Flying Phobia cured in LESS THAN 7 MINS

Publicado 2010-07-31
Christopher Paul Jones The Breakthrough Expert cures a flying phobia in less then 7 minutes. Watch the remarkable breakthrough results that Christopher Paul Jones gets by using his unique system to remove fear of flying, deal with anxiety, turbulence and remove flying phobias fast.

This video is un-cut and shows the full sequence of results that Louise Brown achieved through conquering the fear that stopped her from flying for over 20 years.
Christopher's witty, fast paced style of breakthrough shows his unique spin on using applied psychology change techniques such as NLP, Hypnosis, EMDR, EFT, CTB, and Timeline release to get his clients over their fear, panic and stress of flying.

This phobia treatment has no side effects, is completely drug free, safe and will overcome the emotional stress many people face when panic takes over and stops them from getting over their flying fear.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @garlybhoy
    I've read books and watched numerous videos and nothing has ever worked for me. When id get to the airport I couldn't eat, drink or even talk to my wife. I came across your video the night before I was flying from Dublin to Hong Kong. I put on headphones and listened to the video laying down on my bed. A calmness just came over me and I walked onto that flight like I was walking onto a bus..
  • @IonianModal
    Your videos are wonderful! They've rejuvenated my inner work and restored hope I hadn't even realized I'd lost in myself. You've also enhanced my ability to help my own clients (I'm a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist). What is particularly appealing to me about your videos is that there is so little self-promotion, that your sincerity, generosity, and obvious desire to help and support others shows clearly.
  • @mlm120986
    just wanted to say i watched this over a year ago and since have flown 4 times at 4-5 hours per flight and it helped me tremendously remembering these things,I still have anxiety during take off but it dissipates once the plane is in flight,and on my first flights i would only allow myself to sit in an isle seat now last flight I moved to a window seat and i wish i had sooner it is breath taking (in a good way) thank you for this and thank you so much for helping me get over my fear, it is so much more convenient and rewarding to arrive at my destination DAYS sooner than on train or bus!
  • @streetzboxa
    I never used to be afraid of flying or heights in particular, I don't remember but at one time in my life I realized I was now afraid of both. When it comes to flying I'm just afraid of mechanical failure, and I hate turbulence. I just hate the idea of floating freely with thousands of feet of nothing in between me and the ground, and the idea of falling, plummeting that distance really scares me.
  • @phil00075
    I had no fear of flying until I was 43. Then I started to feel very anxious about being so high up in the air. I am not afraid of the plane crashing or turbulence. I have no idea what the “trigger” might have been, but it had nothing to do with any event on a flight. To this day, I can only fly if I use a tranquilizer. There seems to be very little research about trigger events other than bad experiences on flights.
  • @thetaxivlogger
    Christopher you’ve no idea how much you’ve improved my life by watching this video and reading your book. I love planes and I live on the flight path out of Dublin Airport and never once think a plane taking off would crash through my roof. However I could never get on a Plane without being nearly in tears and my heart would be racing, I was terrified. But when I read your book I realised my fear had nothing to do with planes at all. When I was seven years old I was getting a car ferry from Dublin to Holyhead and I had really bad sea sickness and on top of that I got lost during the night and had to be taken care of by the ships crew until my dad was found which back in the 80’s on a slow ferry took hours. When I realised that, my fear literally disappeared. Anytime I talk to anyone who has a fear of flying I always point them to your videos. Thank you so much
  • @msv7856
    That's amazing. I went through it with her. And when he said at the end.... Check in and can you feel where those feelings are now... Just like her, I couldn't either. Great job, great video 😊
  • @velvetchiharu
    Very helpful and look forward to watching it again and again. I had to go back to my first memory to find that “stability” but it helped a lot. It Did this while having a bodily migraine and it made me very dizzy about half way through through, still spinning lol
  • @mikecarinum3032
    Very interesting Christopher. Great upload and kudos for sharing!
  • @TonyPetrozza
    Well I wrote down everything you said to Louise. And when I asked my subject’s unconscious to find the originating event she couldn’t. I only panicked for a split second and just continued to keep her mind moving. Well I had told her that you had done it in 7 minutes and that I did not expect to be nearly as good as you, I was delighted along the way when we made breakthroughs that were not easily earned! I had to improv a few things like have her conscious mind trust her unconscious mind.
  • @reazjanally4174
    Hi Christopher, Sorry for late reply. I will check out link that you sent me and revert back to you later. Thanks for yourreply and help. you are doing a great job just keep it on. God bless you.
  • Thats great news. The power of the brain is remarkable. As one of my recent clients puts it... 'its all in the mind'. Well done
  • Hi Brittany, thanks for getting in touch. Yes, I've worked with people who have a fear of being sick/vomitting. Its becoming more common for people to have this phobia. this is something you are looking to get help with?
  • @alshehadeh5103
    This video really helps people who are dealing with this problem.
  • @cannack
    as a pilot in training, i can assure anyone, flying is quite safe, ground school is very hard, lots of training on radio comms, pan pan and mayday calls, and how to handle everything from a catstrophic engine failure to a simple oil pressure drop. we know how to deal with it, and if all engines go out, you dont just drop like a rock you glide, for example the gimli glider incident, due to the canadian switch to the metric system, the plane ran out of fuel the pilots were forced to land on a decommissioned military runway, with faulty landing gear. all survived, only minor injuries related to the escape slides being too short since the landing gear gave out, just minor scrapes and countless other incidents, due to human error and ended in almost no deaths, because important pilot training, death in large numbers is rare in aviation
  • @TonyPetrozza
    That was huge. After about 40 minutes we were done. She had gotten down to a 4. She was amazed! She said she also had gotten new understandings, especially about her unconscious. I had given her a pre-talk on how we were going to use that instead of her conscious and that this is where the money really was. I really talked up your method and did not settle for fuzziness on her part. So I was only slightly disappointed it didn’t eradicate her phobia recognizing all progress is good.
  • @kirstyd5389
    This worked for me! Fear of flying phobia plagued me for 29 years. I have done 2 flights in 7 days and felt great. I actually enjoyed it. I even filmed the take off and landing. Thank you so much. However, I couldn't face the lift in the apartment we stayed in. Do you have a video for this? Love your work.
  • @loganpollock1689
    I was flying from Cleveland to Minneapolis in a 737 when the left engine began making a screeching noise. The pilot idled the engine and reduced altitude to 5000 ft. When we got near Minneapolis, the pilot told us that we were climbing to 10,000 ft to get into the traffic pattern. Everyone is saying "No, don't go higher!" It was a real hoot.
  • @paullanders7658
    Hi Christopher, I flew for many years from The US to England in the 90's/2000. I actually loved flying, but then I happened to see one of the 'Final Destination' movies a few years ago, and somehow adopted one of the character's phobias of flying on commercial airplanes. Since watching that movie I've developed an intense fear of flying, mostly the fear of flying at speed also with confinement inside the plane. I guess it's "a lack of control" fear, because when I'm a passenger in a car being driven fast I have anxiety now also. So yeah, a real cognitive mess I've developed. The car passenger situation is improving though, knowing I can stop has a lot to do with it I think.