Battle of the Robot Music Bands: Z Machines vs Compressorhead

In 2013, the Japanese robot band Z-Machines and the German Compressorhead robot band began performing in front of live audiences. This video shows clips of Compressorhead and Z-Machines playing music.

コメント (21)
  • @ervincool
    It's like the Japanese built the Z-Machines to sell an alcoholic beverage while the Germans built Compressorhead to truly rock out.
  • The drummer for Compressorheads is AMAZING and his little minon oh gosh.
  • @Mauntium
    Unlike Z machines, Compressorhead plays enjoyable music. They have my vote.
  • The Z-Machines are presented so well, but my god is that even music?
  • Compressorhead gets my vote. Most natural sounding of the two and the mannerisms take the cake.
  • As sson as Compressorhead's bass robot started the riff from Ace of Spades that was all she wrote. The kickass drummer sealed the deal. Sorry, Z-Machines.
  • 😂 Love the little guy holding and working the high hat with Compressorhead
  • Compressorhead wins, hands, erm, actuators down. Seems Z machines has sold out only spouts mindless drivel such as "Buy zima, put your zima up!" like a good, obedient corporate puppet while Compressorhead has metal coursing trough their hydraulic hearts.
  • Z Machines is more technically impressive, but the music is just a barely-listenable jumble, like if you tried to make a supergroup out of Rush, Dream Theater, and Dragonforce but kept all members with the exception of bassists all playing at the same time at different tempos and time sigs with their already-massive egos entirely on the loose. Compressorhead is content to just jam and are much more listenable because of it, plus the really old school, sort of basic styling on the bots themselves is really cool.
  • We are not ready for Z Machine's song, but our grandkids are probably gonna love it.
  • 10/10 idea for a new TV show, where people build robot bands to faceoff against each other.
  • @sadie9009
    I had sooo much fun back in the day working for Joseph Engelberg in the beginning of robotics in CT . We did some pretty goofy stuff with the bots..this is brilliant!
  • I really prefer the Compressorheads over Z-Machines. From what I've seen Z-Machines just produce noise and from what the video says are playing faster then humans can which is easy for robots to do and not very impressive. The Compressorheads on the other hand are playing actually recognizable songs and aren't as crazy or wild looking. To make a robot that can play like an actual human can is much more impressive in my eyes then just straight up out doing humans. I also knowtest that the Compressorheads seem to much more personality.
  • @Werkitten
    Z Machines имеет больше функций, Compressorhead менее навороченный, но тщательнее проработан, особенно по части колоритности самих роботов и их репертуару. Если выбирать у кого заказывать роботов - я бы выбрал японцев. Если выбирать на какой концерт идти - однозначно Compressorhead.
  • Man I liked the Z machines when they were true artists. back in their early days, before they started making this sell out conformist bullshit that sounds like everything going else on the radio
  • Z-machines win presentation, but that would be all, compressor heads has vastly better music, and almost seems to have given each robot a personality. Number 5 alive?