New OSHA federal regulations aimed at reducing heat related injuries

Published 2024-07-03

All Comments (21)
  • @groovytunes2
    Watch the cost for doing all the same work go up. Nothing is Free.
  • OSHA already beat him to it. Unless my 30 and 60 hour instructors lied to me and not Joe Biden. 😏
  • Was a roofer for over 25 years. It’s easy drink water. To be honest you dehydrate faster in cold weather. So slowing work down= higher prices. Another form of inflation for outside work.
  • Ok we are worried about our workers that awesome!! But yet you tuning off power to the people in a r stream heat wave. I’m confused
  • @ypcomchic
    Wonder why there’s no AC requirement in California housing.
  • @susanbildner
    Desantis just passed a bill saying outdoor workers are not allowed to use any kind of shade implementation is umbrellas or canopies to protect from sun and heat. That is the most rediculous thing I ever heard of. That means the only protection is to work nights for coolness and job effectiveness.but if you farm you don't have that choice. It should be up to the companies and OSHA. Am I wrong?
  • @ypcomchic
    Doesn’t matter when the next ten days are going to be over 110 degrees. I feel sorry for all the postal workers.
  • This isn't going to change anything but get people fired when that Foreman is already behind & people are wanting their 15 minutes cool off break
  • You mean I have to give my workers water and breaks; what’s this world coming to.😂
  • @ronniel.7014
    I am fairly sure these workers are provided a overhead tarp area with iced water,right?
  • Well, when it gets really hot out , I actually give my workers a 15-minute break about every hour and eliminate the lunch break
  • @135john135
    Osha dont care about truck drivers though try sleeping in a truck you can run for AC in califonia new jersey new york for 10 hrs. Its over a 100 degrees in the cab 10 minutes after you shut down. How many fatal crashes does that cuase when the driver gets almost no sleep and heat stroke. Hey its your family out there with those poor truck drivers so when you see that big truck weaving on the road this summer now you know. Ps they are on the job 14 hrs a day most dont get home for 30 days at a time, no over time no holiday pay. But you get all the disrespect you can handle for free!
  • @jsaz1
    STOP with new laws and regulations. There are WAY too many as it is...this is a common sense thing.
  • Terrible news. The last thing we need are more government regulations. There are already too many.