Biggest World Threat In 2024: AI Warfare, Media Companies, Ukraine & China Conflict | Ian Bremmer

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I am excited to have you join us for today’s episode with one of the leading experts on global politics and technology, Ian Bremmer. He is a thought leader in the space who is helping to shape conversations at the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI), geopolitics, and national security.

As the current digital revolution accelerates, Bremmer's perspectives become even more relevant, helping us navigate the shifting landscapes of our time. His polarizing views come from a clear-sighted analysis of potentially devastating effects of AI.

Bremmer has gained most of his recognition for his provocative insights on the pressing need for an evolved governance model involving both technology companies and governments. AI is a hyper disruptive technology playing out amid global power shifting and great division among people.

Ian makes a compelling case for transparency in AI use and advocates for maintaining democratic values in the face of rapid technological change.

You will undoubtedly be intrigued by Bremmer's insights into how AI is reshaping society, and his views on ensuring that AI does not further divide society but instead, helps to create wealth and growth.

The impact of AI proliferation on the world – technologically, politically, and ethically is one that carries potentially grave consequences. Job displacement, national security, and the spread of misinformation are but a fraction of the concerns we discuss today..

Is big tech quickly becoming the 3rd super power in the world along with the US and China?

Find out what the new cold war will look like and take a deep dive with us into:
The emphasis on AI and its impacts on geopolitics and national security.
The looming threat of AI misuse by rogue states, terrorists, and everyday people.
Ian’s stance for why a new governance model to regulate AI and collaboration is needed between tech companies and governments.
The necessity of ensuring that AI tools do not worsen societal divisions or erode democratic norms.

Check out Ian’s book, The Power of Crisis:…


"Big tech is essentially sovereign over the digital world.”

“Whether we’re talking about society, or the economy, or even national security. If it touches the digital space, technology companies basically act with dominion.”

“AI with both its productive and destructive capacities will not just be in the hands of rogue states, it will also be in the hands of people, and terrorists, and corporations, and they’ll have cutting edge access to that. It would be easier to deal with if it was just about the United States and China.”

“With AI the negative externalities will happen basically simultaneously.”

“Inside democracies, especially with AI, we as citizens cannot agree on what is true. We cannot agree on facts and that delegitimizes the media, it delegitimizes our leaders and both political parties, [...] it delegitimizes our judicial system order of law…”

“I don’t think AI is becoming much more like human beings, [...] I think what’s actually happening is technology companies are teaching us more effectively how to engage like computers.”

“We’re very valuable in driving the economy if you give us all of your attention and data. And that is how you create an optimal AI economy.”

Follow Ian Bremmer:

コメント (21)
  • @TomBilyeu
    WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!
  • I am trying to avoid making any new buys at this point in other not to get sucked into a bear market trap.It's tough making money in stocks when institutional investors are the driving force behind the selling.. although I read an article of people that grossed profits up to $150k during this crash, what are the best stocks to buy now or put on a watchlist?
  • @kaktusflieks
    Mr Bremmer had me up to the 1hr mark, when he said: "We are doing [AI algorithm] experiments in real time on human beings... we wouldn't do that with a vaccine, even in an emergency, or on a new GMO food, because we would be concerned about new cancers, disease, you name it..." Except that is exactly how corporates do.
  • @GoTeam383
    I won't lose my job to AI because "my boss likes having me around" Is that a joke?
  • @tomp6685
    Im glad I'm a plumber. I think my job is safe for a while haha.
  • @stanrock8015
    Government partnerships w tech is the worst outcome
  • @izenmama
    The guest's emphatic and broad statements "we ALL agree..." on several big topics as a basis for his next statements is very polarizing. That level of polarization leads me to distrust his clarity on anything he says after those statements. Although, I am doing my best to remain open as I find this discussion interesting and relevant. Thanks Tom, for bring on such diverse guests.
  • @Tracey66
    If cryptocurrencies are not a threat to governments, why are they fighting so hard against them?
  • @ambition112
    0:25: 💡 The speaker discusses the dangers and opportunities of big tech becoming the third superpower and the implications of unregulated AI technology. 8:31: 🌍 The speaker discusses the positive and negative impacts of AI on various industries, emphasizing the need to address the negative externalities to ensure human flourishing. 16:58: 🤔 The speaker expresses concerns about the impact of AI on human flourishing, particularly in terms of inequality and disinformation. 24:17: 🔎 The use of AI and algorithms in social media platforms has led to the fragmentation of information and the reinforcement of individual perspectives, resulting in a breakdown of truth and a lack of critical thinking. 31:58: 💡 The speaker discusses the impact of technology companies on human relationships and the potential loss of shared narratives, highlighting the need for real relationships and human connections. 40:29: 💡 The speaker discusses the urgent need for a hybrid governance model involving tech companies and governments to address the potential dangers of AI proliferation. 48:24: 💡 The speaker discusses the potential impact of Bitcoin, crypto, and AI on government power and governance. 56:40: 💡 The speaker discusses the need for a partnership between technology companies and governments to regulate the technology space and respond to crises effectively. 1:04:22: 🌍 The world is moving towards a form of thoughtful globalization, where resources are used effectively to take care of those left behind and institutions are reformed to keep up with rapidly changing technologies. 1:12:34: 😕 The speaker expresses concern about the proliferation of AI technology and the potential for misuse by individuals, rogue states, and terrorist organizations. They believe that the control of AI will be distributed globally rather than dominated by a few companies. They also discuss the challenges of regulating AI and the erosion of democracy in the United States. 1:20:17: 🌍 The world order is expected to look radically different in the next 10 years, driven by a small number of tech companies and the influence of AI on education and interactions. 1:28:14: 🤔 The speaker expresses concerns about children having a relationship with an AI educator without adult supervision, and believes that young people today are already different from Homo sapiens. Recap
  • @cblondesreport
    ... because companies working together with the government worked out so great with Covid, let's do this with Ai ?! Bless yr Heart
  • @ridni2388
    I really don't get, as a non american, what you see of so good with globalization... I'm genuinely interested in understanding your point of view.
  • @madamcjwalker67
    Thanks for not making this a 3 hour video. I actually had to stop & listen because I have an extra hour but not 3. Good material 👏🤩
  • @brightpage1020
    A year ago, as a copywriter, in 1 day I saw 4 ads for similar packages to my top 4 bestselling service packages: offered at 1/4 of the time for 1/2 the cost, from unique companies or organizations. That's the day I took up photography. And chicken farming. I still write, but... My expectations are realistic about the industry.
  • @manthings1568
    1:26:30 My 16 year old's mind grew up inside the algo I was not aware (part time custody) and I could not predict the impact, but it hasnt been good at all. Parents who work and cannot be with their kids all the time have no chance of influencing them nearly as much as the algos. This technology is the perfect storm for a dystopian society and its happing very fast, its already happening just watch the news.
  • @nalanala9725
    This video gave me so much hope and energy. Finally someone who sees things like I do. Thank you.
  • “We aren’t optimized for truth. We are optimized for party line”
  • @danschanone
    Is it not the programmer that sets the boundaries/parameters and what the AI learns? And have similar "traits or personality" of the programmer?
  • @davidmuiga6930
    Hey, I loooooove your interviews; I keep coming back to them. When listening we are so absorbed and the frequent use of the F-word is still considered unprofessional and offensive in so many parts of the world. We're used to hearing it in movies and entertainment, but this is a classroom and we come here to feed. It jerks us off when our concentration is so high on the content. Please consider toning down on expletives; we would really appreciate it. A very humble request.