1 Tip For Every Gun In Valorant

Published 2024-03-05

All Comments (21)
  • @MrLowlander
    I tried to go back to the basics with this video, hope that especially the newer players learn a lot from this one! 🔥
  • @bearnaked2128
    stinger - similar to bulldog, it has burst firse when ADS Ares - It has no penalty in fire rate when you ADS, so you should ADS on it for better control Sheriff - fire this gun with the beat of the song 'Staying alive'
  • @keoshi1
  • @elbie.
    If you're doing a video including chamber's weapons here are my tips: Headhunter: only ADS if you are holding an angle, NOT peeking it. that can cause the bullet to be very inaccurate and you don't have access to some of the other information on your screen. however, in the pistol round it's incredibly OP because you are the only one with a scope. so try hold long angles with ads on and calm aim at head height Tour De force: stay really quiet and fully lineup your shots before using them. you only have 5 for the round! (the operator is opposite, try just click if you see a player anyways because you have a lot more bullets) for both of these guns its really important to keep a TP handy after your shot/if you think you will lose the gunfight because it allows for pretty much a second life.
  • One other tip for Outlaw is that reloading after 1 shot is really useful and fast If you used your one shot and other enemies are not peeking the angle for some time, don't sit on that one shot, just reload it really quick and continue looking with 2 shots available
  • A tip i would recommend for the sherrif is to time your shots. Many people just spam it and that doesn't work. So, if you hit the opponent you should strafe while keeping the crossair on the opponent but if you miss you should strafe again and reset your aim rather than panicking and spamming. Good luck with those sherrif kills
  • @bsmith1063
    Another tip for the bucky: when using your right-click your shot has to travel before it bursts, this can be seen with skins like the origen or the comic book one. It shoots 5 pellets and you can get a 1 shot if you hit 2 in the head and 3 in the body, exactly 150
  • @5000Seabass
    Outlaw’s biggest bonus is its movement speed, not headshots broski. If you can tap heads with an outlaw consistently, and are actively trying to, you should more than likely be using a guardian. It’s the ability to quickly peek, and then reposition to take another snapshot, whether you’re hitting a second body shot, or skull fucking a new target. Bob n weave
  • @doesntdostuff
    Random tip for those who care, if you are on a save but you have a decent amount of money use stinger on defense at a site on split! Rat behind the walkway towards CT, it works well if you do it properly
  • @Krail07
    1 tip for the OP that's effective for me personally. I have my primary fire binded to scroll up too so that I can shoot faster when holding angles where I expect an enemy to peek with an OP too. Haven't lost to peeker's advantage yet
  • @GalacticRaven_
    As someone who's relatively good at using snipers I have another tip. try not to hold your crosshair but hold the wall if you're holding an corner. it's way easier to see the change in the wall and then shoot rather that waiting for the perfect shot in your crosshair. Don't hold the wall precisely but aim a bit to the side so when they peek you, even if you have shitty reaction time you can still hit them :D And of course with neon ult aways aim more to the side that you would with any other agent because she goes zoomies and often they like to slide if they know you're holding the angle. I pissed off so many neon players doing that XD
  • thank you for filling me up with your creamy sticky content mrlowlander
  • @charkphoenix
    Extra tip, brim stim on the bulldog makes the burst delete people at range.
  • @Koopaperson
    Another VERY specific shotgun tip: The iso ultimate walls only stop bullets, not players, so if you get caught in the ult with only a shotgun you can knife out bunny hop straight to the enemy in about a second and run them down with a shotgun. Probably only works in low elo, can’t speak for anything higher than silver lol
  • @FelixHaese
    im playing valorant since over a year now and i love to play the guardian, i hope there will be more guardian users, its so underrated
  • @dooda9566
    the reload after every shot with the bucky(and marshal) actually makes it so you shoot faster
  • @josefjackson5633
    Thanks bro these tips are very helpful as well as the advice on how to get better on these guns too. Really means a lot❤😊