The BEST Pull Up Training EVER | Trevor Bachmeyer | SmashweRx

Published 2020-11-22
I said yesterday that I would put together the pull up program I used to go from ZERO to 103 strict pull ups, so here it is.
I read all of your comments yesterday and addressed the main issues that most of you are having and then gave you exactly how to fix them.
And at the end, I gave you the entire pull up system that works 100 percent of the time.
Let’s look at the common problems first:
Hack 1
Grip Orientation Issues (neutral, Supinated etc)
- Forced Rotates Hang: 2 minutes
Hack 2
Grip Weakness (causes forearm pain)
- Dead Hang No Support: 2 minutes
Hack 3
Bicep Pain
- Banded Tempo Curls: 3 x 15
- Dumbbell Hammer Tempo Curls: 3 x 15
Hack 4
Rounding Shoulders/Shoulder Pain
- Prone Floor Sweep: 4 x 10
- Banded Bicep Release: 2 minutes
Hack 5
Restricted Range of Motion
- Dumbbell Prayer: 2 minutes
Hack 6
Swinging (Shaky Midline)
- Plank: 2 minutes
- Side Plank Dips: 3 x 10
- Full Heel Pulse: 3 x 20
Watch the video explanation because it would take me a small novel to explain it on here. If you have questions please ask. Leave me a truckload of comments on your pull up goals and when you plan on starting!!
I love you guys

Join the Spartan Army! Aho Aho Aho -
Trevor B

All Comments (21)
  • @gordonfagan3448
    I’m loving ur channel Trev! I’ve got loads of issues/injuries at the moment. Im 44 and trained since I was 16, one BB contest at 18, now I’ve got torn knee cartilage, chronic golfers and tennis elbow and severe back soreness. I’m trying hard with all ur hacks so know il get there so thank u for all the great videos!!!! 🔥🔥
  • @gbattle
    Progressive pull-up training works. I couldn't do do a single pull-up a year ago. Now, I can do sets of 20 and 15 comfortably, with 25 minute workouts doing 180+ pull-ups . My trainer, Glenn Chestman, had me do all of the things this guy says in preparation (forearms, biceps, joint strengthening, core strength, etc.) before he allowed me to attempt even one of them. Everything this dude is saying is true, but you gotta invest in the process slowly. Muscle endurance takes consistency and time. I'm only beginning. Oh yeah, I'm 50 years old, forgot to leave that part in there, not that it matters.
  • @artvin1001
    Great advise, Trev.....Step by step to guard against injury....You do man. I'm 73, started with this last year and now do 20 for a warm up.
  • @RiseAbove75
    This is absolute gold, love the detailed breakdown on how to address specific issues! Thank you very much for this video, I'm absolutely re-starting with this routine for my back as well as incorporating the recommended exercises to address any short comings!
  • I found this video accidentally but kept watching. It’s actually the first and so far the only video about pull-up limitations that got it right! Awesome job and awesome presentation!
  • @macadonis9242
    Lov his knowledge! Came here while back on tricep stretching. This guy practices what he preaches .awesome physique !
  • @rogerwarr4673
    Wow! I’ve been watching pull up videos for years and this is absolutely some of the best advice for safely improving pull up game! Thanks for the awesome info!
  • @AirZeee
    Brilliant, finally a tutorial that addresses bad form & rookie mistakes beyond scapula retraction & pulling to your chest not your chin. Thanks very much very useful!
  • @jameslandrum555
    I just turned 56 & have let myself go to nothing. Couldn’t even hold & lower slowly & now it’s my 3 workout after getting a pull up rack & following this & now I can 👍. I have hope!
  • @Aracnacon1
    Awesome finally someone that brings details to functionality
  • Thank you sooo much for your video! I can really feel your passion in teaching how to do pull up from zero and to progress properly! Kudos to you!
  • Amazing. The knowledge of exactly what to work on to expect improvements is a huge gift. Thank you Doc!
  • @fenqing3555
    Index for this Video 00:00 - Preface 01:04 - Introduction: Problems, Pains, and Limitations to Your Pull-Up Game - Preview of Routine - Tendonitis - Weak Bicep/External Rotation/Tissue Restriction - 02:44 - Diet and Dental Advice - Shoulder Pain (Bicep Tendon Problem or Loss of Joint Centralization) - Shoulder Position (Rolling Forward) - Grip Pain - Swinging (Midline Stability Issue/Core Weakness) - Endurance Issues (Limited to a Number) Warm-Ups and Hacks: 05:41 - Grip Orientation Pain - Pronation Problem: Hang with Pronated Grip, Minus 20% of Load Using Feet for 2min - Supination Problem: Hang with Alternate Grip, Squaring Shoulders, 2min each. Eventually move to Double Supinated Grip, Minus 20% of Load Using Feet for 2min 07:04 - Grip Weakness: Principle of Radiation - Shoulder Width Apart, Squeeze and Hang, Full Weight - Variation: Use Ring to Hang at an Angle 07:48 - Bicep Pain/Bicep Weakness - Resistance Training: Tempo-Controlled Hammer Curl, Range of Motion to Touch Shoulder - Hold Band Behind Small of Back (Away and Up) - 2 Min 09:41 - Rounding Shoulders - Prone Floor Sweep (Alternating Hands) - Chest Stretch, Pushing Shoulders Back - 10:25 - How to Identify When You’re Having a Stroke 10:30 - Restricted Range of Motion - Longhead Tricep Stretch Using Dumbbell 11:08 - Midline Stability, Swinging - Raised Plank - Side Raises - Leg Raises 11:47 - Pull-Up Routine 4, 6, 10 Method Phase 1: Day 1 - 4EMOM, 1 Rep Day 2 - 6EMOM, 1 Rep Day 3 - 10EMOM, 1 Rep Phase 2: Day 1 - 4EMOM, 2 Rep (8 Total) Day 2 - 6EMOM, 2 Rep (12 Total) Day 3 - 10EMOM, 2 Rep (20 Total) Phase 3: Day 1 - 4EMOM, 3 Rep (12 Total) Day 2 - 6EMOM, 3 Rep (18 Total) Day 3 - 10EMOM, 3 Rep (30 Total) 13:14 - Pull-Up Routine 2 (After Graduating 4, 6, 10 Phase 3) 10, 12, 14 Method Phase 1: Day 1 - 10EMOM, 1 Rep Day 2 - 12EMOM, 1 Rep Day 3 - 14EMOM, 1 Rep Phase 2: Day 1 - 10EMOM, 2 Rep (20 Total) Day 2 - 12EMOM, 2 Rep (24 Total) Day 3 - 14EMOM, 2 Rep (28 Total) Phase 3: Day 1 - 10EMOM, 3 Rep (30 Total) Day 2 - 12EMOM, 3 Rep (36 Total) Day 3 - 14EMOM, 3 Rep (42 Total) 14:10 - Summary and Outro (Midline Routine Announcement)
  • Love this dude. So glad he turned the comments back on. Thanks for the generosity Trevor!
  • @dayytube
    This is the ultimate instructional video which dwells on all the rudiments to do a pull up.Thanks a million for the advice.
  • @YilmazVurucu
    I don't normally comment under youtube videos, but when i do, it's to say, friggin a. The best pull up breakdown ever.
  • @tylermorgan9809
    This was a quality breakdown of so many varying issues WITH solutions. I’ve experienced many of them. Gotta come back to this video in the future. Great stuff.
  • Wonderfully comprehensive without dumbing it down with the words. Use the words and let the audience look up any they don't understand. A really good video. Totally subscribed just on this. I'm a climber and pull ups are a common exercise that I now know is being done wrong by lots of folks.
  • @1PercentMethod
    One of the best videos I have seen in a LONG TIME! Im working on my pull ups and will incorporate this training TOMORROW! thanx for such great info!