Stars: Crash Course Astronomy #26

Today Phil’s explaining the stars and how they can be categorized using their spectra. Together with their distance, this provides a wealth of information about them including their luminosity, size, and temperature. The HR diagram plots stars’ luminosity versus temperature and most stars fall along the main sequence, where they live most of their lives.

Check out the Crash Course Astronomy solar system poster here:

Introduction: Stars 00:00
Stellar Spectra 1:07
Star Classifications 3:03
Why Are There No Green Stars? 4:00
Luminosity Depends on Size and Temperature 5:27
The HR Diagram 6:33
Main Sequence Stars 7:27
Other Stars on the HR Diagram 8:17
Review 9:50

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Stars… [credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA]
Spitzer Spectrum… [credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Leiden/SRON]
Sun spectrum [credit: N.A.Sharp, NOAO/NSO/Kitt Peak FTS/AURA/NSF]
Annie Jump Cannon… [credit: New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper]
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin… [credit: Smithsonian Institution]
Betelgeuse [credit: ESO/Digitized Sky Survey 2. Acknowledgment: Davide De Martin]
Sirius… [credit: NASA, ESA, H. Bond (STScI) and M. Barstow (University of Leicester)]
Solar AM0 spectrum with visible spectrum background… [credit: Danmichaelo, Wikimedia Commons]
Blue sky [credit: Skitter Photo]
Hawaii sunset photo [credit: Phil Plait]
Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram… [credit: ESO]

コメント (21)
  • @58LewisK
    19 years old and I've finally learned the age old question, "Why is the sky blue?" this is amazing
  • The editor did a stellar job. He is definitely the star here. I just wish it wasn't so bright.
  • @nicjasno
    I could watch Phil talk about astronomy all day long!
  • The intro was so freaking creepy! "Oh... I know who you are..."
  • @ragnkja
    OBAFGKM: Only Bad Astronomers Forget Generally Known Mnemonics.
  • Annie Jump Cannon. Possibly the best name in history.
  • Without a doubt, one of my favorite topics in astronomy. I can't wait to see all the remaining detail. This is basically the topic about the ultimate ancestors of all life on Earth. And Earth itself.
  • These astronomy videos, are some of the videos on youtube I absolutely look the most forward to! I am getting quite a strong passion for physics and especially astronomy, and these are great to help improve and brush up some of my knowledge on the subjects! Keep it up!
  • So she was named Annie Jump Cannon? Are we sure she wasn't also a superhero?
  • @lsaldana7
    Anyone watching this during the 2020 lockdown?
  • This is seriously my favorite topic in astronomy. And I'm so glad you are making whole series on astronomy. I'm gonna watch it even when I'm on my death bed :) and my friends and family are going to tease me and call me geek/nerd. 
  • @K1z0ku
    As a non-native english speaker, I had no idea Betelgeuse is pronounced "Beetle-juice" in english. In my language(Russian) it's pronounced "Betel-gay-ze""
  • I keep coming back to this video! I just adore stars.
  • "There are no green stars. Look as hard as you want, and you won't find any." -Me in Super Mario Galaxy 2
  • @Quark_433
    "On a brighter note,..." No one else catch that? No?
  • A funny tease about Annie: Annie jumped into a cannon and got shot up to near the sun where she discovered that the sun emits different colors than other stars cuase of spectra!
  • I'm just glad to hear there's going to be more episodes! I've been interested in astronomy for well over 10 years now and yet I've learned a bunch from this Crash Course series. Keep making them and make them long!!