Star Wars Empire at War: Rebel Campaign - Full Playthrough

Published 2020-06-26

All Comments (18)
  • @ShawndaPrawn
    Antilles: We need to secure the X-Wing prototypes whilst the Empire are busy with Kuat. You: Sure, just a minute first...(proceeds to seize control of Kuat and the SITH HOMEWORLD) Okay, where were we?
  • @noblevi3623
    There's actually a second ending to the Rebel's campaign: Conquest, rid the galaxy of every imperial controled planet and you get a different cutscene at the end.
  • @tuskinradar8688
    As someone who treats EaWX as a faith it is fascination every now and then to come back to the original and remember what the game was first like. Thanks for the Upload!
  • @Pigmudpit
    I love playing this game and I'm a fan of star wars.
  • @Metawraith
    You are blowing my mind right now by attacking Kuat right out the gate!!! I guess it makes sense to me now, but back when I first played over a decade ago, I never would have dreamed of doing such a thing. Ah, when game narration doesn't match game mechanics...
  • @nicko2214
    Thanks for this walkthroug 🙏🏻 now all the three EAT campaigns are disponible ✌🏻
  • @nattura7697
    I love swarming the enemy with 50 t2b tanks lol.
  • Thanks for this! My game always crashes when i beat the fleet guarding the deathstar so i never knew I was at the end of the campaning. Thanks
  • @PhoenixAlaris93
    Major Events for those who want them 0:00 Opening Crawl 1:29 Mission over Kuat 7:05 Conquest of Kuat 11:45 Battle over Korriban 13:00 Conquest of Korriban 18:55 Mission to Wayland 25:49 Mission to Fresia 33:15 Mission to Kessel 37:42 First Tech Steal 38:26 Failed Attack on Mon Calamari 41:01 Battle over Mon Calamari 43:48 Conquest of Mon Calamari 52:21 Battle over Nal Hutta 54:41 Conquest of Nal Hutta 56:06 Battle over Bothawui 57:58 Conquest of Bothawui 1:07:25 Battle over Kashyyyk 1:12:10 Conquest of Tatooine 1:15:51 Conquest of Geonosis 1:19:47 Battle over Ryloth 1:26:13 Conquest of Ryloth 1:28:47 Battle over Shola 1:31:18 Conquest of Shola 1:36:31 Mission to Kashyyyk 1:43:37 Battle over Eriadu 1:47:01 Battle over Bespin 1:52:04 Second Battle over Naboo 1:54:20 Conquest of Naboo 1:57:47 Conquest of Eriadu 2:02:53 Conquest of Dagobah 2:03:47 Conquest of Sullust (No battle) 2:04:17 Conquest of Bestine 2:07:29 Conquest of Endor (No battle) 2:07:41 Battle over Hoth 2:11:27 Conquest of Hoth 2:16:43 Mission to Atzerri 2:22:03 Mission to Corellia 2:24:13 Mission to the Vergesso Asteroids 2:28:29 Mission to Corulag 2:32:56 Conquest of Corulag 2:42:05 Mission to Carida 2:55:38 Battle over Corellia 2:58:44 Destruction of Alderaan 3:01:08 Battle over Ilum (Death Star Battle) 3:04:50 Death Star Destruction and Outro
  • @Maliq28
    wth im playing a rebel campaign and when all the guys are in the reinforcement point i saw the cutscene but once the cutscene is over it dont say i won
  • @vendetta9348
    I just tried to do the campaign, the empire won't let me hold any planet and keep attacking me non stop, just like the original story lol
  • @aimank962
    This take me 6 month to complete in hard mode.
  • Bro The Empire KEEPS ATTACKING ME! And the Game doesnt even give me time to prepare! What should I do!?
  • @egemenerturk
    I really enjoyed it until the thing happened that broke the game for me. After unlocking the entire galactic map in campaign a terrifying imperial fleet appeared and this fleet somehow can to field 6 ISD, 2 victories and 2 interdictors in the same battle What the hell? What happened to the pop cap limit? How am i supposed to defeat 6 ISD and hundreds of TIEs with limited units?