Stop WASTING your CHARIOTS! - Total War Tactics: Warhammer 3

Published 2022-06-24
Chariots! A powerful tool in Total War Warhammer 3 when used correctly. Here, I shall show you how to use your chariots properly, and mow down everyone! Chariot Tactics are simple but effective.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Master-Wanderer
    How am I supposed to do all this when I'm too busy zoomed right in watching all the cool units fight each other???
  • @EkstraBjarne
    "You could bring 2 or 3 if you think you can manage. Otherwise 1 is enough" Slaanesh disciples: Here's an army with 12 chariots
  • @_Morph1ne_
    chariots always felt unbalanced to me. Either they get stuck on one goblin, or blast through 5 units of braced halberdiers. I think CA oversimplified mass calculations, and made everything too similar. They also don’t lose any speed on contact which makes using them feel almost… fake
  • Collision between the models deals damage, same reason some vortexes are very strong. EDIT only single chariot that i found was strong was settra the Imperishable, Khemrikhara, The Great King of Nehekhara, King of Kings, Opener of the Way, Wielder of the Divine Flame, Punisher of Nomads, The Great Unifier,...
  • My problem with them is the unit sticky-ness. You charge them in the prefect spot but they struggle to get through for some strange reason. Same with cycle charging for cav.
  • @antitroller101
    I recall in Rome TW2 instead of a attack order I just issue a move order throughout a engaged enemy battle line. 300+ kills for the chariot unit. Good times :3
  • I always thought comboing a chariot with cav/ dogs is really strong. You scatter the unit with a chariot and follow up with cav. The spread out unit has a massive area of contact and every cav model can attack. Also that way you can tie up archer units so they cant crossfire. Just take care to not pull through your own cav, i thought only slanesh could cause that kind of pain.
  • @excursor4296
    3:50 This is why I want a co-commander/spectator mode in this game. It is so much fun giving command of a micro intensive unit to someone else as it then feels like a true battle. There're even great tools to tell another person what you want with the three default lines. I was co-commanding a Setra army and as I dealt with the front line the person playing Setra used Setra on a chariot along with other chariot units and had a blast.
  • @Charlie_Echo
    Good point about them being micro-intensive. I'd be super grateful for some videos showing army builds of different levels of micro intensity - so I can start with the easier ones and graduate to the higher ones as I get better. At the moment I don't really know what sort of units require more micro than others.
  • @HiroProtaganist
    I suck so hard at chariots and calv. Thanks for this. Maybe one day I'll actually finish a Brettonia campaign. But probably not.
  • @yumisynthia942
    Does anyone else think that these high mass, small unit count entities have too much ability to run through infantry lines and gun it straight for your missile line? I've noticed that, unlike in Warhammer 2, monsters, cavalry and chariots ALL just somehow make it through any infantry line like they're wading through ankle-high water and can never get pinned down. (ex. Dragon Guard, Slayers, Gnoblars, etc.) Most enemy armies have A LOT of these units and the only counter to these high mass units are other high mass units. But some factions don't really have that many great options OR some players just don't really want to field that many cav units in their armies. I don't know. I just feel that mass of these units are overtuned. I'm glad that CA is supposedly fixing the AI targeting the back line every time for version 1.3, but I feel that CA should also make it so spears/halberds have a bit more stopping power for monsters and cavalry and NOT just get tossed around like paper dolls with every charge they take. Thoughts? Edit: Oh, and of course, this somehow only pertains to when the AI uses cavalry, monsters and chariots. When the player uses these units however, every unit just gets stuck like glue on like one model which somehow keeps the entire unit pinned down unless you focus on them for a while to right-click move them until they're finally out.
  • @MathieuH96
    I think you forgot to mention to use the attack order when your chariot are charging from unit to unit to keep their charge animation going. Most of the time when you tell a chariot to go through a unit and it get stuck, it's hard to make it move but if you use the attack order on another unit the chariot tend to start its charge animation or go through the unit easier.
  • @zanerussell4521
    I wish chariots had an auto mode kinda like skirmishing units, you tell them to attack a unit and it will charge, stay for a second or two, then pullout and repeat
  • @InternetHydra
    I once befriended a tomb king as dwarfs and got some chariots. It was fantastic. I'd set up shield lines around a cluster of ranged units, set all on guard, and then spend the entire battle microing the chariots to great effect and occasionally check in on the dwarfs to make sure the ranged units were facing something to shoot. Keep some cannons with FaW off in case the enemy has giant flying monsters. I ended up doing less micro this way then with regular army builds and could beat anything.
  • @Olav_Hansen
    You didn't mention how a downhill charge can result in instakills as result of fall damage. I think it's even possible to kill a footlord that way.
  • @jamieict
    5:56 They should add this to the Winter Olympics I've no idea what the purpose of it would be, but it looks well fun
  • @Charnelex
    Man, I really appreciate you. You're one of my favorites. Quality work, great explanations, silky smooth voice. I've always been wary of chariots, but I'll give them another shot now.
  • @sirgaz8699
    Back in WH2 when I used to play I loved the Gorebeast chariots, I have 3 of them, plus knight lances and a metal wizard as my support. Between Chaos lances and plague of rust you could clean up anything sent to intercept your chariots and Chaos Chosen being so simple I could just chuck them in and micro the chariots all I wanted.
  • @Jesse_JamesVI
    This channel is literally the best one for total war. I learned a lot more than any other channel that i watched. You're the best bro, keep up!
  • @dhabu9017
    Great video; I've been one of those "just leave em in for a few seconds" sub-optimal players for a long time. Looking forward to trying it right in my next campaign :)