Refusing Further Payment | The People's Court


コメント (21)
  • @444clockit
    The daughter was laughing , she wasn’t phased she’s definitely heard him talk like that before lol & he definitely wasn’t embarrassed
  • Sometimes Harvey seems to have watched a different case. This wasn't about a loan.
  • Why would you bring your daughter in the courtroom? She's not part of this case.
  • Why did the plaintiff even take his daughter???? He does realise he's not teaching her right omg
  • It's not like it was over 100 or 200 dollars it was 1800!! I would be using bad language with a mad asf attitude too..
  • @dahuffy
    Also nice to see that they dressed for court. 🤔
  • Do people know they're in court and are suppose to dress appropriately? 🤦‍♂️
  • Kids pick up on their parents actions. My two children never heard me say profanity until one day they were in their teens and don't remember what they did but pissed me off and I looked at them and said, "I'm about ready to whip somebody's @$$" They were shocked and you could hear a pin drop. LOL I apologized and to this day as married adults in their 30's they've never heard me use cuss words again but they remember that day.
  • Yeah, ya can't pay 5 times then say I didn't know I was being charged by the Hour! That won't fly under Judge Milian's radar. 😊
  • Plaintiff bought the daughter to show he has a responsibility to provide for her & this guy is stiffing him on money he earned. One thing he showed her is don’t let someone cheat you! Stand up for yourself. $1800 bucks is a lot of money.
  • Plaintiff Andrew Tull died on August 9, 2020. His daughter (seen here) Ashley wrote: "When I was a little girl I used to paint his toenails while he was sleeping on the couch. I'm sure he didn't like it but he would always laugh and smile. That's the kind of person my Dad was. He would help you out when you're going through a difficult time, and he would make you laugh so hard that you would end up crying. I don't remember a single time when my dad wasn't at one of my sports games. It's not fair that he is gone so soon. He had great things ahead of him. I love and miss you. Rest in peace Daddy"
  • In plaintiff defense, think about it, you get hired to do a job, you don't get paid, bad words are going to fly out. It's not the first time, won't be the last.
  • I am shocked that this adult child brought his 13 year old who is smiling throughout the session to witness her dad's best moment. He is teaching his daughter how to be an angry adult. You should be so proud dad. NOT!!! SHAME ON YOU. the defendant buried himself by continuing to pay him instead of firing him.
  • @b8nnytez
    A contract is a contract. Just make sure the one you take it out with isn't an immature {blank}
  • I think the plaintiff and his daughter are disrespectful. Wearing ripped jeans to court is inappropriate! 😑
  • It was right he got his money but plaintiff has some major issues
  • @Jimsalos
    Why does the guy interviewing the people keep calling it a loan?