Splitting Things Evenly

Publicado 2024-01-22
The plaintiff claims his estranged wife filed their income taxes together and owes him half the money from the return, so the plaintiff is suing. The defendant received an inheritance that was included in her income, so she believes she doesn't owe her ex since most of the income recorded on their taxes came from her.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @LeolaGlamour
    I'm happy her daddy left her money to leave him
  • @thomgage7083
    Why did they even bother to accept this case when there's no way the judge could make a ruling on it?
  • @s.l.1851
    How does Judge Millán not get this, she’s been doing this for 30 plus years: domestic violence complaints are mishandled all the time. Often, the way the complaint is handled by the police who arrive at the scene is based on the ideas or misconceptions, or outright biases of the officers. She must have seen this a million times. I’ve never seen her react like this before.
  • @baddie_8955
    I understand how each side can be a problem but I don’t like how JM dismissed her at the end! He sounds crazy in court so I can’t even imagine at home!
  • @jluc9456
    The judge was completely rude and unprofessional with the defendant. Most cases you can tell by the Plaintiff’s behavior and actions who are the abusers and nut cases and who aren’t. She was definitely abused! By the way he acted, his actions and the way he responded to the questions…..he was an abuser! He even admitted to being admitted to a psychiatric hospital on a few different occasions. The judge attacked the defendant for absolutely no reason. That was awful and she should be ashamed!
  • @WarGrowlmon18
    "She wanted me to hit her. She planned this." That's a CLASSIC abuser right there!!!
  • @traceyaz125
    JM asked her why she brought the divorce up in the car knowing he was abusive. The defendant said HE brought it up not her. I hate when she chastises the victim for anything. It’s sickening.
  • “She planned this” My ex abusive husband said the same thing. 😒😒
  • @shawnster3396
    The judge should have listened further and not assumed that she’s heard it before, not all cases are the same. What would the harm be to just hear the lady out.
  • @lauracurtin631
    No one MAKES you hit them. He is a classic domestic violence abuser. He blames everyone but himself.
  • @granitemoss1451
    'She wanted me to hit her'. No one thinks that's what the other person's angling for and no spouse tries to encourage that unless that line's already been crossed.
  • @SuperIndy08
    Phentermine DOES NOT make you abusive 🙄
  • @lenalao262
    Everything is someone else’s fault. This plaintiff is so annoying and working hard to guarantee he’ll never grow because he can’t accept accountability.
  • @enniruth
    judge victim-blaming thrroouughout
  • @KitaHolms
    Wow I'm pretty shocked that judge Milian admonished her about her broaching the divorce in the car 🙄😒 what was the purpose in even saying that to a victim of DV🤨⁉️ Then proceed to grill her about the action taken by law enforcement 😕. Total lack of sympathy 🤯Pretty darn sad to see... definitely lost some respect 😔
  • I haven’t finished the video, but if it was me, there is no way I would have taken her to court so my dirty laundry could be exposed. He’s a mess.
  • @wadilotus
    He definitely hit her, by his demeanor.
  • @jennifer_mertens
    The story about the abuse and everything she claimed made perfect sense. It's classic abuser behavior. "You cannot leave, you have no money. You can't leave, I'll kill myself. I never hit her." But, when trying to explain he blames his medication and brings up hurricanes. Classic abuser. The PRESCRIBING DOCTOR said don't take certain medications, but SHE made him take it(did she write and fill the prescription herself). He makes no sense. None. Edit to add: She tried to clarify about the pills because HE SAID it was making her cause him to be violent. She wasn't focusing on only that, but trying to refute his non sense.