Flying A Helicopter Indoors

Published 2022-12-15
What happens when you fly your helicopter inside? Things go very wrong...

All Comments (21)
  • I've been a helicopter pilot for 69 years and this man might be the best pilot I've ever seen.
    As a certified forklift operator that once did 106 hours of overtime in one day, this guy has what it takes.
  • @magnum6763
    As a real life pilot who has flown 18 planes, only 17 1/2 of which were successfully landed, i admire your flight skills and wish to become like you.
  • @hxvy.j4r1on
    As someone that drinks motor oil for a living since 1997, I can confirm that this is the greatest pilot in the multiverse.
  • @SC_XOLOs
    As a retired Airman, who flew submarines for the past decade, I can confirmed that this is the best sailing I seen !
  • @edsmith150
    Can we all take a moment to give huge props to the company that built the shop cause somehow someway it’s still standing
  • @yves3560
    As a psychologist, I can confirm with 100% certainty that Cody is absolutely normal.
  • @tracemeskid
    As a certified navy seal who’s flown aircraft carriers, I can confirm that his helicopter license is valid.
  • @itakexans
    As a 13 year old with 62 years flying experience, I can say that this is a blessing to the aviation community. Keep it up, we need more pilots like you!
  • @Minerals333
    As someone who has recently begun transitioning to become an Apache AH-64 attack helicopter, I’m so thankful for brave content creators like this for showing me what perfect flight looks like.
  • @jeremytucker9239
    After 97 years of flying helicopters all over this sector of the galaxy, I can say with full authority that this man knows what he is doing and anyone saying anything else is butt-hurt because they see perfection and they can't live up to it. Keep teaching us all how to live the best way possible!
  • @redtaco79
    Cody embodies such amazing airmanship, such care and precision. We would all be so lucky to demonstrate such brilliance in flying!
  • @lilith7461
    Cody has the money to let all of the intrusive thoughts in, and it’s amazing.
  • This should be an FAA safety instruction video. This man clearly knows what he’s doing.
  • Bro, hearing that kid say, "thank you so much" he was so freaking happy you called him. Made his day!
  • @eachday9538
    As an FFA official of 43 years elsewhere in the multiverse I applaud your diligent record keeping. The more of your time you spend writing the safer the world will be.
  • Cody is literally the embodiment of intrusive thoughts... Love it
    youtube needs to pay more for this
  • @sneakerhead4770
    After 10 years of AFO experience (air fryer operations) and countless hours I can confirm he’s an extraordinary helicopter pilot