THE A500 Mini Loading Workbench from HDF and a Save File

I only got THE A500 Mini today(5 hours ago) and already worked out how to load Workbench from a HDF file and load it with a save file, I had to hack one of its save it makes from the USB Loader.

コメント (15)
  • @Evert850
    Now we just have to wait for a detailed video going through every step. I would love to have WB on my Mini too.
  • I forget who posted this info on one of the facebook groups today - but it's what I'd expect is happening here. Create a save state from the front-end carousel - then eject the USB, look at the save state file on a PC and edit the file so that it loads a HDF image instead. Any chance you can share your HDF image in google drive or please? Hi, I've found a solution how to use your own hardfile (with Workbench) with your A500. This works with a savestate file. These are the steps I followed: * Format a USB stick and place the A500 folder from the WHDLoad Package in the root as normal. * Put one WHDload game/demo on your USB stick. * Put your hardfile (created in WinUAE) on your USB stick. * Put the USB stick in your A500 and run the game. * Press Home on your controller when the game runs and press down on the d-pad. * Press A to make a savestate file. * Put the USB stick in your PC and open the folder .a500states and the next folder (something like 9c81e6eb). * Delete the slot-0.msz file. * Open the slot-0.uae file in notepad and go to * Hard Drives. * Change this info to : hardfile2=rw,DH0:/mnt/INSERT NAME OF YOUR HARDFILE.HDF,32,1,2,512,0,,uae0 uaehf0=hdf,rw,DH0:"/mnt/INSERT NAME OF YOUR HARDFILE.HDF",32,1,2,512,0,,uae0 scsi=true * You can also check under * Chipset if the chipset is set to AGA (chipset=aga). * Save the file, and put the USB stick in your A500. * Select the game again and press Home on your controller and down on the d-pad. * Select the savepoint and the HDF file will load! (and had read/write options!). Advance mode: If you want to make a folder on your USB stick visible in the HDF file, add the following info under * Hard Drives: filesystem2=rw,DH1:Games:/mnt/NAME OF THE FOLDER ON USB,-128 uaehf1=dir,rw,DH1:Games:/mnt/NAME OF THE FOLDER ON USB,-128 You can change the Games: in the name you want to call the harddrive.
  • Metodo Simple para ejecutar WB20: Extraer el juego "citadel" (por ejemplo con IZARC) en una carpeta. "Borrar" (o renombrar) el fichero DISK.1 Volver a comprimir todos los fichero extraidos, y llamarlo como queramos (ejemplo "BOOT.LHA"). Copiar dentro de "THEA500-Games". Ahora, extraer el contenido de un disco ADF de sistema WB de Amiga (cualquiera, ejemplo un WB20) Podemos hacerlo con el UAE, copiando el disco completo en una carpeta PC compartida. Este contenido completo, copiarlo en la carpeta del USB del Mini500 "x:\THEA500\whdboot\boot-data". "Borrar" (o renombrar) el fichero "" de la carpeta "THEA500". Ahora, iniciar el A500 con el USB insertado, y cargar el fichero "BOOT.LHA" creado al principio. ------------ Extract the game "citadel" (for example with IZARC) into a folder. "Delete" (or rename) the DISK.1 file. Re-compress all extracted files, and name it as you want (e.g. "BOOT.LHA"). Copy inside "THEA500-Games". Now, extract the content of an Amiga WB system ADF disk (any, example a WB20). We can do it with the UAE, copying the complete disk in a shared PC folder. This complete content, copy it in the folder of the USB of the Mini500 "x:\THEA500\whdboot-boot-data". "Delete" (or rename) the "" file in the "THEA500" folder. Now, start the A500 with the USB inserted, and load the "BOOT.LHA" file created at the beginning. Translated with (free version)
  • Almost worked, but I had to use the Workbench LHA WHDLoad install and this worked fine. Thanks :)
  • @wizzel22
    Great... And how is it done? Everybody wants to know how it's done and people are just showing the end result...
  • hello, I was able to unlock Amiberry the hdf etc, I would like to put scanlines, but it doesn't work, I'm thinking of editing the cfg file and putting 720x576.
  • @mutlab74
    I found how to start ADF.. i think in the same way : did you use the reset hack ?
  • How did you avoid the Amiberry menu showing up (which normally you have to exit out of by pressing ESC)
  • @Pulsed101
    I'm wondering if it's possible to get the music tool 'ProTracker' running on the mini. So far no luck. I used to play around with the software when I was young.
  • I call shenanigans- roughly mid way through, the Windows screen briefly appears