NEW: Top 5 Insane Valorant Agent Concepts!

Published 2024-02-04
Valorant: NEW: Top 5 Insane Valorant Agent Concepts!


3)    • Valorant Fanart Concept: Kurvix ,The ...  

Top 5 NEW: Insane Valorant Agent Concepts we need ASAP!
Top 5 NEW: Insane Valorant Agent Concepts!
NEW: Top 5 Insane Valorant Agent Concepts!
Top 5 Insane Valorant Agent Concepts!

Valorant Funny & Epic Moments Montage / Highlight / News /

✔ Valorant Video Credits:
● Published By: Omar (Dittozkul / Dittoz)

➥ DISCLAIMER: Every clip used in this video that was not recorded ourselves, we obtained permission for, and is also considered fair use, and we provide source & credit for all footage - you can find the links to all original sources & music in the rest of the description. If someone submitted a clip on your behalf pretending to have rights to it, please send us a message or email!

All Comments (21)
  • @Dittozkul
    Apologies for the audio overlap. It was a mistake by me, not the editor. It's only 10 seconds so I don't think worth re-publishing. Here's what I was saying: "Similar to a Sage orb, just copy it. It's okay to have another Sage orb in the game but it's Sand and you slow down as if it's quick sand. Next is sand storm, E. 2 Charges and recharges after 35 seconds. Lasts 12 seconds after deploying -..." (then video continues!)
  • @funkycrawler619
    Regardless if they were powerful or not, but the last 3 agents of Iso, Deadlock, and Gekko were insanely creative and fun. Next agent better be hype.
  • This is my Valorant agent concept which is a criminal mastermind who wears a jester mask. Name: Harlequin Role: Duelist Nationality: Italian Abilities: Q- Surprise (ability 1) EQUIP a jack in the box. FIRE to deploy the box that will summon an illusion when triggered. Enemies shooting the illusion will briefly reveal their location. C- Mockery (ability 2) EQUIP a party grenade. FIRE to throw. ALT FIRE to lob. The grenade detonates upon impact, slowing and nearsighting all targets caught inside. E- Hallucinate (Signature ability) INSTANTLY teleports in a direction and becomes invisible, leaving behind an illusion. X- Curtain Call (Ultimate) EQUIP a deck of cards. FIRE to select the enemy player's ultimate and use it freely. Note: illusions will mimick gunfire sounds but dealing no damage and bursts into a confetti when destroyed
  • @verflixt2247
    we need a sentinel who has some sort of active defence system that catches X projectiles in the area. imagine holding a site and nothing like flashes, nades mollies and stuff can push u out of cover
  • @some1upyon
    my idea for a duelist Juggernaut C - Wallslam (1 charge, 300¤, 2m cast range): Instantly slam a nearby wall and send it forwards, making an impassable opaque wall with 400 hp. The wall stops upon hitting a surface and does not travel up or down stairs. Q - Quake (2 charges, 250 ¤): EQUIP a high impact grenade that explodes 1 second after hitting the ground. FIRE to throw. Enemies within the area of effect are instantly knocked upwards 3 meters. E - Overrun (1 charge, 16s duration, refresh on 2 kills): Channel an enhanced physical state that initially reduces incoming damage by 40% for 2 seconds, then by 20% for the remainder of the enhanced state. X - Adrenaline (7 points, 30s): Instantly enter a NUMBED state. While NUMBED, take no damage and gain immunity to daze, seize, decay, and vulnerable. Every instance of damage taken or debuff inflicted while NUMBED decreases the duration of NUMBED by 3 seconds, while every kill increases the duration of NUMBED by 15 seconds up to a maximum of 30 seconds. Once NUMBED wears off, all damage taken while NUMBED is dealt at once.
  • @prasnikar9465
    Need an agent who can revert round to zero. Like it rewinds everything. Timer players health everything. So you just restart a round. It would be kinda op becouse you can remake a strategy for a push or restructure the attack.
  • @SGPandora
    I would love an agent that kit is literally lore based. Maybe an agent that is consumed by light energy in Alpha Earth but was overwhelmed by darkness in omega earth. So his utility will be different depending on the map and attacking/defending. Example: Light based when attacking on Pearl, Darkness-based when defending on pearl. Darkness-based when attacking on Bind, light-based when defending on Bind.
  • @prodehsan
    I have a concept for an agent that revolves around radiation/magnets/molecules: Agent Name: Nebula Role: Sentinel Passive: Nebula's abilties give a "radiation" effect when hit. Radiation causes the HUD to be glitched, slight inaccuracy when spraying with weapons, and white noise that plays for a couple of seconds. Ability 1: Electron Shatter EQUIP an unstable electron. FIRE to throw the electron, which does little amounts of damage to enemies, and effecting those near the explosion with Radiation. ALT FIRE to lob. 2 uses and costs 200 credits each. Ability 2: Radiant Shielding EQUIP a radiating shield. FIRE with your crosshairs over a damaged ally to restore their shields or give them overshields (like Reyna). ALT FIRE while Nebula is damaged to restore shields or give overshields to Nebula. 1 use and costs 200 credits. Ability 3: Solar Field (signature ability) EQUIP an orb. FIRE to throw it. Once it lands, it will create a field with radiation, that gives enemies "radiation" and "vulnerable" status. If in the field for more than 10 seconds, it will start to tick 5 health per 3 seconds. 2 uses and a cooldown time of 45 seconds. Ability 4: Energized Arsenal (ultimate ability) EQUIP to activate the ability. When activated, all allies guns are buffed with extra damage. Allies get a speed boost. (No range). All ally abilities are recharged. 9 Ultimate Points, 3 seconds to fully activate. hope u guys like my idea, let me know if anything is too op lol:) also nice video as always ditto, love ur content my dude :)))
  • @dhruvsharma2582
    I recently saw a fanmade agent and she goes like this : her name is Ruin and she is a sentinel we dont know much about her past but here are the abilities C Ability "Reflection" : Equip and place a reflective sigil that expands into an almost invisible but solid barrier that hides allies from enemies on the other side Q Ability "Mind Warp" : Equip and place a warping sigil that expands into an almost invisible screen that causes enemies passing through to get visual interference E Ability "Disappearing Act" : Instanly turn invisible for 5 seconds during which shooting is disabled. Enemies can still hear and kill you. X Ability "Master Of Illusion" : Equip and place a duality sigil that summons a destructible clone that will shoot enemies in its line of sight and mark them for a few seconds. Access the visuals of the clone with [X]. The clone will stay up until its destroyed. Honestly this is a pretty solid sentinel and its E ability is very helpful to get out of situations but the ult seems pretty weak
  • @ldessertl9063
    Kabuto is just overpowered, toned down it would be very cool but if he was added with his current or even heavily toned down he would 100% be a meta agent, while Set and Laurka seem a bit more balanced
  • @MrPoddle999
    Kabuto has potential in being an anime protagonist ngl....
  • @dooda9566
    i love the upgrade in video quality when it comes to the visuals
  • @iwoso
    i had an ability where it was a bit like lion r6 where when someone moves they get a cypher ping for their ult, a sentinel and having a mine-like ability that can only be thrown similar to deadlock's wall physics.
  • @J0_20
    For Laurka Ult I would have imagined something like this: it adds a gauge of 50 units of shield (slime) and can while remaining more or less long pressed, cover any of its allies up to 25 of additional shield (we already had the double tap of iso that takes any instance of damage so 175 pv max is not a problem for Riot)
  • @adryanerick3246
    My kind of character that if riot gave the opportunity to let me give them an idea is that i would love to have a character that is actually “scary” this character can possessed the enemy (only 1 enemy) can see thru their screen and they can somehow “disturbing” the enemy pov by scary vision or something, thats for the character ult. Other than that maybe some blind/ flash. Also i want this character to fly, like a “ghost” an actual ghost/spirit, like they dont have to climb, just fly to reach some spot to shot. Last skills probably just smoke.
  • @lolhuman100
    honestly i love when the fans come up with something new as it's usually extremely creative and out of the box. Keep it up everyone!!
  • @KingEmeraldo
    I would like an ability where an agent could go prone. Also, Kabuto's ultimate concept is pretty good, but i can see some balancing issues
  • @6-30Gaming
    I thought of an ability could be an ultimate or something but the idea is that when used it turns back everything to how they were 20 seconds ago
  • @carliiitos3875
    There should be an agent with a dead silent ability. Running/shooting and jumping will all be silent for 5-10 seconds. Or cold blood where cypher trips, dead locks sensor, kj turent and alrm bot are usless. Or an ultimate that takes control of an enemy, and you can kill with them. Or an ultimate that makes you choose any agent in the game (or in that comp) for that round. To change or try new ideas.
  • @oweashino
    Xtr seems like she’d be some lighting agent, like one ability could disable the usage of any technology on the map being cypher cage, trip, or cam. Or ok turret, molleys, or alarmbot, or deadlock sound sensor. She could have an ability to paralyze enemies for 3 seconds somehow, maybe like a neon ult with 3 uses and its fire rate would be like a Bucky. Her third ability could be like a neon stun but if hit, you get a large amount of voltage which could either do a set amount of damage or a passive amount like viper. Her ult could be like an ult that copies any other ult in the current match. This could either be like a selective thing where she has an electronic that allows you to do so, or randomly chooses one for you. Her final ability could be like a neon stun but if hit, you get a large amount of voltage which could either do a set amount of damage or a passive amount like viper