Item Swim Claustrophobia & Did somebody say SPIKES? by Choas L [MARIO MAKER 2]

2 long Precision Crew levels.

Item Swim Claustrophobia #TP (0:00)
I avoided this level for a long time because the beginning is annoying and the clear video didn't help because the stream layout made it really hard to tell what was going on at the bottom of the screen. Eventually I figured out that you're supposed to go fast and slow down just before the spot where the last lava bubble goes offscreen. It took me a long time to realize that the lava bubble stays there for quite a while and that's why it kept killing me whenever I swam as quickly as possible. Hopefully other precision crew members will find this information helpful for clearing this. Though I doubt many of them are into item swimming, I do like item swimming though. As for the rest of the level, it's pretty self explanatory. It should be easy to tell how tight some parts are if you're familiar with the game's mechanics. And yes, I paused at the door to hold up, because the creator did it too, it's not necessary though, just convenient.

Did somebody say SPIKES? #TP (2:22)
A tough wall jumping level. Some jumps are tighter than they look, but the part that destroyed me the most was the one with all the piranhas shooting fire at you. Sometimes it felt completely impossible to avoid all the fire, but at least a practice door at the beginning lets you see that section ahead of time. The burner part right after is also tricky, but not too bad once you get used to it, also I love how it looks. There's also checkpoints, that I was very happy to use, as you can clearly see in the video. I was dumb and had one death at the end, for some reason I decided not to ground pound, but it didn't take long to get back there, so it barely mattered.

My maker ID: 84L-SXT-PTF.


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