Shadow Jago/Omen's Theme : Shadow Tiger's Lair (Fully Edited) - Killer Instinct Season Two


コメント (21)
  • @toraquan
    I did the dishes while listening to this. On a completely separate and totally unrelated note, I need new dishes.
  • I'm not sure that Tibetan Death Metal exists as a genre, but if it did, I'd imagine that this is what it would sound like. And I'd buy the first album of any group that made it a thing.
  • Tiger's Lair: "Here, we have this monk guy with a mask and a sword. Oh, and he has the Tiger Spirit. Have fun." Shadow Tiger's Lair: "Here, we have this monk guy, with a sword, and a mask, and he's got a tiger spirit." "Oh, and he's corrupted by a multi-dimensional Demon. Have fun."
  • I've always seen this song as the theme of Jago's inner conflict with Omen and the Upbeat finish as the indication that Jago absolutely does purge himself of the darkness and that Omen is definitely on his own at a point.
  • To think that the composer for this is the same composer that made the DooM (2016) soundtrack...Awesome...
  • Jago and Orchid disliked this video Gargos liked this video
  • @AlVivere
    Me and my friend play this game everyday, I main Fulgore and he mains Jago but recently switched to Shadow Jago when he got the first chance to get him. We do best 3 out of fives, and we usually do it on stages where we like the song. This song immediately grabbed my attention, and this mix does it complete justice. Mick Gordon and AppealToTreason, you two are great
  • Gargos part is so smooth. Makes my bass pedal foot pump up and down
  • Original (I mean theme of Jago) is more elegant and calm, like, you know, "clear your mind" stuff. This one - same theme, but full of beast desire to tear apart, bite to the neck and feel how life leaves victim's body. Compositor not only pro - he got talent and feeling of emotions. Huge respect to Mick Gordon.
  • This sounds like pure unhinged violence with a short taste of remorse. I love it.
  • So, first time I have come back to this song in a while (been listening the free download at gym sessions), and I noticed Mick-senpai noticed you. Top work!!
  • Great thing! I love Tiger's Lair theme and Omen's theme sounds so good! This metalic ultra impressed me
  • This is such an awesome remix of an awesome theme, thank you for uploading it without any weird edit
  • I think this edit is near perfect 😉 wish you could've somehow made it a lil longer so we can hear more of this badassery but it's all good, as long as it sounds really good.