Fox News SUPPORTS Transgender Kid & Ben Shapiro LOSES IT

Published 2022-06-30

All Comments (21)
  • @CakeOnCrak
    "I'd rather have a living son then a dead daughter" is such a great quote from the mum. That, to me, is the sign of a great parent. They didn't understand what being trans was, they didnt even understand gender identity is different from sexuality, but for the sake of their sons mental and physical health, as well as his happiness, they listened, learnt and grew as a person and a family. Imagine being upset by that news story, such a disgusting, sad life Ben Shabibo and the others like him must lead.
  • Fox News: [Basic act of human decency by covering a human interest story about trans teenager] Matt Walsh & Ben Shapiro: "...And I took that personally."
  • @tris5602
    It's disheartening that people are so comfortable stepping over the bodies of dead children for the sake of their "deeply held beliefs". "I'd rather have a living son, than a dead daughter," is such a powerful statement because that's what's at stake. That's the choice that parents should be worrying over, not "What will the neighbors think?"
  • @NotLaura-Baka22
    Calling cutting your child's hair or growing it out and putting them in clothes that are different from expected norms CHILD ABUSE is so disrespectful to child that actually suffer or have suffered from child abuse that makes me so mad 😠
  • @WiFi-qj5kr
    Ben keeps trying so hard like "oh well these facts are incorrect and it's propaganda!" But he's providing nothing to back up his claims. I swear for as long as I live I will never understand that guy.
  • @thefloorist5169
    parents seeing their children are miserable because they have gender dysphoria their child expressing that they're gender don't align with their sex the parents doing research about it to help their kid out the best they can deciding that social transitioning is the first right step to take, so they change name, pronouns and clothing and will see later what the kid wants when they grow older Ben Shapiro: ThAtS cHiLd AbUsE 😢😭
  • @skycarson1987
    I've had many young people who were LGBTQ+ come into my life. My husband and I have had the privilege to foster many young people, and many of our fosters came to us because their parents refused to accept them for who they really were. The emotional harm that it did to these young people was heartbreaking. It is hard enough for a young person to figure life out, figure themselves out, and figure the world out without us making it even harder by telling them, "No, you are wrong about that" about something so deeply personal as their gender. Most of our fosters stay in touch, one asked to be adopted after he became an adult because he wanted to be legally our son. He is trans-male, and of course, we agreed. The reason I love my kids be they birth children, foster children, or adopted children - has nothing to do with their gender. Their gender, and being allowed to freely express it, is important to them. What is important to me? That they are my child, I love them with my whole heart, and that they are happy and healthy, and having to live a lie or in self-denial is NOT healthy for anyone. The Ben Shapiros of this world is why so many of those foster children who entered our lives were in such dark, horrible mental places. If compassion and acceptance are 'lunacy', then I guess I'm a lunatic.
  • "Before she could speak". If a child cannot speak and is being forced to wear something she or he does not wish to wear, they will let you know. I grew up in the 50s and 60s. Samantha, you are an exceptionally intelligent and beautiful young Lady. You speak with the language of your generation. William Osler said it wisely, "The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism." Conservatives will cling to their ignorance for as long as possible despite all evidence and truth in front of them. I pray that one day soon all humanity will embrace and love each other for who we are and not some insane notion of how we are supposed to be that is not based in our basic and universal humanity. Bravo to your Channel and your Voice, beautiful Woman.
  • @lizgraces
    Fun fact: there are actually a lot of people (surprise, almost all conservatives) who get all riled up bc diabetics are using insulin. Apparently we chose our genetic condition and the insulin saving me is somehow ruining my body? Science is not their forte 😅
  • The mother said she'd rather have a living son than a dead daughter and I hope others can see like how she does 🖤
  • When I was itty bitty, before realising I was cisn't, the image around me was built that I am supposed to be everything pink and girly and smart. There wasnt a box I didnt see, and I assimilated to these ideas until I realised I was miserable. Due to this assimilation, I will most likely never be accepted by half of my family because I went from hyperfemme to "tomboy", but hey, now that I'm not trying to check every box that I was born into (Thanks, rude half of the family for being so forceful of your ideas) Im now a confident man that's never felt quite so happy! If Shapiro thinks I'm a woman, he can wear the frilly dresses and try to feel comfortable w people calling him she/her pronouns <3
  • @lunar_ghostie91
    Huge news site supporting trans people and Ben Shapiro having a mental breakdown? Such a breath of fresh air after the emotional truck of news that rammed into me
  • @granthallee1953
    Truly incredible about how Ben says that there is no evidence that transitition helps after he just got done complaining about how Fox News included that evidence in the segment
  • What I don’t get… is how Fox News even managed to talk about trans people so neutrally. Like- genuinely over here like Fox buddy are you feelin’ okay?
  • I love how Matt Walsh never says he won’t go back on Fox News, because we all know he’ll go back on in a heartbeat if they ask him even though they’ve betrayed the conservatives with the pro trans segment
  • @jaxon3365
    I was just two when I started to show the same signs as Ryland (saying "I'm a boy!" and only boy's clothes/toys). By five, I was saying I wish I could die because I "wished I could be a boy". At that age, when my parents looked it up, they found Ryland. Fortunately, that was what they needed to understand me a bit better. But it was a hard time. Ryland was just a little kid, doing some big stuff, and he got a lot of hate. But he was young enough to hopefully not see any of it. Ryland still is young, and with this new video out, I really hope he's doing okay. He's old enough where he sees what is being said, and he's on the worst social media for that, TikTok, though he just is interacting with close friends on there. I'm not saying his parents forced him to do this, nor am I saying it was a bad idea, but it's one of the worst times, this is really scary to me and I really hope he's good.
  • If baking a cake for gay people is a crime against god woudn't driving someone to suicide which is murder breaking the commandement of thou shall not kill?
  • @sevans8784
    A happy and healthy kid with parents who care about his wellbeing THE L U N A C Y
  • I’m so thankful for Ryland’s story. It gave 12 year old me the words to communicate my gender identity. I’m glad the fox audience is getting to see a healthy and thriving trans kid and his loving and accepting family. While I have some criticism of this interview and others like it, it’s still a win.
  • 'I would rather have an alive son than a dead daughter' is something I would have never ever imagined would be on fox news. I don't know whether to be grateful that there is actual sense on that channel for once or suspicious of how they are going to capitalize on it. This is weirder than Boris Johnson calling out toxic masculinity.