"Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality" - My conversation with Helen Joyce

Here is my conversation with Helen J on 'The Poetry of Reality', tackling the influence of gender ideology on society, the ideological lens, and its implications for scientific facts.
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コメント (21)
  • I’ve been politically left all my life but for the past few years I’ve really struggled with some trans issues and the idea that trans men can just declare themselves women and I worry about kids doing irreversible damage to their bodies instead of loving themselves the way they are. It’s too bad that you two are considered “brave” to speak such common sense! Am glad to find others who feel the way I do. Thank you for this vlog.
  • @sarasamson5922
    Listening makes me feel like grown-ups have entered the room. Thanks for the sanity, rationality, and respectful dialog.
  • As a gay man I find it concerning that, as was said in the interview, young kids who could potentially live a healthy homosexual life in the future are manipulated to become a cartoonish mimicry of the most regressive opinions on male and female social representations. There is some unconscious homophobia in the roots of an ideology that forces sexual travesty before sexuality itself could blossom. Thanks for this interview. It was quite interesting and so good to hear a balanced and moderate speech on the matter.
  • @brandiallen7979
    being a tomboy in rural Texas in the 80's, my parents would have absolutely thought of transitioning me, were they given an option to fix their gender non conforming girl. They were so horrified at the thought that I might be gay, they pushed more barbies and more dresses, beauty pageants...I would cut my hair, take off dresses and sit naked in a room until I was allowed to wear pants. Guess what? I am straight, straight as the day is long. I am just a bit butch, and I like comfortable shoes. My husband was a bit feminine, didnt like sports, preferred girls to boys as friends, musical artistic...very straight. We have been happily married for 20 years. I think the thing we miss is, how absolutely shitty being a girl is. Periods, puberty, boobs, the male gaze upon you, society, all of it. That is why I hated girly things, girls had to stay in doors, be quiet, wear uncomfortable clothes. Boys could be loud, stay outside, run around...I just saw the boys had more freedom. If as a 5 year old someone asked me if I wanted to be a boy, i would have said YES!. Part of being an adult is the horror of working it out and finding out how to live in your body. No one tells kids anymore, all these gross feeling you are having, are normal, they will come and go, that most of this stuff you will grow out of.I feel so bad for kids now.
  • @OsakaJoe01
    "Male and female aren't prizes for effort." This woman is brilliant. 😆
  • @saga-pt9nd
    I was born in Iran. I have been living in Canada for 20 years now. In Iran, you are pressured into buying into religious nonsense and speaking out against it gets you in trouble. That is precisely why I left Iran. Now in Canada, if I say what my opinion is about religion (that it is nonsense) or what my opinion is about the woke culture (that it is nonsense), I also get in trouble. It is even worse for people like me to experience this kind of stuff in a western society after coming here to escape them in our home country. It is utterly sad to see a large group of people lose their minds and for the insane to take over. Thank you both for spreading common sense.
  • @saeedTHEgreat
    What a beautiful interview. I wish there was a "science party" in America to vote for.
  • @farcenter
    I grew up in a liberal family in the north east. None of them support what's going on with trans ideology. This is also true of my peer group which is all left leaning. The ideas around trans women in sports and under age surgery for minors are not popular here on the left outside of activists. It's just you wouldn't know this if you only watched the mainstream media. Our voices are not amplified, and most are too afraid to speak out as one risks their job in a very real way. It's really alarming how fast the narrative shifted and how most people go along with the punishments for those that speak out or disagree, even though many and even most actually themselves disagree.
  • @SheidaRad
    Thank you Dr. Dawkins for this amazing interview. I absolutely appreciated your guest and her points and agree with you. Lots of respect to you both. ❤
  • @johnnyf4r
    An absolute amazing brilliant Woman. Breath of fresh air hearing two highly intelligent people speak the truth. This woman is a living hero.
  • Dawkins has always been the textbook definition of "gentleman and scholar". His unwavering commitment to science and truth is needed more now than ever.
  • @jameschen2168
    From Monty Python “The Life of Brian”: FRANCIS: Why are you always on about women, Stan? STAN: I want to be one. REG: What? STAN: I want to be a woman. From now on, I want you all to call me 'Loretta'. REG: What?! LORETTA: It's my right as a man. JUDITH: Well, why do you want to be Loretta, Stan? LORETTA: I want to have babies. REG: You want to have babies?! LORETTA: It's every man's right to have babies if he wants them. REG: But... you can't have babies. LORETTA: Don't you oppress me. REG: I'm not oppressing you, Stan. You haven't got a womb! Where's the foetus going to gestate?! You going to keep it in a box?! LORETTA: crying JUDITH: Here! I-- I've got an idea. Suppose you agree that he can't actually have babies, not having a womb, which is nobody's fault, not even the Romans', but that he can have the right to have babies. FRANCIS: Good idea, Judith. We shall fight the oppressors for your right to have babies, brother. Sister. Sorry. REG: What's the point? FRANCIS: What? REG: What's the point of fighting for his right to have babies when he can't have babies?! FRANCIS: It is symbolic of our struggle against oppression. REG: Symbolic of his struggle against reality. ………… The movie is from 1979. This goes on for some time now.
  • @richardsilver98
    Such a mature, cogent, and genuine conversation. Thank you for sharing it with us.
  • "Male and female aren't prizes for effort" best quote of the interview.
  • @martinda7446
    Richard Dawkins said these women were brave to speak out. Prof, so are you. I knew you wouldn't consider keeping quiet seeing such a perversion of science and language. Everybody needs to be brave now.
  • "Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality" and how thoroughly does Helen represent reality. I loved this conversation. Her beautifully rational, intelligent and absolutely correct arguments are so so needed in these times. thank you.
  • For the first time in my relationships with my grown up, intelligent children I am being seen as a bigot and the irony is that neither of them are trans, I feel so pressured to not even voice my own view for fear it will cause a division in my family and I feel very angry that biology is now on a back burner and is being used to judge my intent and my very personality, I fear it's going to get much worse before it gets better, Great discussion here which I very much enjoyed, thank you.
  • @xalspaero
    the trans thing has gotten way out of hand. I can get behind gender dysphoria, or the desire to change one's sex, and even surgeries to do so (although today they are experimental at best); that's all fine. what's not fine is someone thinking that the mere declaration "I am a woman" (or vice versa) trumps the underlying biological reality to the contrary, and then having the audacity to call you a bigot for disagreeing. and this just scratches the surface of all the things wrong with this bizarre ideology.
  • @MegaGEZZZ
    This interview should be shown in schools.