How To Get Rid Of Phlegm and Mucus

Published 2021-11-22
Always clearing phlegm, mucus and catarrh from your throat? Learn how to get rid of phlegm and clear mucus with SCIENCE!

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Well, mucus is a thick substance produced by certain cells in our bodies in places like our mouth, nose, stomach and lungs, to protect us and keep our organ linings from drying out.

You're probably all familiar with the mucus produced by our noses and throats as this is what runs when we have a runny nose, is what we spit out as phlegm when he have a chesty cough, and what can build up as catarrh at the back of your nose and throat when you have allergies or an infection.

As unpleasant as it may be, mucus has some really important functions. So for example the mucus produced in our stomach, acts as a barrier and a lubricant to allow food to pass through. The mucus produced in our nose, mouth and lungs, also acts as a barrier, but also has the super important function of trapping dirt, dust and chemicals so they don’t enter the body in large amounts. Its actually one of the body’s first lines of physical defence against infection.

The main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are:

a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

If you have any of the main symptoms of COVID-19, even if they're mild:

Get a PCR test (test that is sent to a lab) to check if you have COVID-19 as soon as possible.
Stay at home and do not have visitors (self-isolate) until you get your test result – only leave your home to have a test. Check if people you live with need to self-isolate.

Visit the NHS website for more information:…

You can easily make saline solutions at home using half a teaspoon of salt in a pint of water that you’ve boiled and then left to cool to a safe temperature, and this one mixture can be used to both gargle and clear your throat with and rinse your nasal passages. You can gargle with a saline solution as many times as needed, getting the water at the back of your throat and then swishing it around your mouth before spitting it out. Even though a saline solution is not harmful to swallow in small amounts, it’s best to always spit so you don’t consume all that salt. Gargling or rinsing as may not be suitable for a child or if you suffer with swallowing problems.

Now, like I mentioned earlier, mucus and catarrh is not usually harmful, but if it ever becomes a particular problem for you, starts to interfere with your daily life or lasts more than three weeks, you should speak to your doctor. It could be a sign of an underlying condition, such as nasal polyps or a chest infection, which might need further investigating or treatment.

You’ll also want to speak to your doctor if at any time your mucus is brown or bloody, as this can also be a sign of an underlying condition that needs investigating.

And if at any time you experience catarrh or mucus, you have any other symptoms that go with it such as difficulty breathing, tightness in your chest, difficulty swallowing or fever, these are also red flags that you should speak to your doctor about straight away.

#phlegm #mucus #howtogetridofphlegm

This video is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. Abraham The Pharmacist has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

All Comments (21)
  • Suffering from nasal stuffiness, cold and flu nasal symptoms, or nasal allergies? Try my Neti Pot Sinus Rinse Bottle by Abraham the pharmacist, available worldwide on Amazon- Or to Open in Amazon App- This innovative solution makes natural saline nasal rinsing easier and more effective than ever before. Add it to your home medical kit today!
  • @moki7685
    I have had excessive mucus and post nasal drip for for 25 years. I would wake up every morning and spend 3 to 4 minutes gargling to clear in out. Since I have eliminated all sugar,including carbs, and wheat from my diet I no longer have have this problem. I also have fresh breath all the time now,even after waking up after a nights sleep.
  • @tracesprite6078
    When falling asleep, try to sleep with your mouth closed. At first you can't breathe but as you gently encourage yourself to close your mouth, you find that your nose clears more and more. Gradually sleeping with your mouth closed becomes a habit and that helps.
  • Pharmacists are replacing our doctors these days and doing a good job. Thanks for your posting.
  • @garthe6390
    Just chanced on this video which is very helpful. Have been dealing with post nasal drip for almost a year. Thanks a bunch. Looking forward to future videos
  • @Hunzful
    Thanks for the advice. I’ve been sick twice this year now. I’ve never been like this.. I’ll use all these remedies
  • @anthonygant9654
    Wonderful advice. Thanks for the tips. Good health to you 😊
  • @cp1048
    Hot peppers like scotch bonet in soups and food have helped me tremendously
  • I get the sunlight and coconut water to solve the problem. Those worked very well for me. Doctors say, the infra red from the sun can treat mucus, and magnesium from coconut water and vitamin D from the sun can boost your immune system.
  • @MrWilkat1
    I like the way you time-line marked the questions in your video--that's helpful. A specialit also advised raising the head of the bed 4 to 6 " to elevate you and prevent/reduce acid reflux. I don't have heartburn but many people do--I'm still searching for a cause of excess mucus/throat clearing but watching videos and reading about symptoms is helpful to rule out possible causes.
  • @Flo-Joe.W
    I have mucus and so much of it it gags me and I have to throw up
  • @twiggyb67
    A lifelong sufferer of Asthma, I went Vegan and virtually eliminated its symptons including being clogged with mucus with health threatening regularity, Almost daily in fact...My general health and appearance (hair skin eyes) has been fantastic as well.
  • @emmigins8969
    Thank you so much! I’m a singer and a lead in a musical I can afford too much drainage because it effects my job!!! I can’t thank you enough
  • I get histamine reactions to many foods, the biggest culprit being citrus fruits, avocado, strawberries, tomatoes, dairy, chocolate, wine and many more!
  • @susannickell655
    Warm water, apple cider vinegar, honey and lemon, just sip little bits over time, clears everything up pretty quick, stops the constant clearing of the throat
  • @furubagasuki
    I feel like my nose is less runny and more dry, often. Like there is mucus but it's thick and sometimes painfully dry. Sometimes it's a little bloody. And it is often annoying my throat, and I constantly feel like I have to cough to clear it. I also can't sing the way I used to because the mucus will make me cough. I do sometimes get minor sinus pains. Could this be the same thing you're describing even though it's not usually runny?
  • @congcong7215
    great video! Thank you. Is drinking cold water or warm water better?
  • @janetmiz
    Warm must humidifier next to the head by bed @ nights is better than the hot steam & towel, the hot steam can cause sinus headache afterwards