Chaos in a Nutshell (Mapper)

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Song of Mirrors

コメント (20)
  • Chaos bot: Yeah, everyone got randomised as we think I want! Also Chaos bot: don't care about Switzerland...
  • As Czech, I have to thank you because you gave us a lake and took the worst region. We all are happy
  • @ArwayObm
    As a Lithuanian i can say that we would've laughed at Estonia's luck
  • This will be so fun to watch! Greeting from Lithuania GyLala 🇱🇹
  • Czech Republic: Finally, we managed to gain access to the sea! Poland: but it's a lake after all
  • France and Spain: Yes! New island for us! Argentina: DID SOMEONE SAY ISLAND
  • Something as they say "chaotic" Anyway this is great! Make more episode about thia 🤩
  • @V3L0CY0US
    Hello gylala…I have an can make an Alternative future of the world. You would do it well.
  • Chaos: All winter! Canada: Why is it so warm outside... Other countries: FROZEN
  • @Brroo
    Me: finally, my country is mentioned! Gylala: collapsed Me: atleast something than nothing
  • Now, Denmark got not only Skåne back, but entire Sweden! It sounds like a start of a new Kalmar Union.
  • Russia in a Nutshell 5 Russia: Hi China China: Hi Russia China: What's you need? Russia: Maybe alliance? China: We are in BRICS Russia: Oh, sorry, I forgot USA: Hey Belarus Belarus: yes? USA: Do you want to NATO? Russia: Don't event think about it, USA USA: I'm not asking you Belarus: I need think Russia: Belarus, are you serious now? Belarus: Yes, I want to NATO USA: great! Russia: Belarus, it's a war Belarus: No, please Russia NO! Russia: Let's talk in our own language Belarus: ok Russia: То есть ты больше не хочешь иметь нефть, газ и остальные природные ресурсы которые я тебе продаю очень выгодно? Belarus: Нет, я больше в этом не нуждаюсь, мне надоело быть страной зависящей от страны гиганта, я хочу быть независимой! USA: what are they talking about? Ukraine: I can translate! USA: Let's go! Ukraine: Belarus said he wants to be independent USA: Russia, If it doesn't stop, I will swap you with any country, you will have 3 attempts Belarus: NO RUSSIA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! USA: Russia, you're crazy, I'm swapping you Russia: Let's go! Columbia: WOW! I'M VERY BIG! I'M THE BIGGEST! Russia: Wait a minute, I'm in South America? USA: Yes! Russia: SWAP NOW! Spain: NOOOOOOOOOOOO, THIS CLIMATE! I CAN'T SURVIVE! Russia: SWAP! Finland: I'm biggest in the world? USA: No Norway: YES! YES! YES! Russia: Norway, war Norway: Oh no USA: RUSSIA! STOP! YOU'RE CRAZY! Russia: I need my territorry Communists: Russia, this is USSR Russia: OH NO! USA: YES! Russia will die! USA: Wait a minute. COMMUNISTS ARE WORSE THAN RUSSIA! USSR: I'm now here... USSR: Middle east, on my composition or war Middle East: surrender! USSR: China, come into my composition to become a world power China: YES! I SURRENDER! USSR: Eurasia, war Eurasia: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO USA: I will help the Eurasia! USA: NOOOOOO! I late... USSR: Africa, on my composition Africa: surrender USSR: Oceania? Oceania: war! USSR: North and South America! On my Composition or war America: war! USSR: WORLD IS MINE! YES! USSR: I need a portrait of Stalin from the continents USSR: another think!
  • Hi GyLala, love from Hungary!! Yay!! These are so fun!! 🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺
  • Chaos : all water! Chernobyl: Ā̷̡̢͚̭͖͗͋̍͗̐̆̽̚͝ͅÃ̷̢̪͚̜͎̂͗͑̌͜͠ͅͅA̵͎̖̫̞̜̻͂A̵̩̲̖̫͖̱̓̽͋͌͂̊̄̓A̵̛͎͇̘̠̓̓͑̾́͛Á̴͔͙͙͉̦̦͍̤̈̑́̈̂̾A̴̻̪̓̓̈͘A̶̲̎̌͗̃̾͋̈́̚͝͠A̵̗̰̔͐̓͐͐̋̂͜͝A̴͈̝̫̹̩̬̚͜ͅͅĄ̵̰͓͓͔̺̰̏͐̒̀͛͆͋̇̚͝