Longtime Oakland video rental store operator calls it quits

There are only a few video rental stores left in the Bay Area and now one of them is about to close. Lezla Gooden reports from Oakland. (4-28-23)

コメント (21)
  • Feel good Joe, you gave it all you had to give! Forty years is quite an accomplishment! Hope you enjoy your retirement. Be blessed...
  • @nima5398
    i mean dude stayed in the game for 40 years. Dude had lived the best years of video rental store life.
  • Growing up in 80s and 90s i loved going to video store. I spent hours just looking at video boxes peaking into that room with beads 😅
  • @JanPBtest
    If you are seriously into film, you still need to be DVD- and Blu-ray-based. Streaming services, with very few exceptions, just serve blockbusters which miss 95% of the films out there.
  • man i nearly lost it when Joe talked about the neon sign going out and that would indicate it was time
  • I was the night manager at Captain Video on Grand Ave in Oakland. Great customers and neighborhood. It was fun while it lasted.
  • Probably the only store in Oakland that hasn’t been robbed
  • I used to work here back in the 90s when I was in college. The memories.
  • I got my collection of 8,000 dvds/blu rays, i've been collecting since i was 11 years old still got my vhs collection
  • Digital Streaming, even if you buy it, can be edited even AFTER purchase anytime someone comes up with a socially acceptable reason to complain. This has already happened in video and music. If you want an original version, you MUST purchase a hard copy.
  • "Be kind rewind" ... end of an era. Sorry you're closing before your time but 40 years ... ! You had a good run Joe!
  • There's still a guy in San Mateo who rents, buys and sells VHS, DVD and Blu Ray's and still makes a decent living. This story is sad nonetheless.
  • My neighborhood movie store closed down during Covid. I'd been going there since the early eighties when they had CED disc and betamax tapes. It's been kind of a shock losing all these places I grew up with. No movie stores, bowling alleys, malls or arcades. There's just nothing to do in most towns. The internet and social media really changed our lives more than anything.
  • This was a monthly tradition for me during the 90s. Going to the video rental stores. I still remember those stores with the black curtains at the back corner with a sign noting 18+ adults only
  • Well, there are movies that can't be streamed in the US due to licensing.
  • @above97
    Oakland was once a city to be somewhat proud of.. now not so much. The Bay Area is on a continual decline overall
  • You could move the store to a small town without internet. There’s still a few places. You would not get rich. But could still keep renting them out.
  • Even though streaming more convenient, There was something about picking out and renting VHS then DVD movies more enjoyable!
  • I remember when petaluma lost our last rental store a couple years back. Times are changing.