Pandory 50/60hz and New background Music Plus PCUAAE demo, AMiNIMiGA Mode too

Published 2022-05-20

Pandory - 00:00 - 19:00
PCUAAE Demo - 19:00 - 20:50
AMiNIMiga Mode - 20:50 - 35:57

You WILL NOT be able to run PCUAAE if you have updated before installing PCUAAE Autoboot Mode.
You will now have to wait for another hack to come out that will allow you to run Linux code from within the carousel, like the Fake Update on PCUAE and THEC64.

How to install PCUAAE on the USB Stick
1. Make Sure the USB Stick uses Fat32 and Master Boot Record.
2. Install PCUAAE to USB Stick,
3. Run PCUAAE Startup LHA file in A500-Games Folder in the USB Menu.
4. Activate Autoboot Mode, it will ask you if you want to when you start PCUAAE from PCUAAE Startup LHA.
5. Once its finished activating Autoboot Mode, let it restart the machine, if it installed correctly it will reboot back into PCUAAE.
6. Turn off A500 and install Pandory to the root of the USB Stick.
7. Plug USB Stick back in A500 and turn it on and wait for PCUAAE to boot up.
8. start The Mode Changer, hold down Home button and X button together for 2 seconds or until screen goes black. when the menu comes up pick Pandory Mode and wait for it to load Pandory.
9. Your done... :) if you want to run another Mode just do the same but install and pick a different Mode, the modes are on Github too, download them from PCUAAE Release 1.0.7.

The Carousel Changer
1. To change the carousel version from TheCarousel Manhattan v 1.0.0 to 1.1.1 and back.
2. Press Home+Y to load up The Carousel Changer.
3. Pick one of the carousels in the menu, TheCarousel Manhattan v1.0.0 or TheCarousel Manhattan v1.1.1 and it will load that version.
4. Host-Run support is on TheCarousel Manhattan v 1.0.0 and ADF support is on TheCarousel Manhattan v1.1.1.
and thats it for now, hope this helps.


PCUAAE Download link(1.1.4 with Pandory Mod is now live)...
Pandory Download link(you will need this, PCUAAE does not come with Pandory)...…

This is just a test, I am not the creator of Pandory, I just wanted to show you what I added, you never know they might like it... :), Pandroy is there baby, like PCUAE is mine and PCUAAE is PCUAE baby... :) HAHAHAAA

I figured out I could add mods to Pandory without touching it so if you want the music and 50/60hz changer run it in PCUAAE from The Mode Changer, if you do not want the mods and run Pandory normal then run it via the USB Menu and it will load without them... :)
Update about 50hz/60hz, I added some code now so it remembers what hertz your on so will load 50hz or 60hz when you run Pandory from The Mode Changer so if you pick Pandory 50hz it will load that everytime you run Pandory from The Mode Changer... :) I done this before with the gamelists in PCUAE(THEC64) so it remembers what was the last gamelist it used before turning off THEC64 so it loads the same one on starts up.... :)

It might look at times that nothing is going on the screen, I want you to hear all the tracks on the menu.ogg file so that takes about 18 mins, it's a long music file, its has about 9 or more tracks on it, I never counted it.

I made a Amiga Game Music mix wav file for the A500(before it came out) but then found out I could not use it because it's in the resources.bod file(I think the A500 uses a menu.mp3 file now, not sure) so you can not at the moment replace the music, so I dug it out but cause I made it in mono(THEC64 does not play SIDs in stereo) I recreated it in Amiga stereo so its sounds like the A500 is playing it, I had to mix each track together,(I made 5 wav files for PCUAE and PCUAE Mode, the menu music on the carousel is playing a wav file, so each carousel had a different SID tunes playing in the background, had to overmount the music wav file everytime you changed to a different gameslist) each track faded in and out of each other so no gaps in between each track, it was the first thing I added to PCUAE... :)

Lucky I know how to use Cool Edit Pro, never use anything else... :)

Enjoy... :)

All Comments (4)
  • @muaddib-usal
    This looks excellent - A full demo video showing how to set this up would be very useful. Im sitting on v 1.0 firmware at the moment as I use Pandory.
  • nice so is this a dedicated boot / compiled linux or using the a500 mini firmware 1.0.0 host-run process please?
  • @gadgetuk48
    So this comes up split screen? Just confused