Geisha vs Oiran: What's the Difference? 花魁と芸者の違い

If you're looking for Japanese culture, Asakusa in Tokyo is the top spot. On this day, John visits the Yoshiwara for the Oiran Dochu, a parade re-enacted annually to preserve the old traditions of the neighborhood. The event is attracting more visitors and it's time to explain exactly what you're seeing!

Geisha vs Oiran: What's the difference?
I ask Grigoris Miliaresis, a journalist living and studying Asakusa and historical Japanese culture.
The faces may be white, but the wig, hair ornaments, kimono, colors, even feet are totally different!

How much was a night with an oiran?
According to Grigoris, it cost 1 year's salary for a normal worker!
The Orian were not your usual prostitutes in the western sense.
* Oiran choose their clients
* Oiran met 3 times with a new client before anything “romantic” occurred.
* The were as talented as geisha in the arts and, because they had extravagant dress and style, Oiran were like the movie stars, the pin up girls for men.

Does this make them better than geisha?

The Oiran Dochu is held on the first Saturday in April every year.
Google Map:

The main stage is a 5 to 10 minute walk north of Sensoji Temple.

URL: Grigoris Miliaresis, Journalist and Writer about Asakusa and Shitamachi, Japanese History and Culture
Oiran Dochu Procession in Asakusa / Yoshiwara:… (Japanese Only)
Special Thanks to Yoko Okita (sensei), the Oiran participants and the Yoshiwara Neighborhood!

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コメント (21)
  • There are still real Tayu in Japan, and they do not wear wigs. It's their real hair. They are highly respected because they have dedicated their lives to tradition. The way they entertain customers is way different then a normal Geisha as well. They even have a dance that geisha are not allowed to perform. It's for Tayu only.
  • I know an easier way to tell Geishas and Oirans. Geishas Obis are always tied in the back while Oirans are tied in the front.
  • @VeNuS2910
    i can't imagine how tired the star of the parade was. she was wearing a 30 kilogram costume and she needs to wear those high heels and walk 400 meters. i hope she got payed accordingly for all of it.
  • @adeusy
    In Zashiki, Oiran sat on the upper seat, and the guest was always sitting on the lower seat. Oiran class prostitutes were higher than guests. The first party (the first time), oiran sat in a place away from the customer, did not eat or drink regardless of customers. At this time, the customers were conditioned and could not associate with Oiran if they were deemed unsuitable. From the early childhood, Oiran candidates were thoroughly educated as classics and calligraphy, tea ceremony, Japanese poetry, koto, shamisen, Go and other entertainment since as Kamuro. To Oiran, many famous people of the day, including samurai and wealthy townspeople, also attended, and Yoshiwara had the appearance of a cultural salon. In Edo that was tolerant to sex, Oiran existed as an incarnation representing female beauty, the highest grade character and standing behavior were required, and it existed as a symbol of Edo's mature culture as Ukiyoe prints by famous painters.
  • they have white painted face because during 800 electricity doesn't exist, yet. So, they painted their face white to show better their face at the light of candles and lanterns during the night Nice video, very informative... what about one about Kyoto's Geikos?
  • The effort to preserve ancient tradition makes Japan so unique and beautiful. Kitsune sama (Fox) seems so popular in Japan. I know wild deer freely roam in Nara are regarded as messenger of Gods. Wild foxes are also treated well in Japan's Fox Village. There are many shrines about foxes such as Inaritaisha in Kyoto. Mr. John, perhaps will you investigate about these Japan's spiritual animals and stories behind them. It would be very interesting! Thank you xx
  • @burpitola
    I wonder how many girls break their ankles while practicing that walking pattern?
  • "Wanna see her feet? It's not for free!" That's so inaccurate! It's more like "wanna see her feet? NOT EVER!" Geisha never show their body nor skin aside from what the kimono and makeup show.
  • Japan's top models are so very beautiful. Very complicated kimonos are eye candy. The complex mixes of patterns and colors is just lovely. I can't describe it any better. Human beings transforming themselves into flowers, what a concept of Grace. Thank you for sharing your culture with us online.💮💮🌼🌼🌼🌼🌻🌻🏵🌸🌸🌺🌺🌷🌷🌹🌹💐💐🌹🌷🌷🌺🌺🌺🌸🌸🏵🏵🌻🌻🌻🌼🌼🌼🌼💮💮💮💮💮🌼🌼🌻🌻🏵🌸🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌺🌷🌷🌷🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌷🌷🌺🌺🌸🏵🏵🌻🌻🌼🌼💮💮💮💮🌼🌼🌻🌻🏵🏵🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌷🌷🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐
  • @rigariga
    花魁に会うためにはまずお茶屋さんに行かなければなりません。 そこで、お茶屋さんがお客さんの好みを聞き出してそれにあった女郎さんをご紹介するのです。 そして1日お金を払って会うだけではもてなしては貰えません。3回目くらいでやっと、もてなしてもらえるものなのです。
  • Such an amazing culture I love Japanese culture not just anime or manga
  • 10:49 I like how they take care of little detail, wrap something soft at the bottom of the metal stick to avoid destroy the road.
  • @amu_amu
    花魁とは通称です。 遊女の階級に呼出し(yobidashi)というものがありますが、それ以上の遊女が「花魁」と呼ばれました。 呼出しは、客を遊女自身の部屋に呼び出す事ができるので、かなり高い階級であったと推測できます。
  • Also a fully trained Geisha has a 'fork' of natural skin left showing on her neck.
  • Am I the only one thinking about when nature calls and she has to take all that off??
  • John you and your team from "Only In Japan" are creating excellent videos. Very informative, friendly and professional. Keep up the good work - can't wait to see more. You need your own show on public access TV in the states!
  • Thank you for the upload !! I'm so pleased that many people enjoy Japanese culture;) I want more people all over the world to love Japan !!