Tolerance in Islamic Spain - Myth or Reality? - WOTW EP 6 P1

Published 2018-04-08
Tolerance in Islamic Spain is a fiercely debated subject. Was Spain under the Moors a period of enlightened co-existence between the three major religions of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism? Did these people come together to build an advanced society where 'convivencia' existed? Or was this all just a myth that is perpetuated by revisionist historians?


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All Comments (21)
  • @FlashPointHx
    Hello everyone - welcome to Episode 6 where we look at Tolerance in Islamic Spain. If you liked this - please spread word about the YouTube channel and share on social media. Its the only way a channel like this can grow. Consider contributing on Patreon as all funds are needed and used to make videos like this possible. You can also download the podcast to go on your media player. 0:52 Chapter 1 Convivencia 8:03 Chapter 2 Abd Al Rahman I - 788 C.E. 14:35 Chapter 3 Paul Alvarus - 855 C.E.
  • @rockstar450
    Mad respect for arriving at a more complex scenario and taking the time to showcase the competing theories rather than just running with most favoured or convenient. Well done on a scholarly approach to a challenging topic!
  • Rahman's poetry made me feel really sorry for him. At the end he was just a homesick old man.
  • @tobuncs5261
    What a great channel this is. Love to see people take an objective and well researched view on history, too many people nowadays employ revisionism to fit their bias. Thank you for the videos!
  • @flansable
    That quote is incorrect. Imam Malik said "ANY person who offended the prophets persona was to be punished" he never stated it was a ruling affecting non-Muslims only. In fact! more Muslims died to this than any non-Muslim.
  • @El_Gringo89
    I mean aren't all taxes collected using the "pay me to protect you from the consequences of not paying me" plan
  • Great video! Loved the anecdote about the palm tree, and animation I agree that the truth is somewhere in the middle in regards to tolerance, I think by modern standards we would say life in the Cordoba Caliphate was bigoted and intolerant...but by the standards of the time it was a tolerant regime
  • @moktarbom
    Thank you for going through the trouble of researching a difficult topic and providing a wider picture of the world at that time.
  • @ic6177
    Great as always! I appreciate your research. Also appreciate your method of staying away from extremes and focusing on the middle.
  • @Cervando
    This has become one of my favourite history channels on YouTube. You deserve many more subs than you get. I tend to agree that overall this period of Spanish History was beneficial and far more tolerant than was typical of the period. I think some historians are overly critical as they examine it by modern standards and ignore how much further advanced Muslim Spain was than the rest of Europe except for the arguably the Byzantine Empire. Certainly the Muslims were far more tolerant of other faiths then the Catholics were after the Reconquista. I have also read that the Renaissance owes much to the teachings from the famous library of Toledo, after it was recaptured.
  • I searched about the poem you mentioned and noticed it is so hard to translate by a normal man. Keep the good job dude!
  • @funDAYsmiling
    This is a really interesting time in Iberian history so thank you, for publishing it!
  • @sonnybrown4758
    The audio keeps cutting in and out. I’m watching on chrome cast and just a heads up (I can’t tell in chrome cast because it doesn’t tell me) if you are uploading 60fps the first 2 generations(the vast majority of people) of chromcast cut in and out. It’s a known issue since a year ago after an update. They don’t seem to plan on fixing it. Basically I’m telling you so that you keep your plays going as I know a lot of people, like myself, cast videos
  • @nizamekhan3555
    amazing video man, when I get enough money I will try to support, can you please tell me what music you used at the beginning?
  • @UnderPLLL
    Looking forward to this after I finish the other episodes
  • @ghostsquads
    I love your videos, very educational and well detailed!