Man who allegedly talked to supermarket gunman day before shooting speaks on attack

Published 2022-05-14
Man who allegedly talked to supermarket gunman day before shooting speaks on attack

All Comments (21)
  • @petshop7248
    Quit calling him “young man” and call him, murderer, thug, assailant, shooter, etc.
  • Just goes to show you that you never know who you are speaking to when you're out in public, and how close you are to someone that has murder on their mind. You just never know.
  • Wow "if it's not your time was a person". The security guard was sent to him by an angel to deliver that message so he can leave 😳😳. God bless all the people that were loss. May their souls rest in peace. This is beyond sad and could've happened at any supermarket, in any neighborhood.
  • Sounds like this was the kids divine intervention moment an he didn’t internalize it an proceeded to carry out his insanity! So sad:(
  • @289rory
    He sat down with a dude he already hated through prejudice, a good conversation at that, and had the heart to follow through the next day? Wow! He’s a fucking psycho. I can’t even follow through on a “mean” prank if the target is having a good day. I couldn’t imagine getting to know someone and then doing this.
  • @JWRay-xh9wl
    The detachment to have a conversation with a person you have intention of targeting because they are different than you....remarkably terrifying.
  • @mikeg6285
    The fact that he still went through with it after such a possibly opinion altering experience makes it even more fucked. Genius my ass.
  • So 2 random strangers just happen to talk with each other for an hour and 45 minutes? Interesting! MK Ultra
  • @officialtotino
    if only that conversation could have opened his eyes to how we all can get along
  • @Acceptance2023
    This man had what sounded like a mutual interesting conversation yesterday. It’s so scary how evil literally walks amongst us! Condolences to everyone that knew and loved on the victims!!!
  • @lynnmartin8058
    Coward!! He couldn’t complete his mission he should have unalived himself as he planned!! Racist coward!! Praying for the families!!!🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
  • @newmom1171
    It's a good thing this man has the ability to spot someone out of the ordinary. He almost acted as an extra layer of security for the area. There's no telling who else might have heard their dialogue, and decided to not go to the store that day.
  • @MusicLuv80
    This is just so sad. People lost family and friends on this day. And lot of respect for the security guard (former officer) who fought till the end.
  • @Michd0417
    Crazy. That man probably thought he was having a genuine, good conversation and connected with a decent human being. I hope this doesn’t stop him from being the kind soul he seems to be. On the flip side I hope that kid suffers from intolerable nightmares and is placed in general population living in fear of his life every day… the same way people had to face fear bc of him.
  • @achayootto4221
    He was holding 😢 back tears sharing that story...i hear his pain 💔 😢 even crying not just for the victims but even for the suspect who he had a conversation with.
  • @rixvspinner
    Aside from my condolences to the victims, families, friends and staff at Tops, what about this gentleman being interviewed. It's awful for him to have had a chat with this very same person, who as it turns out is evil incarnate, and witness this tragedy like he did. Condolences to him and good for him offering everything he could remember moments after the tragedy. I'm sure he will likely contribute more as a key witness although there is no resolve here. He's a pretty tough guy, good for him. Good interviewer as well.
  • @writerpb
    I have no words. What a terrifying and senseless tragedy. I’m so sorry for everyone impacted.
  • @misbinky2947
    God spared this man's life so that he could share this message. His testimony alone will blow all refute ALL possible attempts to claim ANY mental instability from the killer.
  • man this is truly sad, my heart is with the familys of all the victims :(