I’m a living miracle

Published 2019-05-02
My Testimony Know your body/ Be encouraged. This video was in 2018 after A long night shift

All Comments (4)
  • Oh my goodness this is so beautiful and I had no idea yet I knew that you were having some problems but ya never elaborated I'm am so grateful for you and thank God very much for keeping my love alive 😂 happy tears. the best thing is yet to come
  • @certianwomen
    Being a nurse has saved my life several times!!!!!Loooonnng post alert……………. This video was made in 2018. I had just got off of a night shift and was looking rough but I was filled with gratitude and thanksgiving. So I made a video. Now In 2024 I have a new testimony in addition to the video and many more. At this time I have a pituitary tumor that’s been wreaking havoc in my body for quite some time ( So does my 22 year old daughter). Every system has been affected but the respiratory system (I’m still Gifted with the breath of LIFE) Hallelujah to Jesus Amen! Thank You Jesus! I believe God for my healing but in the Meantime I’m currently dealing with so many medical issues and any one of them could have and still can kill me at any time. BUT GOD!!!! That just means that I have to get my house in order. Anyway concerning my health EXAMPLE : my blood sugar drops to the 30’s and 40’s with the lowest being 22 for no reason ( no I’m not diabetic) so I have to wear a glucose monitor and keep sugary items handy. I’ve been to the ER and have been hospitalized several times over the years. I’ve had Many surgeries( early for my age). I’ve had to advocate for myself always at every turn. I mean it’s unbelievable and discouraging how healthcare has declined and is being ran and taken over by insurance companies plus people just working for a paycheck lacking compassion and empathy. Those qualities should just be automatic and mandatory for anyone working in public service. I’ve been to so many doctors and each one would just look at the body part/system that they specialize in and not look at me as a total person. Many doctors wouldn’t listen to me and subjective data is just as important as any other diagnostic tool. Sadly most of the doctors seem to be nonchalant or indifferent these days. And yes I’ve experienced profiling and discrimination. The worst part is they are doing the bare minimum and not supplying proventative care or doing things to sastain people’s wellbeing and quality of Life. I thank God for having praying Parents to match their faith with mine. I’ve finally found a Doctor that cares. It’s taken over 5 years to get a diagnosis that’ll involve lifelong treatment for Hypopituitarism and adrenal insufficiency and Dysautonomia( they’re all connected). It’s like a domino effect because the endocrine system is so elaborate and intertwines with pretty much everything. Plus the pituitary Is called the ”Master Gland” because it releases hormones to que other parts of the body to do their job and if it’s not working properly then things go awry. But God!!!!!!!! So Now I’m locked and loaded with more faith and a treatment plan for what’s ahead. I didn’t realize when I went to school for massage therapy, and got my LPN, then my RN license that I was in training for such a time as this. Literally helping to save my own Life! I humbly say If it hadn’t been for the wisdom and medical knowledge I’ve gained over the years they would have let me die( several times). But God!!!! Thankfully I knew what to ask for or request when they wasn’t being honest or prudent providers. I’ve never been the type of person posting myself while in the hospital looking for that type of attention but I’m so grateful for my life and being In my right mind! I have to be obedient and share my story because I know I’m a Living Testimony! To God be ALL Glory, praise, and honor. I could go on and on but I just wanted somebody to be encouraged and to tell them to have a little bit of faith and to HOLD on to Gods Unchanging Hand!!! Hang on in there. It’s gonna be alright! Your breakthrough is coming You’ve already been in training to handle whats ahead. You just didn’t know. Maybe because if we knew we’d mess things up. I truly believe everything a person goes through is not just for ourselves but to be a witness, guide, and help to someone else. Ok I’m done for now. When things look dark and get scary Just Know that Prayer changes things. Let’s pray for one another on a daily basis because we ALL need it in these perilous times. May God bless you all🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 p.s I’ve only shared the tip of the iceberg. This was the short version.