Manchester Airport: How a 'shocking' police video led to outrage and protests

Publicado 2024-07-26

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Aided by the ridiculous one sided media coverage. Should stick to reporting the news (honestly) and cease trying to create the news.
  • I was brought up to respect the police and obey the law. Why do immigrants not realise that our country has rules and regulations. If the woman who was originally searched caused the problem was carrying a bomb or gun and ignored and a major incident developed would there be such an investigation. The public are sick of the ongoing destruction of our country and I was impressed by a speech made in the House of Lords earlier yesterday (Friday) by Lord Green (Pesident of the Migrant Monitor). Why is immigration just not discussed regularly because it is the source of the country's destruction.
  • Well he broke a female police officers nose in 3 places and sent two more to the hospital after he lashed out at the police because he refused to let them do their job as everyone knows they some times they pick people at random in airports but he decided to start shouting so here we are.
  • The police need to take the upper hand , the concern should be respect to the police . You shouldn't go braking noses of female police officers .
  • @VodkaRob
    Simple solution, don't kick off with armed police. I mean come on 🤦
  • Think about the day as a whole - ISS leader in UK gets sentenced at lunch time (UK now on hightened alert), later that day, around 5.30pm, brutal stabbing of soldier by someone maybe suspected link to ISS (all security informed across UK and red alert in place), 8.30pm, armed police at manchester airport get called for attacks on police officers which takes those armed police away from protecting your family at manchester departures/arrivals - they run in and see multiple police officers requiring medical are on red alert, you have left the area you patrol which is now unprotected (your family are there unprotected), you see police covered in dont know if this is a primary terror attack or a distraction for a bombing in the are you going to control the situation as quickly as possible?
  • @british1970s
    Greater Manchester police chief must resign after his force is committed to letting certain demographs getting away with such horrfic criminal offences against police officers.
  • It's the media chasing the sensation. Why the media didn't show the first part of the video? Chasing sensation, that's why. The number of viewers has rocketed. It's all about money, guys. Don't fall into their trap.
  • In the future , no one would want to be police officer as they can't do they job
  • What's the story about the pensioner being assaulted in the car park which started this response
  • When I go to other countries and I see there police with guns i just treat them with respect and do sa Iam told . I don't start jumping and shouting because Iam not from the country
  • @MRU112
    Full videos out now the guy getting kicked had just been trying to choke the guy doing the kicking. Also the officer had been struck in the head many times prior to being choked.
  • @boz6161
    I believe 3 police were prior to the arrest. Why is the video for that not being shown ?
  • Your ninth video about this now. Going for double figures are we? Still no videos about the British soldier who was attacked and is fighting for his life in the hospital?
  • @Epictings
    The police were right, airport police are trained to keep both hands on firearms, after those officers were assaulted brutally they were correct to act the way they did.
  • @okayeg_eg836
    full video been released, the media makes me sick defending these foreigners.
  • @currahee1960
    The man had to be stopped! Think of the possible outcome if the man jumped on an officers back and grabbed the officers firearm! Doesn't bare thinking about
  • No appeasement to these types of thugs that attacked the officers . Hard policing is absolutely necessary in these times!
  • @teyrar1221
    The video doesn’t show what happened before. Where 3 of them attack him from behind and assaulted a female officer. News in the uk is disgraceful if you don’t commit a crime you do not get police response what they did would have resulted in a death penalty in there country…
  • He doesn't deserve the kick in, but if he and is brother behaved themselves and be good citizens, this would have never happened...