Binge VS Weekly: Why Weekly TV Is Superior


コメント (18)
  • @MJK420
    This might be the hottest take I've seen in 2024. I just love watching it all in one go since I don't run the risk of forgetting some names or small details that mattered 4 episodes ago. Releasing an eight episode Series one episode a week means that a charakter could easily only appear once a month or so wich makes it harder to understand certain things. Especially if you watch multiple series simultaneously since you only get one episode a week and I have more time than that.
  • @_lukas269
    I agree with your opinion about the weekly model. I love the discussions and am so much more hyped for the show and the next episode, because I listen to discussions, theories or something like that between the episodes. However, I guess a daily release might be too fast-pacing for creators to actually discuss the happenings of last episode and theorize about the next one. I also dont have time to watch daily, so in the end I would again be forced to binge it.
  • @pspman73
    Binge is better. Why? More freedom. You want to watch it all at once - here you go. Today you have time only for X episodes - watch it as your free time allows. And most of all - you don't need to invest 2 months or more constantly being brainwashed by teasers or sneak peeks of new episodes just to be disappointed in the end.
  • @adabong
    i disagree im always binge watching shows and feel like i take it in just fine. spoilers aren’t really a problem for me usually when i feel like theres a chance i’ll run into spoilers i will just avoid my feed lol (there are times where i can’t binge watch so i understand wym). i prefer releasing all the episodes at once because binge watchers can binge and people that prefer to watch shows weekly can do that giving us both options.
  • @issiah2000
    That's why I think gen v was such a hit while we wait for season 4 of the boys
  • @Eloweh
    I think the Arcane route is a great one, release it in 3 acts
  • the recent what if? season did this over Christmas week, daily episodes it was great IMO long enough breaks to want to see the next one but the gaps were small enough that you don't forget all the details wich can happen to me when watching weekly (adhd)
  • Your point makes no sense. If episodes released within a day there wouldn't be much talk about it. People could easily wait a week out so that they can watch all episodes at once or however time allows them to watch. The whole point of weekly shows wasn't the shows but the ads inbetween episodes. Streaming services like Netflix eliminated the ads. There's a different viewing experience when you watch something week to week and then wait for season break which could be little as 2 months and as big as near full year (in some anime examples). Or if you just watch everything at once if show/anime already over. You have better taste in your mouth about show/anime if you get to watch it all at once and you wash away bad episodes with good and great ones. 90's kid here so no stranger to weekly shows/animes with commercials but you can't beat watch at your own time and pace. And there's so much shows and anime out there that you don't have to watch every new thing that comes out. You can let it pile up and watch old stuff. Even if season is dropped at once depending on episode length you'll most likely only watch 50% of season in one day if you got time and other 50% next day. Or usually within a week you'll watch the whole season.
  • @raen19
    I disagree. My preference is full immersion in the story. Even for shows released weekly, I wait til it's all done and then binge it on demand anyway. So I vote just release it all at once, so the bingers can binge, and the daily/weekly people can still do their thing at their own preferred schedule. Everyone's happy, right?
  • And that crap of realsing one half and then realsing the 2nd hlaf 3 monthes later is trash and we're in the era of 8 episodes a season we can wait 8 weeks and totally the daily realse would be amazing growing up in my country we had to wait an entire Year for a 22 episodes show to Air in our country but the best was the they realsed an entire episodes every day instead of every week it used to be like an event me and my family would gather every day to watch the ep and talk about it right after
  • @pandagirl8012
    Yessss, I feel like the daily would be so much better than the weekly and binge. Like you said best of both worlds 🙏🙏
  • @bean6228
    The best is releasing them in clusters. A show called Arcane did this where 3, 40m episodes were released a month resulting in watching a 2 hour act which each ends in an amazing cliffhanger. There were a total of 3 release points and the time in between gave a lot to speculate and talk about. Maybe it could be changed to every week as to remember quicker but it would definitely be the best.
  • I have bad memory, so watching weekly kinda sucks, but it makes it an event if you into it. You have something to look forward to each week
  • @Leo-ll2fg
    I think the weekly method only benefits sure fire big hits like a stranger things or what the last of us was. Smaller shows and hidden gems would simply not get as much viewership on that schedule and actually risk losing the little audience they have through shear boredom. So the binge model works especially well for these shows because on one day where you don't have anything planned you can just give the show you had never heard of that just came out a try. Also some really good shows have not the best starts and having that kind of weekly release can completely kill off the show. I look at shows like Bojack Horseman that only really get into its stride halfway through the first season, it would have been completely written off by most people if it came out with the weekly schedule or even a daily one, because you only actively chose to wait for a show that you already love.