Mick Ryan - To Avoid Ukrainian Defeat by a Thousand Cuts the NATO Strategy Needs to Radically Change

Published 2024-07-10
Barely a week goes by without things occurring that would have been inconceivable three years ago. Russian territory being hit by American made munitions, history’s most substantial sanctions in place against Russia, a near coup against the Kremlin, and Putin going cap-in-hand to Kim-Jong-Un to prop up his ailing military. What more can happen before these tensions and conflicts coalesce into World War 3 – especially the expectations that Korea troops will soon be fighting on the territory of Europe.

00:02:11 It’s troubling that the largest land war since WWII is getting so little coverage
00:06:39 The great moral challenge with Spheres of influence as a geopolitical idea
00:11:10 Some terrible rules and red lines have been imposed on Ukraine by the US
00:14:14 China's interests are served by this war continuing because it distracts the US
00:21:05 Extraordinary pace of evolution of electronic warfare with drones and tactics
00:27:54 The British military has been run down in size, but not run down in quality
00:34:13 Russia’s extraordinarily profligate strategies risk exhaustion and defeat
00:36:50 No battalion ever thinks it's got enough ammunition and they’re probably right

Mick Ryan is a retired major general in the Australian Army. A graduate of the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and the U.S. Marine Corps University Command and Staff College and School of Advanced Warfighting. He has commanded at platoon, squadron, regiment, task force, and brigade level. In January 2018, he assumed command of the Australian Defence College in Canberra, Australia. In 2021 he was an adjunct scholar at the Modern War Institute. He completed his 35-year career with the Australian Army and transitioned to the Army Reserve as a major general on February 27, 2022. His book, War Transformed, was published in 2022, ‘White Sun War: The Campaign for Taiwan’ was published in 2023, and his latest book "The War for Ukraine: Strategy and Adaptation Under Fire", will be released on 13th August 2023.


War Transformed: The Future of Twenty-First-Century Great Power Competition and Conflict Hardcover (2022)
White Sun War: The Campaign for Taiwan (2023)
The War for Ukraine: Strategy and Adaptation Under Fire (2024)



kharpp - Reconstruction project supporting communities in Kharkiv and Przemyśl

Save Ukraine

Superhumans - Hospital for war traumas

UNBROKEN - Treatment. Prosthesis. Rehabilitation for Ukrainians in Ukraine

Come Back Alive

Chefs For Ukraine - World Central Kitchen

Ukrainian Freedom News

UNITED24 - An initiative of President Zelenskyy

Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation

NGO “Herojam Slava”

NOR DOG Animal Rescue

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All Comments (21)
  • @erichert1001
    NATO is trying to make an omelette without breaking any eggs.
  • @mnoot7209
    Mick Ryan is a great guest. Always well informed, insightful and keenly analytical. Never afraid to speak the truth. Thanks for hosting him with well put questions, Jonathan. Loved seeing you on Jake Broe's live pod with all your British cohorts the other day, too!
  • @junj0u
    Thank you so much Jonathan, please keep doing what you are doing. There is no replacement for people understanding the value of democracy and what it takes to defend it.
  • Mick is always interesting and a great supporter of Ukraine. Proud he and I have cooperated on support for medics in this war.
  • NATO should have changed months ago..... i pray its not too late....
  • Best one yet Jonathan, how great to get an objective perspective that isn't European or American.
  • @chopperwitz
    Intelligent conversation and point of veiw. Thank you, I hope your words are taken to heart by world democratic leaders.
  • @Donovanwashere
    Another great guest! Thank you for your tremendous work, Jonathan!! 🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇦🇺🇸
  • Mick is always right on point with the information he shares. One of the most credible experts on the real state of the Ukraine conflict and current world politics
  • We need more Mick Ryan in our lives. Thank you Jonathan for a fantastic episode.
  • Thanks Johnathan & Mick 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇦🇺🇦🇺🦘🦘🦘💪
  • @djparn007
    Thank you, Jonathan. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦
  • @sunflower-tz
    Thank you Jonathan Fink and all your wonderful Guests. I wish policy makers would listen to Mick Ryan 💙💛
  • Mick Ryan has his shit in one sock. A military slang, for he knows what he is talking about. NATO needs to listen.
  • Great guest here , an Aussie that understands the issues and the way forward ..