Raquel's Stage 4 Colon Cancer Symptoms | Colorectal Cancer | The Patient Story

Published 2024-02-09
Raquel first noticed symptoms like pencil thin stools, pain, bloating, and blood in her stool. She then started getting full quickly after eating. But when she finally went to the doctor, she was dismissed and told "it was just anxiety." She then ended up in the emergency room and was later diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer, and it had spread to her liver, ovaries, and lungs.

In this cancer vlog, she aims to raise awareness about rising colorectal cancer rates in young people and the importance of listening to your body!

#cancerstories #cancerpatient #cancersurvivor #patientstories #thepatientstory #coloncancer #crcsm #cancerawareness #symptomsofcancer #cancerscreening #colorectalcancer #cancerprevention #cancersymptoms #cancertreatment #coloncancersurvivor #colonoscopy #colorectalsurgery #stage4cancer #stage4coloncancer

Full story & transcript → thepatientstory.com/patient-stories/colorectal-can…

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The Patient Story is led by a dedicated team of medical, editorial, and video experts, committed to authentically portraying the cancer patient experience. Sharing your story holds transformative power, culturally and personally. We handle each narrative with utmost care, compassion, and scientific rigor.

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Video Chapters:
00:00 Introduction
00:34 My first symptoms
02:14 Symptoms I personally experienced
04:37 My primary care doctor dismissed my symptoms
07:45 Learning I had cancer at the emergency room
11:59 Processing my cancer diagnosis
12:20 My treatment plan
13:50 Being on chemotherapy for life
15:48 Looking for other opinions
16:50 Words of advice

To learn more about IBS symptoms vs. colon cancer → tinyurl.com/2tktb3jp

The interview has only been edited for clarity.

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My Symptoms Were Blamed as Anxiety - Raquel | Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer | The Patient Story
   • Raquel's Stage 4 Colon Cancer Symptom... …

All Comments (21)
  • This is the most common thing I see on all these cancer posts is the amount of doctors that don’t take symptoms seriously and I dread to think of the mount of people who have become terminal from these faulty diagnosis.
  • @BOOShawny
    Something that REALLY bugs me is when anyone acts like you don’t know your own body. You’ve lived in your body your whole life, you KNOW when something isn’t right.
  • @animaloverdani10
    As a nurse, it's a fine line between respecting specialists and physicians and also advocating for yourself. I totally agree with Raquel- if your intuition is off, be LOUD. Be annoying and be direct. Say, "You don't think a colonoscopy (insert whichever test) is warranted given my symptoms?" And if they say, "No, you're too young." Then say, "Okay, I'll just be getting a second opinion just to be sure, because my symptoms do worry me." Boom. I bet you get the tests ordered right away.
  • @NLR759
    A very similar thing happened to Jenny Apple. She has a YouTube channel. She complained of rib pain. Her doctor prescribed yoga and stretching. For a year she kept doing the stretching but the pain wouldn’t go away. She was in her early 30’s and had just had a baby. Her doctor dismissed her symptoms. She went elsewhere and it turned out to be stage 4 lung cancer. She has since passed away. She fought so hard to stay alive for her very young children. It’s such a heartbreaking story.
  • @iah8331
    “Anxiety” is the new “hysteria”
  • @animeforever247
    Her story made me book a consult with a GI doctor. My symptoms have been brushed off as IBS for 2 years now because of my age but now i will push for a proper diagnosis. I pray for your recovery and healing.
  • I am blind from a retinal detachment because when I went to the ER and they gave me a CT to rule out a brain tumor and my CT was clear they sent me home with a prescription for antidepressants and referral to psych. Thank God my husband refused to accept that and took me to an eye specialist. He shined a light in my eye and knew immediately. I was in surgery within 24 hrs. It still makes me so mad.
  • @melbrown6019
    When I was 31, I just had my second baby but I wasn’t eating, forgetful, disorganized, and had headaches. I started passing out from seizures. My doctor kept telling me and my family that I had postpartum depression. I finally went to the ER and was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Doctors need to start listening to their patients! It’s really frustrating that symptoms are not taken seriously. I think the problem is because I was young and had just had a baby but those symptoms aren’t postpartum depression. I’m very thankful that you finally got a diagnosis but geez it shouldn’t have taken so long! That’s really heartbreaking.
  • @rae672
    My husband has been in remission for 14 months. Stage 4 colorectal cancer metastasized to his liver and lungs. He went to Vanderbilt hospital in TN for treatment. Before treatment we were told 18 months to live in our home town. Never lose hope. God be with you.
  • I was 28 when I got diagnosed with cervical cancer you have to be your own advocate because the doctor thought that I was crazy also and brushed off my symptoms and told me I was fine. I even had a Pap smear and they told me everything was fine. But something in my gut told me something was wrong and I was absolutely right had a not went to that second doctor and found the cervical cancer I would’ve been dead a long time ago. I am 49 years old.
  • @paisley8519
    What I find so disturbing is how grateful she feels that the ER doctors took her seriously. Understand that I know WHY she’s grateful, I’m just angry that she has to feel grateful for something that should be normal. That women and minorities have to convince the medical community to take us seriously … it’s just not ok.
  • I’m Betty ,. And I have Colon Cancer to Stage 4 ,..and this week wast my 2 second round of chemo ,. I listen to your whole testimony and I send my love to you and prayers every day,..
  • I get mad when doctors don’t listen and talk condescending to me. I am sorry for your diagnosis. It’s so unfair. Thank you for sharing.
  • @anaferguson5135
    I am a nurse and this happens so frequently! They never take minority or women in general seriously. Its all in their head. They say its anxiety or they are depressed. I hate when this happens. You are such a courageous woman!
  • @vickipurvis7489
    You are a beautiful and courageous young woman. Thank you for sharing your story and journey. I am currently a lung cancer survivor from stage four. Still on every three month scans and brain MRI. There are medical advances made every day. I believe in you and your attitude helps immensely. ❤
  • This speaker has the most soothing voice. I could listen to her all day.
  • @nickterry4487
    My mom passed away from stomach cancer this past December 2023. She was originally diagnosed in 2021 but had been seeking a proper diagnosis as early as late 2018. It’s been heartbreaking going through her old notes as she saw all sorts of doctors who either couldn’t find what was wrong with her or attributed her symptoms to anxiety. She knew something was wrong and was literally told it was just in her head
  • @artbmarshall
    I lost my wife to cervical cancer at 37 a couple years ago. My heart goes out to you. I’m also a PA so if you need any help navigating or just need someone to explain a few things, I’m happy to help.
  • @turtle_jones
    We went to high school together. Same graduating class. I’m so terribly sorry that life has thrown you this crazy curveball Raquel. Your mental fortitude is inspiring. I hope your additional/future medical opinions are more fruitful. Keep fighting. -TJ
  • Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.