A Little More Sunshine

Published 2016-08-02

Here's a video I put together made with Triller app, a video I made for my daughter and of course to inspire others.
I hope my videos inspires other dudes out there to step up to the plate and be a man. #SetTheBar #EmilySunshine shout out to all the other dads out there doing their thang and giving their kid(s) a father. I tip my hat to you gentlemen
As a father I am my daughter's 1st love. The 1st man to have her heart so imma show her and the world how a man is suppose to carry a girl's heart. πŸ’―
I'm not worrying about other guys that come in the future, cuz I set the bar really high right now. So these cats gonna have to step they game up for real it they wanna even get a DATE with my daughter lo