Selena Gomez opens up about battle with bipolar disorder | Nightline


コメント (21)
  • She has accessible therapy, books & endless help. I’m glad she’s using her wealth to better herself. Not a lot of people have these types of opportunities.
  • @KarenFoo
    As someone with ptsd, i'm inspired that celebs like her opens up like this to bring more awareness towards mental health
  • @wenewenee3853
    I have ADHD Hyperactive and Bipolar symptoms, it’s kinda struggle to stay alive. I admire her to be brave open up about her mental health
  • What a strong, brave, beautiful woman. I’ve loved her since I was a little kid and still loves her. She inspires me since I’m too struggling with my mental health
  • It's gotta be so hard being in the spotlight all the time, I've always admired Selina, she is beautiful, talented, strong, & real.
  • As someone who suffers with anxiety and depression I love how open she's always been to her fans about herself and her mental health
  • This poor girl has been through hell, medically and mentally. She's brave and strong and kind
  • I was diagnosed with Bipolar I in February, along with several anxiety disorders, and PMDD (Severe PMS). Started on Lamotrigine and in just 4 months I got a new job and have been working full-time ever since.
  • I was diagnosed with Bi-Polar at 15 and I am 38 now. The best thing I ever did for myself was learn about what that meant. The more I learned, the easier it became to live with it. Very happy that Selena is sharing her story. This literally made me cry this morning. SO proud of her! It's a rollercoaster, anyone who suffers from it will know. It's bitter baby and it's very sweet. Holy rollercoaster, but I'm on my feet. ~ Red Hot Chili Peppers | Soul to Squeeze.
  • Selena continually uses her massive platform to do positive things for the world despite going through disastrous and huge challenges along the way. Love you sel❤
  • @erin1532
    What😮 I’ve loved her for so long and I’m glad she’s talking cuz bipolar is such a hard disease to deal with, I was diagnosed bipolar 1 psychosis and i love her strength
  • Love her and her strength! I too have Bipolar 1 disorder and other mental health conditions, I am so happy to see someone so successful with this disorder do so well in life ❤️❤️ God bless her and everyone battling/living with any mental health disorder
  • @macross25
    Having a nervous breakdown mixed with having Lupus, being Bipolar and a heavy dose of Anxiety is no joke. I'm just a no one (without the insane pressures that she's under) and I had a complete breakdown in 2011, between being Bipolar my self and developing an anxiety that basically made me Agoraphobic, it took a long time to get back to some kind of normal. With the family, fans & support Selena has around her, it'll be hard at times but she's a fighter and she'll get better a little bit each day. If you know someone who is Bipolar, I swear that we're not A-holes, out of no where it just happens, we know it and its a struggle to control it. Same with Anxiety, give that person a hug once in a while, it means a lot even if we don't show it.
  • @ayela562
    I’ve never felt one way or another about Selena until I really started paying attention to her messaging around mental health. I’m so impressed with her as a human being. She struggles and she shares it to help us all. She’s a lovely human being.
  • @tulpamedia
    I don't usually care about celebrity stuff, but she is really awesome for this. I have bipolar 1 disorder with psychotic features and it makes daily life really difficult, even in between manic / depressive episodes. I feel that Selena opening up to the world about having bipolar and having to go to the hospital for it makes a very big difference in the public perception of bipolar and mental health hospitalizations. People look up to celebrities and I think that people are more accepting of a celebrity that they like or idolize. Stuff like this bridges the gap in people's minds between bipolar disorder and themselves. This shows them directly that people with bipolar are not unrelatable monsters that commit crimes and hurt people. The media like to push the narrative that people with certain mental health conditions are like heartless, explosive, aliens. Her doing this is directly reversing that stigma and I respect the hell out of that. P.S. - I don't know why the director said that she's "broken". I feel like that's not a very nice thing to say about someone even when they say it about themselves. My bipolar does not make me "broken", it's just a part of me that functions a little differently than the average person. I would much rather be me than just an average person with an average life. That doesn't sound broken to me at all...
  • @RIP19851
    As a person with bipolar disorder I understand what she is going through
  • Being so open about her disease, Selena helped a lot of people. Especially making them talk about it and not being afraid to share their story
  • Shame on you people who made fun of her after that performance! We need to be kind and understand that there's a story behind everyone! You don't know someone else's pain! Much love to Selena and all the people out there struggling! Stay strong!💖
  • @alicec.6195
    Bipolar alone is already a lot and she had to deal with so much more! Glad she has support.
  • @nurdieh
    Been diagnosed with bipolar for years. It's so scary how erratic it can get, and I am thankful for Selena for showing us a part of herself. I used to watch her continuously as a child in Wizards of Waverly Place, and it's good not to feel so alone.