Finally I Can Talk About This

Published 2024-07-28
I promised I would update you on this when I could, so here it is.

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Competition details:
To enter, leave a comment with a better name for my attack. The winners will be decided by viewers. The 10 comments with the most likes relating to the giveaway will each receive £100. The competition will run for 7 days from the moment the video is posted. Winners will be replied to in the comments and asked to verify their identity. In order to pay the prizes, I will require your name and bank details

All Comments (21)
  • @VelocciYT
    The fact he basically got away with it with a suspended sentence is insane... This country is in tatters
  • Sickening. The fact he punched a complete stranger out of the blue, if anything, is far more dangerous than someone who had a big argument that lead to a punch. The fact the courts don’t see this is absurd. This man is dangerous in public
  • You're a credit to yourself & your parents fella. The justice system is beyond a joke.
  • As a Police officer, I am so sorry, I try my best everyday at work to Identify and arrest criminals everyday….hours of work, engaging with victims and offering all the support I can. However, time and time again the CPS and courts let victims down….and people blame the police. We investigate and arrest, the rest, like actually prosecuting and even taking it to court, is the CPS’s decision - nobody else’s! And i will say it….they are absolute wank!!!Any excuse to delay a trial. You tell them in the file there is no cctv in the area, but they will repeatedly send the file back asking for cctv, details like this course huge delays and its clear they have not even read the file just sending the file back because they can’t be bothered. So sorry the system let you down….and I hope Dear old Wes meets someone bigger than him, not hard as he is clearly a coward.
  • @WCB-oo9lc
    This country is an absolute joke at the moment
  • This is so sad. I am sorry you went through this. My husband got attacked 2 weeks before our wedding in 2019 and also passed out at a tube station in London. He wouldn’t kill a fly, had to have a plastic surgery to reconstruct his lip and all he was doing was carrying a stuffed cheetah and the guy pulled and broke the tail. Violence out of nowhere. 5 years later, (this week) my husband had to do 3 root canals because 3 of his front teeth died. This person is out there doing God knows what. 😢
  • “Wesident Evil” So sorry again that you’ve had to go through this, Damo, but boy, you have been an inspiration taking this from a negative into a “positive” experience. Been a subscriber since the early days and you are doing the lord’s work. Next step, MBE.
  • @ronanm4418
    What a horrible experience. Struck a nerve as about a month ago a similar thing happened to me. Was walking home from a night out listening to music when I felt a big bang, came to on the ground with someone on top of me, got knocked out again and woke up with my phone & wallet missing. Happened literally a 2 minute walk from my apartment. Not badly injured, just a bruised rib. My knuckle was cut up and bruised from trying to fight back while I was on the ground. Spoke to the police, there was nothing they could do. Extremely frustrating that people like this so rarely face consequences. The UK is down the tubes.
  • @been1324
    Instead of referring to it as "the attack" I would call it the "the FTSEcuff". I like to think that people like Wes are the ones who pay our compound interest <3
  • @DSLRguide
    so much to admire about the way you’ve handled this whole situation, but I want to highlight that you said you want to do something fun with the money, and instead booking a holiday, you’re buying food for the community. thanks for the reminder that generosity isn’t just the right thing to do, but it can also be fun. Finance on YouTube does a lot of talk about saving & consuming, that was refreshing
  • @paulgal
    When I was 17 years old I was walking home from a friends house . Someone who I didn’t get on with tried to smash me in the face with a bottle. I ended up battering him and he had a small cut on his face. This was all caught and camera and he admitted to trying to attack me first. I had a good job as a postman and my partner was pregnant . I got 9 months in prison missed 4.5montha of my daughters life , lost an amazing job and spent Xmas , new year and my 18th birthday in prison. It sickens me when I hear these light sentences. I’ve never reoffended , never even had so much as a parking ticket but that ruined alot of my life .
  • @GarethPW
    "The Philanthro Fist" Side note: Thanks for running this channel; it's genuinely a great resource. Sorry to hear about this incident and glad you're making something good of it!
  • @mrmeldrew693
    Without intent? He only way that makes sense is if he had no control over his punching arm. Of course he had the intent to sucker punch you and someone with such little impulse control over such a random, violent act will do it again....the courts in this country are a joke.
  • @jsr44444
    Awe bless you Damien. I remember the video you released straight after the attack and I was so proud of you for speaking out about it.
  • @Jdots96
    I was the DJ in the bar on this night. Absolutely disgusting... Cannot believe it was you who it happened to (thought I recognized you at a glance whilst in the venue). Bless you sir, your positive outlook and willingness to help people is truly inspirational.
  • I had the same thing, was stood outside printworks having a cig and had two guys hit me out of nowhere, one to the side of my face and a kick to the chest. Broken jaw, permanently numb now can’t trust a razor blade to shave.. he got 12 month suspended sentence and banned from the town centre for 3 years as he had done it before. Useless system isn’t worth going out anymore
  • @SimonLondon
    Hi Damien, I remember the original video well.. Our prison system is a joke, but (cheese warning) this whole incident has made you an even better person. Another lasting effect - you don't let the twats in this world make you an angry person.. and switch a terrible experience into a positive. Much Love ❤
  • @EubanksDVDs
    I ended up serving a 3yr prison sentence about 15years ago. It totally changed my perspective on life, in fact I'd go so far as to say I'm grateful to have had the opportunity - sounds bizarre right?! On being released I had to ditch my old friends, fiancé & move to another part of the country and start again. It was the hardest 3 or 4 years of my life starting again. I now use the experience to my benefit and tell the story of how I changed and how everyone can change if they have the desire to. Often, big life changing events can kick start you into an entirely new direction - use it to inspire yourself and others around you. Don't let the past define who you will be in the future. Good Luck and congratulations on your first steps to philanthropy.
  • @Gtbg641
    I got sucker punched with a metal bar in Leeds in 1989. I was a student at the time. Totally random event from local gang. Took months of dental surgery to sort my face out and scar on lip still there. Never found the culprit. I feel for you but you were so lucky not falling in a way that severe damage could have been done. That guy could indeed kill someone.
  • @cussdiscuss
    Talking of the freeing feeling of not being on edge the whole time, I just moved from London to Singapore and my god that feeling really hits hard! Not once here am I thinking of which drunk/cracked up nutter is going to start a fight, no arses acting hard on the back of the bus or outside McDs, none trying to steal my watch or phone; also lovely to not see people stealing from supermarkets and your local Greg’s equivalent. And there’s plenty of drinking here too! I love London for so many things, feeling safe is not one of them.