, and am hit hard by melancholy. Such beautiful music.
  • I lost my father at age 12. My best friend passed away when we were 19. My mom died from cancer at 59. My ex girlfriend died from a brain tumor at 35 years old. Life can sure have a certain way of testing us. Although I've lost so many loved ones, I just turned 40 years old myself. Yet, I woke up this morning and thanked God for the opportunity to tell you that you're perfect just the way you are and although times get tough and life seems unfair just know that you are loved no matter what.
  • @MM-jm8bg
    I'm 47, a single woman, having a midlife crisis, lost much during covid, and am now feeling stagnant in life. This music reminds me life can be a melancholic dance, and can be dancing only in circles, but who says it can't be beautiful? Even if it is sad and melancholic, who says life has to be all happy and all beautiful? As long as I can keep on dancing and am dancing now. Sadness and melancholy are meant to be felt and have beauty of their own, adding multiple spectra of emotions and different experiences to enrich life. Life is perhaps just a circle? We are all going back to where we came from somehow, someday; but as long as I have today and tomorrow, and my time hasn't come yet. The choice to continue dancing is mine to make.
  • Nostalgia is a Greek word. From "Nostos" (missing) and "Algos" (pain). Oh, my beautiful mother language.. and then this divine piece of music that couldn't describe better this painful feeling of missing someone or somebody.. Like the child yearning for his mother's chest, the once-beloved without his mate, the refugee tore apart from his homeland, the old lady remembering her long-gone youth, the lonely passenger standing at the bus station, the unforgiven and the unforgotten.. Again and again. In the darkest of times, remember that we, people, have more similarities than differences, no matter what conflicts our governments lead us to, we are all the same, we feel the same, same dreams, same fears, same pains, same hopes. Stay strong - keep safe learn to love and pray to be loved Greetings from Thessaloniki