5 Things YOU Should STOP Doing In War Thunder

Published 2023-02-09
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I had fun recording this, not as much fun as a prop in a top tier match though evidently...

discord: discord.gg/Q6rjXCCK2U

All Comments (21)
  • @flashtirade
    If you're actually trying to escort a bomber effectively (as much as that can be done), the proper way to fly isn't side-by-side but above and in front. You want to counter-initiate someone going for an easy kill, not make yourself one of the targets.
    There was a B-29 in our jet lobby and we got 2 av-8s to land on him and act as flares it was sick😂
  • The chats you wrote as prop in jet match was scary accurate to the ones I actually saw, I felt physical pain while watching the video
  • @zac5900
    While people bring props into high tier deliberately is a problem, there is a ‘glitch’ where in a squad it can change your nation when you get put in a game. It happens in ground too and it’s really frustrating, but don’t hate any random guy for just being in a prop, it might not be their fault.
  • @ctomz.
    I actually enjoy escorting my mate in a bomber or vice versa. We both understand it wont help either of us in any way but its nice to have a good time with a friend trying to stop them from dying whilst they gunship. Gives a bit of a break from the grind or basic prop gameplay of climb, dive, climb, etc.
  • @_S1mba
    for every time I've seen a prop in top tier maybe 1/50 get a kill, honestly can't remember the last time i saw a prop get a kill in top tier; but sure as hell can remember them dying over and over being useless to there team
  • Bomber escort can be a legit way to get some frags, but NEVER fly next to the bomber. Set up at least 2km higher and 1km in front, so you can dive on intercepting opponents. There's a reason fighter escorts didn't fly wing by wing with their bombers in real life either. So indeed, as you said "get some speed, get some altitude" :D
  • @F-18Super
    If you still fly the F-14 take 6 7F’s and 2 9H’s don’t even waste your time on AIM-64s since 90% of you don’t know how to use them and be more of an annoyance than dangerous.
  • @arbitercs
    I once escorted 2 Tu4s that decided to play on top tier instead and managed to chaff and flare missiles for them before i ran out and took the hit for them. I AM STILL PROUD OF THAT TO THIS DAY
  • @aratay3117
    Honestly the multirole makes sense when the stock grind is just plain ass, and it has to be fast enough to make it. The primary candidates for that are phantoms and tornadoes
  • @leftnut7508
    The thing I enjoy about 4 phoenix users is the fact it forces the enemy team slow. Like a firefight, suppressing fire is a great tactic that can be achieved even with a radar lock on a target. When that radar lock comes up, now players have to worry about if it's an r27er screaming in to kill them.
  • @GMan33195
    "Im jUst tyNing tO hAve FuN BRO, I'll probaBLY gEt MorE KilLs tHan You AnYwaY" - every prop-in-top-tier-jets enjoyer
  • @marty4286
    IRL they discovered early on that flying with the bombers in formation was useless, so fighter escort late war meant clearing the way ahead of them not flying together with them Same with ships too. Destroyers being in neat cinematic formations just got them killed without accomplishing anything
  • I haven't played a huge amount of the F-14, but I've found that only taking 2x AIM54s and loading up on Sparrows is the way to go.
  • @BroDog555
    a good tip if you really want to bomber escort be at a minimum of 2k ft/ 600 m above them so that you can actually get energy when you engage the enemy engaging your bomber!... this strat was common irl in ww2 where they needed to stay really high above the bomber to be most useful so if you are gonna do this plz take into consideration your energy being most necessary for survivability.
  • @PhantomZAKU
    2-4 Phoenix missiles. 2 Ain 7’s and 9H’s With the multi role bombing deal, players are kind of forced into it. The guaranteed RP gain for bombing over mate getting a pvp kill is just meh at best. I think until they implement a better system that won’t go away.
  • i’ve done the 6 phoenix thing many times, but when I rtb i swap my load out to sparrows and sidewinders. I average 3 kills a game with the sparrows at least, and even more if the phoenixes actually connect. If nothing else, i see it as more pressure being out on the enemies.
  • Regarding multi-role fighters: I love the Kfir Canard. Six 1000lb bombs and two AIM-9Gs, and sometimes I add five 500lb bombs. Go for bases first (The 1000s do one base and the 500s can do half of another). Reaching bases by going wide and low works bc the Canard is super fast, and once you drop you can climb quickly above everyone else and pick off enemies occupied with your teammates. I easily do 1-4 bases and 1-4 enemies a match (depending on how often i can resupply, usually 1 base and 1-2 enemies per run). With premium bonus included, I can quietly do 30k-50k SL and 5k-10k RP a match. Really fast and efficient grinder plane.
  • This video should be titled “5 Things You Should Stop Having Fun with in War Thunder” nothing of value was said in 10 minutes.
  • @TheLoganatorz
    Very valid and true talking points for playing the game competitively... However, after 3000+ hours I have spent in this game; playing with friends and taking props into top tier, multi-rolling, bomber escorting, and going phoenix mode are all some great ways to change up the repetitive nature of WarThunder to just have fun. Being in a discord call with a 3 ship of BV238s in formation over F-16s and Mig-29s is not competitive but rather a good time (in fact you can argue this is encouraged by Gaijin with Thunder Show and the "God Mode" achievement").