Orla the baby who speaks in a Scouse accent BBC Breakfast 29/06/2024

Published 2024-06-29

All Comments (21)
  • 'How do you know when the baby is a Scouser? When they can't even talk.' 0:42 Jesus lmao
  • @Amtcboy
    Sitter looks more like the mother than the mother.
  • @travelwell6049
    I don’t understand. Wouldn’t children always speak with their own accent.
  • @TheSiobhan12
    20 months old she is hearing her Scouse accent 24/7!!! Why are people surprised. 😑
  • @merryhunt9153
    That's delightful, but so natural. Of course she imitates the speech of her family. 2. Did you know that newborn babies recognize the speech (or similar speech) they heard in the womb? For example, Italian newborns accept Italian and Spanish, but they can tell German is unfamiliar.
  • @robinhoward8810
    If you go down town on a Saturday night you'll hear lots of wobbly heads in the alehouses speaking exactly like this.
  • @sibarra4583
    I think its Amazing because for most kids who are still in the Babbling Stage... its a Universal Babbble with No Distinctions.
  • @joe1205
    Phil McCann, that was the guy that reported during the petrol crisis 😂
  • Aww very cute. Lighten up guys, I thought this was going to be a baby from elsewhere too but I think it’s about how funny and young they are to have that Scouser dialect! Baby can’t even talk but makes baby sounds with the scouser accent. Cute, It was a lockdown story too?!
  • @Rachael121
    Some very triggered nasties commenting on a video involving a baby. Some people are just vile!!!
  • @susandevine4356
    So baby from Liverpool has a Liverpool accent and this is news, You might want to run a report on me I was born in London and Surprise surprise, I had a London accent
  • @violetSoupy
    i wouldnt call it newsworthy but its very cute!
  • @coconut2184
    That baby ate her up without even being coherent
  • @EvelineUK
    No, this isn't all important news, but it put a smile on a lot of people's faces, and let's be honest, that's quite rare these days that so many people agree on something being funny and cute.
  • @lumailisa
    Children first hear language as music. That adorable baby is singing back that song to her mum. It's beautiful ❤
  • @shune84
    A baby born in liverpool with scouse parents learns to talk and sounds scouse, these news headlines are getting a bit too riveting aren't they?
  • I had a thick Boston accent as a baby and young child. It wore off eventually but as an adult a word or two will sometimes come out. Im Canadian and never been to Boston in my life 😂
  • @MrMusicbyMartin
    A child who has engaged with mum rather than the phone and TV.
  • @v4nno
    It’s content like this that proves I made the right choice not to buy a TV licence. Seven years and counting 😊
  • @rumourhats
    Liverpool women has a scouse baby. In other news, man with brown hair, has a kid with brown hair.