Does SORENESS = MUSCLE GROWTH? (ft. Dr. Mike Israetel)

Published 2024-04-26
In this video, Milo sits down with Dr. Mike Israetel to debate the role of DOMS/soreness in your training. Should you be paying attention to soreness? Is soreness a bad thing? How does this fit into a good hypertrophy program?

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#scienceexplained #debate #musclebuilding
"Should You REALLY Use Soreness to Grow Muscle? (ft. Dr. Mike Israetel)"

All Comments (21)
  • @evan191919
    I’m a simple man. I see Dr. Mike, I touch myself.
  • @porkchop9978
    Dr mike on his own channel: 🩺🤡💪 Dr mike on other channels: 🧠
  • This was a great discussion but DAMN that background music is distracting
  • @amer6522
    I think the background music should be lower it's a bit noisy Everything else is perfect
  • A gentlemanly discussion between two hosses is most welcome. I appreciate the discussion, especially the acknowledgment of the difference in the tolerance for type 1 error between scientific and coaching contexts.
  • @jockez3581
    I love not being able to sit down without effort. 👌
  • To me, soreness is one of the best part of lifting. It's a reminder of my hard work and I has helped me a lot of time to analize how to bulld my program. For example, my bicep are extremely hard to fatigue and sore (and that's true for a lot of people), so i started working them more often and with a very full ROM. Now they're growing much faster, all thanks to soreness. From personal experience, the only part of my body that can be almost not sore while still growing a lot is my back, but maybe it's just genetics.
  • This is such a cool discussion to see 2 Ph.D.'s talk about the research in there field :D
  • @nwmxrider
    I'll always like being sore after lifting lol.
  • @r.124
    background music was really annoyinh
  • @Yupppi
    I only know that no matter if the hypertrophy occurs even more when I'm plenty sore all the time, I need time in my life when I can do other stuff than recover from gym. So autoregulating soreness when it doesn't subside at all and is too intense, becomes something that allows life outside gym.
  • @rjdenomme8665
    Some muscles get more sore than others for me, but I do enjoy a good soreness. Makes u feel like u worked hard on that muscle and can feel good with what you are doing.
  • @joe1071
    As a fast twitch muscle fiber athlete who played at the college level, I can attest that I get sore AF from lifting. Always thought it was because I was going harder than everyone else, but Mike’s explanation makes sense since I was the most fast twitch muscle fiber guy on the team
  • @PNWTruckCamper
    I've never made gains without being sore and I've never been sore without making gains. It's a very good indication. Chase moderate soreness