Why The Sea Salt Trio Succeeds Where Other Characters Fail | Kingdom Hearts Analysis

Published 2021-07-15
The sea salt trio probably has some of the best writing in the Kingdom Hearts series from 358/2 Days to Kingdom Hearts 3 and here's why!

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All Comments (17)
  • @Thedude38356
    I agree with this entire video. Sea Salt Trio forever!
  • I really love the Sea Salt trio. Partly because Days was my first game and thus they are a bit special to me. I am not sure that I would say they are the best trio or the best writing. But only because the characters are the best part of KH and they honestly do a great job with almost all of them. Even the characters I dislike are written well. The only character that might be written badly is Kairi and even then it might not be that she is badly written and just that we are trying to put her in the love interest stereotype and that might not be where her character is headed. Still one character out of a cast as big as KH just proves that KH is great at characters. That said I do have to agree that the Sea Salt trio is likely the best friendship group of the three main trios. However that's because it's a friendship and the others are not really. The Sea Salt trio we see become friends and that is all they are meant to be. It's a simple and clean friendship. Which seeing as two of their number are a little over a year old is perfect for them at this time. The Wayfinder trio on the other hand are not friends they are adopted siblings, and siblings are not often best friends and it shows in their game. All their arguments are of siblings who love each other but haven't had time to adjust to having one of their number being put in a leadership role. As someone with a lot of siblings I actually fins the Wayfinder trio to be the most believable of the trios. The love, fights, and motivations of all three are very easy to see and understand as real and honestly how I have seen and acted when put in similar places with my own siblings. The Destiny trio on the other hand are two childhood friends with another friend they added to the group later who are in the middle of a love triangle. Love triangles are messy and often force friendships apart because it often hurts all the people in and around it. And because none of them are really talking about it, because they haven't had time, Riku is actively trying to remove himself, Sora doesn't know his own feelings, and Kairi is pushing when she shouldn't yet. All of these has lead to all the pain of the love triangle to fester and hurt the friendship that they had in the years between BBS and KH1. And honestly I would not be surprised if they never return to being best friends like they where before crushes got in the way. Which is honestly fine. Sometimes you just grow out of friendships and seeing as one of the main themes is relationships to other characters I would expect one of the friendships to do something like that. And the Destiny trio seems to be the one moving that way. I am not saying they will not always be friends, I am just saying it is unlikely that they will return to being best friends because of the pressure the love triangle has had on their friendship. It isn't anyones fault it just happens and having a story talking about it is likely a good thing. So yeah, the other trios are just as believable as the Sea Salt in my opinion. It's just that they are showing different kinds of friendships. Which is honestly a good thing seeing as they are different characters with different parts of the theme of friendship to show.
  • The sea salt trio feels like a tragic friendship that was never meant to work out not saying they didn't care about each other but axel had to learn how to be cruel and became a liar and manipulator to survive the org and that ended up seeping into their friendship in the worst ways possible add that with how fucked xion and roxas's situations are and you get this friendship that ended up imploded on itself basically their enviroment and circumstances along with bad habits they had learned is what ruined them and that's kind of why i like it though it isn't a perfectly wholesome friendship and it's messy and complicated
  • I love the Sea Salt trio! They will always be my favorite, and I think the show-don't-tell nature of their friendship is absolutely the strongest of the trios so far. I wish the Destiny and Wayfinder trios got more time to hang out and establish their friendship in more quiet ways than a, "Hey, we will always be friends forever, and it's fantastic, and here are a couple of emotional lines/scenes that we will call back to later for that oomph in the feels." Don't get me wrong, some of the Sea Salt trio's bonding moments also feel somewhat clunky and forced, but we so much more time with them plus some scenes that work absolutely fantastic that it doesn't feel like as glaring of an issue.
  • @samflood5631
    In my personal opinion, I like the relationship between Lea/Axel and Isa/Saix. Mainly because they're polar opposites. Lea/Axel is hot headed, funny and positive while Isa/Saix is calm, mellow and sometimes negative. Their color themes also make up the polar opposite dynamic with Lea/Axel being red which brings out his fiery and hot headed attitude and Isa/Saix being blue which shows his mellow and calm personality. During Kingdom Hearts 3, Lea also had another goal aside from trying to reunite with Roxas and Xion. He also wants to bring Isa back to his senses as he's with the true Organization XIII while Lea fights for the seven Guardians of Light.
  • @obiwan8934
    358/2 days is surprisingly the least confusing game/ movie of kingdom hearts
  • days is my intro to kh. back then, i was just as confused as roxas bc i didnt know who sora and riku were lmao hecc i remember being super surprised when i saw aladdin lmfao
  • @jaden149
    the days trio will always be my favorite days was the first ever game to make me feel something other then this is fun or this is bad so the days trio is very special to me no other trio can match them for me days it a game that still hits me even when i know whats coming i love the game and its sad ending i would really love to have a new KH game with the days trio being the main characters
  • @SA-lb2xr
    my Favorite trio! roxas, axel and xion for the win!😍😍😍💖💖💖💖⭐⭐
  • @omegahaxors3306
    The entire story of Days is so well-written and devoid of Nemora-isms that I refuse to believe he didn't just give a prompt and have an intern or developer write it for him. Xion especially feels like a character that the developers would have added on their own without permission and Nemora would have later had to work into the story.
  • @bashbro1able
    Personally, I have a lot of issues with the Sea Salt trio. I find that they don't have much of any chemistry. Yes, we do see them interact and just talk more than some of the other trios, but rarely do their conversations actually build chemistry or make them seem like anything more than coworkers who like to eat ice cream together. All they ever talk about, for the most part, is the meaning of their own existences. It's the equivalent to coworkers talking about work after their shift while smoking cigarettes. And the game paints this as some unbreakable, deep bond. I would've liked to see more teasing and playfulness from the three to get a sense of camaraderie. I never felt like the three were ever really too comfortable with each other. The idea of what the sea salt trio is SUPPOSED to be is nice, but I don't think the execution of it lined up. Their conversations and interactions were, imo, pretty boring. My other issue is the distrust they all seem to have towards each other. Axel is constantly hiding and misinforming things throughout the entire game and Xion kept them in the dark as well whenever she decided to run off to look into how she came to be. It seemed she'd rather confide in Riku or Namine about her issues than her supposed best friends. I'm not saying it wasn't understandable in both cases, but it does take away from the friendship factor for me personally. One thing you can say about the other trios is that they were never quite as dishonest towards each other. They had problems and did things some of the others may not have liked, but they did it from a place of doing what they thought was right. In comparison, I think the Destiny and Trinity trio have the best chemistry among the characters. It's easy to forget since most of it is established in the earlier games and it isn't as touched on in the more recent titles, but the chemistry between Sora, Riku, and Kairi felt so much more natural imo. They teased each other, played games and raced, and it FELT like they had been friends for a long time prior to the start of KH1. And it still managed to establish and foreshadow seeds of jealousy between Sora and Riku, and romantic affection between Sora and Kairi - staying relevant to the plot without hammering it down our throats as well. I think Sora, Donald, and Goofy are underrated as a trio as well. It may not be as "deep" and emotionally driven as some of the others, but they have way more chemistry than all of them put together and they feel like actual friends. The Wayfinder trio don't really feel like friends or have that much chemistry to me either, but they do have more of a familial bond I think the others don't have.