How to Witness to Jehovah’s Witnesses | They CANNOT Refute These 2 Verses!

Published 2022-08-08

All Comments (21)
  • Even easier, Isaiah 43 : 11 I—I am Jehovah, and besides me there is no savior. 2 Peter 1 :11 In fact, in this way you will be richly granted entrance into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus being Lord and Savior is repeated in every chapter of 2 Peter. There is no excuse.
  • Thank you so much for this teaching. I have a next door neighbour who is JW. He is elderly and physically disabled. I go over and help him with his yard and pick up some odds and ends for him. Help with little things around his house, Take out his garbage. This type of thing. He is always trying to witness to me and I am subtly witnessing back. I have told him he will never convert me. I have also told him to stop or I won't be able to continue helping him. He still tries to find a crack to put in his scriptures. So I decided to come up with a full project full of scriptures and explanations for him. This video is very helpful. I will be adding the scriptures you mentioned to my research paper. Thank you brother and God Bless you and your family. in Jesus mighty name I pray.
  • Great video. I used to be a JW. Reading the book of Hebrews helped wake me up. Heb. 1:5 shows Jesus is not an angel. I was shocked when I read that. Also, the scripture you mentioned in Rev 2:8 proved to me that Jesus is God. Thank you for your work!
  • I have a list of questions saved that I used when JW's would come knocking on my door. They never are able to answer the questions and say they will get back to me, but they never did. I think they blocked my address from their door knocking list because they have not knocked on my door in a few years. Great video!!!
  • @everlybnb2409
    Great video! Thanks so much. All your videos are very refreshing, like breathing in some clean air or drinking some ice cool water. The truth is so refreshing and I so appreciate you taking the time to elucidate and share it. It encourages others to keep going like coffee gets you started in the morning. Thanks for your consistent work!
  • @billyback1038
    I've talked to a few Jehovah's witnesses. Most, if not all, don't read their bible at all. They read and study the watchtower.
  • @everlybnb2409
    Awesome tips! I will have to use them! Some other passages I have used that translate through their version of the “bible” is when Jesus names Himself the LORD of the Sabbath here “ Matthew 12:1–8, Mark 2:23–28 and Luke 6:1–5” You can ask them, does God allow an angel to be LORD of His 10 commandments above Himself? Another verse I have used is Matthew 3:3 or 11:10 where it says John is the one who was referred to in Isaiah as the one who prepares the way for the LORD. If you go to Isaiah 40:3, the verse they reference, the verse says “ 3 A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way(G) for the Lord[a]; make straight(H) in the desert a highway for our God.[b](I)” So is John making the path for God? Is Jesus God? There are also passages where the disciple’s worshipped Jesus and He did not reprimand them for it but when angels in Revelation were worshipped (even as a way of honoring only which they claim said worship is) John was instantly reprimanded by the angel Yes they won’t read anything but their “bible”. I have had Jehovahs Witnesses run from my house saying something like get behind me Satan! Lol. They can reason their way out of Jesus’ name being the first and the last by saying well, Jesus said He came in His Father’s name. Here is a segment from about Jesus being worshipped vs angels. Just after Jesus amazed the disciples by walking on water, “those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, ‘Truly you are the Son of God’” (Matthew 14:33). Two more memorable examples of Jesus accepting worship occurred just after His resurrection. Some of the women (Matthew 28:8-9; Mark 16:1; Luke 24:10) were on their way to tell the disciples of the resurrection when Jesus met them on their way. When they realized it was He, they “came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him” (Matthew 28:9). Then there is the case of Thomas, who didn’t believe Jesus had risen from the dead despite the other disciples’ testifying to that fact. It had been about a week since the resurrection, and Thomas still doubted it. Jesus, knowing Thomas doubted, appeared to him and showed him the nail marks in His hands and feet and the wound in His side. How did Thomas respond? “Thomas said to him, ‘My Lord and my God!’” (John 20:28). In none of these instances do we see Jesus telling those worshiping Him to stop, as did mere men and even angels who were being worshiped wrongly by others (Acts 10:25–26; Revelation 19:9–10).
  • Thank you. May God richly bless you and everybody by his salvation in Jesus Christ🙏🌾🕊🏝🌹
  • @IAmisMaster
    Jude verse 9 also implies the Devil is either equal or greater in rank than Michael.
  • I recently talked with 2 JWs. I showed them where Jesus says He is the First and the Last. I showed them how God says the same thing in Isaiah. They told me that Christ means the first from the resurrected from the Father (like the verses which say that Christ is the firstfruits of the dead) and the last from the resurrected from the Father cuz from now on Jesus is going to resurrect all believers. Ridiculous explanations. They struggled to give me a normal answer on Acts 5:3 too. I asked them "how do you lie to a power?" (Cuz they believe the Holy Spirit is not a person but a power). They tried to tell me that this just means lying to Jehovah, but the problem is that the verse doesnt say they lied Jehovah but the Holy Spirit. All the verses in which the Holy Spirit is referred as He and personal characteristics are clearly seen are a big weakness to their heresies.
  • I had a great conversation with a husband and wife. I told them I want to use the NWT and took them to Isaiah 43:10. YOU are my witnesses,' is the utterance of Jehovah, 'even my servant whom I have chosen, in order that YOU may know and have faith in me, and that YOU may understand that I am the same One. Before me there was no God formed, and after me there continued to be none. then I took them to John 1:1 in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was a God. I told them the problem is I'm monotheistic but they are apparently polytheists. We talked for about 20 minutes but after I said that, they couldn't get away fast enough. I told them to read their version but cross reference the lexicon. Acts 20:28 is also great. I just need to know how to keep the conversation going after we reach those difficult verses for them.
  • I once did a bunch of research to prove things to jehovahs witness. Wish I could find it again bc you would be surprised how much is in their translation.
  • @Brother_Dean
    I tried this with some JWs at a college campus and showed them Rev 2:8 and they used Colossians 1:15 saying when Jesus said He was the First and Last He was referring to being the first born of all creation. They also used Rev 3:14. I did not know how to refute them. Any suggestions?
  • Jesus was killed for claiming to be the Son of God. Why didn’t Jesus just say “actually, I am just an Angel”.