FIVE factors that are slowly killing the JW cult

In 2020, Jehovah's Witnesses recorded their first year-on-year drop in members in 42 years. I list 5 factors that are hastening the decline of a proud religious organization with global expansionist aspirations.


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コメント (21)
  • Hi folks! Sorry about the error with captions! Trust me, there ARE 5 "factors" on the list rather than 4. Unfortunately we had an error during edits that slipped the radar but we will be more vigilant in future. If you want to jump straight to various points on the list, @xptweak has very kindly put together timestamps! 😊 1. Child Sex Abuse 00:52 2. Shunning 6:38 3. JW Broadcasting 10:03 4. Increased Internet access 22:57 5. Downsizing 26:32
  • As a former JW I don’t really keep up with them. I had a few people who got shunned in my Kingdom Hall for premarital sex. I wanted to get married but there were no eligible bachelors that were my age. They were either much younger than me or very very old. I knew that if I wanted to get married I would have to find someone outside of the faith which is frowned upon. So I wrote my letter of dissociation after the elders visited me in my own home. I left and never looked back. I’ve been married to my non JW husband for 24 years. 🤷🏽‍♀️
  • The mishandling of child sexual abuse is what finally woke me up. I'd been having doubts, but watching the Australian Royal Commission regarding their handling of this matter was the final straw. Watching Jeffrey Jackson sit there and blatantly lie made me physically sick.
  • I think these videos are also making a significant impact. Less than three years ago I was suicidal and dealing with self harm due to crushing depression. By chance I clicked on a telltale anti mlm video referencing the bite model. As he went down the list something just clicked that the behaviour fitted jws completely, I googled whether jws were a cult and came across news footage of the candace conti news story, a couple videos later I stumbled onto this channel and I've never looked back. Honestly I can't thank people like you enough. I honestly would be dead by now if it weren't for people like you.
  • When I was a JW single parent I always knew in my heart that if my little daughter were ever in a terrible accident and needed blood, and of course the Elders would descend upon her hospital room, I always l knew and planned ahead in my mind that I would slip a note to the doctor say “please give my daughter blood, do not let her die, and tell these people they have to go”
  • As a person who grew up as a JW in the 1950's through the early 70's...I remember how adament were the organization's scathing criticism of TELEVANGELISTS...NOW THEY HAVE BECOME THAT WHICH THEY SCORNED!!!
  • When I was a kid, we viewed the governing body members as meek, loving, wise, holy old men. Then, I was at a convention and one of them happened to visit. He described in his talk how objectionable he and his wife had recently found the 101 Dalmatians cartoon, turning it off in the first 5 minutes. I secretly thought he was kind of nuts, not being able to watch some 1940's Disney cartoon.
  • @every1665
    I knew a guy who had sold his home and business in 1974, kept just enough money from that to last him until then end of 1975 and gave the balance to the JWs. The world - the "system of things" - was definitely going to be brought to an end sometime in 1975, after which money would no longer be required as God would provide everything needed to His followers in an Earthly paradise. Well, after that didn't happen he was forced to find work which was when I met him. I was 16 and amazed that a guy in his mid-40s could continue to believe in an organization that had let him down so badly. He believed that 1982 (so-called 'Planetary Alignment' event) would be the date with absolute 100% certainty and when that failed to eventuate, he kept right on believing and contributing to the Jehovah's Witnesses. I believe he eventually realised in his 70's, after his family had all one-by-one woken up to what was going on and left, he too finally left the organization after being bled dry by them for most of his life. Sad.
  • I am so glad I was raised a Jw so now I can be apart of this beautiful Ex Jw community!!!!!
  • I drove through my home town and saw that the kingdom hall that was there has closed down. It was there for as long as I can remember.
  • The JW's response to the downsizing situation is going to be. . . "More and more keep falling out the truth because satan is a lion that is seeking to devour especially NOW because we're soooo close to the end. . . the few remaining are the STRONGEST ONES 💪💪💪". . . 😂
  • When I first left the Borg, about twenty years ago, and got much needed psychiatric help for the first time, the counsellors didn't really 'get' the impact that the JW's had had. Now, visiting a new psychologist this week (for a tune up), there was nothing I could tell her that she didn't already know !! It's such a relief to be heard and understood.
  • The mention of Downsizing is such a great point. The "speeding up of the work" and their rapid growth was such a point of pride for JWs for the longest time! They viewed it as evidence of Jah's backing: New branch office here! New Kingdom Halls there! Look at the increased number of baptisms! The massive numbers leaving and the mass liquidation of Kingdom Halls has got to be raising a lot of questions and red flags.
  • @nichplays
    When Stephen Lett showed up on JW Broadcasting wearing that fancy watch and pinky ring, he looked like any other scamming Sunday morning preacher. I could see with my own two eyes that he was not special or anointed, he is just a hustler out here making money.
  • @LoXena
    -Internet -New Lights -Lloyd 's Channel - Cringy videos of Governing Body members -Trials
  • After all the years of abuse I suffered at these people’s hands , I can’t wait to see them fall!!!!!!
  • i Don't understand how parents can disown their children after they get shunned
  • Brilliant. As an ex-elder in the U.K. that escaped some 28 years ago, it has always grieved me that my own brother has refused to see the light. He has too much to lose I guess....shunning is so wicked. I wrote a detailed rebuttal of it from the scriptures when I left and gave him Ray Franz’s book to read but even so he could not be budged. These 5 factors are powerful indeed, I think you’re right about their outcome. Again, a brilliant piece....keep them coming!
  • Excommunicating 2/3 of first generation or born in people before they have their own kids. At my old hall and from the complete lack of young people at our conventions I think most people born in leave. Almost everyone at my hall were baby boomers and senior citizens who converted in adulthood when they already had their careers and started their family. They all tried and failed to raise their kids jw and now shun them. I honestly don't think my ex kingdom hall will make it in 10 years.