A Difficult Game About Climbing - Part 2

Published 2024-04-02

All Comments (21)
  • @Hana1LuLu
    I can never get over the “swimming”. You get so far, you lose it all, you get so angry, but now you gotta FLOOPFLOOPSWOOSH your way back to the start rock. It feels so condescending 😂
  • Part 1- “The controls actually make sense.” Part 2- “ WHyyyYyy??? I dON’T UNDERSTAAAAAAANNND!!!! ”
  • @Dolvondo
    15:22 The reason why he is letting go is that you are getting too familiar with the course. Thus you instinctively move faster, out of familiarity. That extra speed and harsh movements actually makes the character have grip loss. Sliding enough to lose your grasp on thin objects.
  • @Jess-jr9lg
    Mark's villian era is just him getting sassy with anything and anyone in his grasp and I love it
  • @bobboberson6792
    I heard the voice in my head with that first big fall. "Ooo you just lost a lot of progress. That must be really frustrating".
  • I won’t lie to you, I didn’t even know you could fall all the way down in many of the ways mark is doing it, I thought the checkpoints were stronger
  • @kierin2320
    I have Stardew Valley in the background playing because I didnt care to mute it while I watched this video. So whenever Mark is thrown into a rage so violent that he needs to take a quiet break to sit and collect himself, Stardew Valleys theme music fills in his silence
  • @emma_nutella58
    Ah yes what a totally relaxing game for our very chill mark to play
  • @thenemesis8142
    Mark: I’m not a masochist Also Mark: Plays this game right after he says he’s tired
  • @DomArgus
    I love how mark proceeds to yell at the mouse at 14:57 I don’t know if it will share the same fate as the chair as time progresses
  • Mark: I'm tired and need a break Also Mark: let's play a game that's specifically designed to induce rage and do unrepairable psychological damage
  • @liverooze0504
    Marks evolution in emotion is beautiful 1. All is well, content. 2. Messes up, but still chillin 3. Getting angry, messes up but "isnt mad" bc he recognizes his mistake. 4. "WHYY????" 5. Abuses (verbally and/or physically) inanimate object
  • @GojiMet86
    0:24 - 0:33 Mark's incredible range of emotions: Goes from complete disappointment, to actively booing, to having a Eureka "Ah" moment, to singing a beautiful operatic yell from almost-certain death.
  • @calmorgansmith
    Dude the swimming with both hands clapping the water makes me laugh out loud every time.
  • @taylors5981
    19:01-19:11 the quick change between fear to relief back to fear again and then relief was hilarious
  • @Blue_Jay_Plays
    15:36 "why would it slip" explination. Whenever you move the character up and miss a grab, you will "slip" downward, on any surface, even if you are holding grab. (you can test this by violently flinging the character around and see you have now moved elsewhere) On narrow pieces like that, including the times you fell on the waterfall section, were due to this mechanic. To counteract this mechanic you need to slow your characters descent after a failed attempt.
  • @zerobadideas
    I haven't had any interest in watching this game, but my four year old sees thumbnails and calls it "climb face" so I put it on now and then. She tries to comfort Mark's face when he's apprehensive, but she loses her shit when he falls, doubled-over or rolling on the floor laughing with her whole body. Every time. Thanks, Mark.
  • “Click on the link and you’ll get exactly what you deserve” Goodness that’s metal
  • @limeddasch382
    This has very Shakespearian vibes. „Once more unto the breach, dear friends. Once more.“