Give me 28 minutes and I'll give you YEARS back

Publicado 2024-07-08

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Generally, successful people come from successful families. They receive financial help, have ready-made networks and are brought up with the belief that they will be successful
  • This is 100% true. There are vibrational levels or planes we can exist on. At birth, I was given away by my mother to strangers. Research separation trauma if you like. I was nothing like them. I had high dreams and interests growing up. They belittled all lof my dreams and my interests I was a very angry loser into early adulthood. Then I discovered Think and Grow Rich. Everything changed. I didn't know what I was doing, but I applied the principles. I raised my sons based on the principles in the book. They are really enjoying their lives. If they want something they make it happen. My adopted father passed, and all of those ghosts from my childhood have revisited me. I have one last battle to overcome this. Best wishes to you all!
  • @storqe
    I recently made a recording of a list of “I am” affirmations and have been listening to it for hours a day. After a month it is really starting to change things for me. 😊
  • @jupiterthesun3217
    Some wise person told me once and I am quoting: “ the eyes see the task at hand and make the mind panic, but the hands to the task at hand and that’s why one needs to learn to be more practical than constantly living in the mental space because when engaged in any tasks it’s always the hands that create .
  • @wildspiritoracle
    I've utilized the process in the mentioned video for about 3 months now and it really does work. I'm significantly closer to my DCA than ever before. I've tried other "manifesting" methods and the results were shoddy. Other methods don't seem to break down the necessary steps we need to take to actually obtain our goal. Let me mention, I've tried manifesting my DCA for a few years now and only within the last few months have I experienced significant growth because I started using this method. Objective after objective checked off and I'm just getting started! 🤩🤩🤩
  • What you're talking about here is faith in a higher power! It's not simply LIKE that, it IS that!
  • @yu8mophoo329
    9:00 reminding of Passengers movie. Jim Preston : So lay some bartender wisdom on me I'm lost in space here Arthur : You know where you wanted to be, you feel like you're suppose to be somewhere else. Jim Preston : You said it. Arthur : Say you could snap your fingers and be whatever you want it to be I bet you'd still feel this way not in the right place, Point is, you can't get so hung up on where you'd rather be, that you forget how to make the most of where you are. Jim Preston : What are you telling me. Arthur : Take a break from worrying about what you can't control. Arthur : Live a little.
  • @lovegoddess74
    I've been in the void of the storm, trying to see the light at the end. Thats why I feel the pressure, change is coming!❤
  • @davidranscht2065
    David you exponentially grow your process here with becoming a hypnotist. People have to change their identity. They are not going to do that with the conscious mind. The subconscious is running everything. Look into it. I Love what you are trying to do.
  • @MrTakadatsu
    Maaan idk about this whole theory, but i embrace the chaos and im all about feeling good no matter what ❤. So big like.
  • @jupiterthesun3217
    Only a good soul like you Sir would be so generous with their energy and time and passion to better the lives of the people who are total strangers:) And I Salute 🫡 you for your kindness and passion to help the people you have never met :) you are a Star ⭐️.🙏🏻✨
  • @johnaustin47
    Thank You " Bother' I consider this information incredibly useful ! ! ! ! ! !
  • @lifechanges4097
    First time seeing any of your videos.... I have to say, it' was a great video!!! Very informative and very well said.... I'm sure I'll be subscribing and checking out more of your content. 🤝
  • @brianread9781
    Your the script writer the producer & main star ⭐️ in the film you call life 🙏