This AMAZING Math Formula Will Teach You About God!

Evolutionists CANNOT explain why this mathematical law is seen all throughout nature. In this presentation, you’ll learn about how science confirms the teachings of the Bible.

Fibonacci Numbers | That's a Fact:    • Fibonacci Numbers | That's a Fact  

To learn more about this topic, check out the Fractals book:


Answers in Genesis is an apologetics (Christianity-defending) ministry dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ effectively.

On our YouTube channel, you’ll find answers to your most pressing questions about key issues like creation, evolution, science, the age of the earth, and social issues. We desire to train believers to develop a worldview based on the Bible and expose the bankruptcy of evolutionary ideas and their implications.

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コメント (21)
  • mandelbrot set is also amazing. AT&T once had a problem with static in their phone lines. They discovered that the static was occurring naturally because of fluctuations in the earth's magnetic field (if i remember correctly) anyway, Mandelbrot discovered that the pattern was predictable, using a mathematic formula, and they were able to muffle out the static. It’s the mathematical formula that paved the way for computer generated imagery (CGI) that makes it possible for computers to create natural looking images in movies. There is also Benford's Law that is actually used to detect tax fraud, because even the chaos of random numbers follow a mathematic formula. This all didn’t happen without a creator. Ps: the blood vessels in a cancerous tumor look like a briar patch instead of normal blood vessels because cancer and briars are the result of the curse, not creation.
  • @linwoodkent1246
    Jesus when speaking of the lillies of the field (wild flowers) in Matt 6:28&29 said "Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these". This is mindblowing thinking how great & wondrous is God's Creation.
  • @raygiordano1045
    Very well done presentation. The constants that fall out of empirical science are just another clue, of many, that there is a Creator and dumb luck has nothing to do with our existence. The Natural Log and Pi show up all over the place, but there're tons of other more specialized constants too.
  • If you want a cool scripture read Job 38 where The Lord lays out all of creation before Job as he tells him on your feet and he questions Job. It’s one of my favorite
  • I was blessed to have Tim Chaffey as a youth pastor at a rural church in Wisconsin around 15 years ago. He made apologetics interesting then and it's so cool to see that reflected in many of the videos on this channel. Hi Tim 👋 - AJ
  • I designed two tools using the golden ratio. The first one I designed was specifically using the golden ratio. The second one ended up, by accident, with golden ratio attributes. Both tools are aesthetically pleasing to look at and very functional too. It is so amazing to see how this works in the real world. I will never cease to see the wonder of our Creator.
  • @cornflake73
    I am dumbfounded, perplexed, and fascinated by all of this. I have heard of the spiral ratio, but this is so well explained that I am humbled by what I have learned. Math is so important to learn.
  • @spinepacr
    Fantastic! QUESTION: We see the Fib ratio mainly in 2 dimensions. What math describes growth patterns in the third dimension? For ex: A petaling flower or pine cone have Fib patterns but they grow and spread out without running into one another. Do we know the math responsible for that 3rd dimension?
  • @grandmac.168
    WUT??!! This was awesome! I've always been math-deficient, since I got stuck in "advanced math" way back in 5th grade. Big mistake for me, but this makes me want to go back and try it all again! Thank you! God is a wondrous God!
  • Years ago, I was at a public library, when I came across the Fibonacci numbers. I was so awestruck, it was all I could do, to not fall on my face in praise and worship of the Lord Almighty.
  • @saintsoftheking
    "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork." - Psalm 19:1
  • Absolutely FASCINATING!!! I have always been interested in the Golden ratio. I have a German dressmaking pattern system that works on this principle and it really IS one of the easiest types that I have ever used.
  • I cannot even fathom of anyone on earth waking up in an incredibly made human body ,,and say hmm...look at all this. .can't be creator. I believe it all just happened from a explosion. Utterly insane
  • @Denis-lp3pz
    This is the most entertaining and captivating Math lesson I ever had. Thank you for doing it, people. May the Lord bless you and protect you from evil. Gotta use the golden ratio in my hobby project now.
  • Western Scale - Harmonic Long string = Note 1 Note 1 string in Half = Octave Note 1 string in Thirds = Fifth C to G(5th), G to D “ D to A A to E E to B B to F F to C Line ‘em up…C major Scale
  • The phi ratio isnt just pleasing to look at, but is necessary for structurally sound engineering ....