V20150417 - Recruit School Experience

Recruit School Experience

コメント (21)
  • I know what it means to be a true sailor, I am proud of my service to may country and all the Royal Australian Navy mate's i met during my Vietnam service!
  • @camf7522
    On 13 May this year it will be 33 years since I joined the RAN. I remember my time at HMAS Cerberus and particularly the ‘mud run’ with fondness! Thanks to the POPT who thought I was too clean half way through the mud run and called me back to stick my head in the mud! I also remember trying to get my Volley’s white again after the mud run...I don’t miss kit musters! Such a challenging and exciting time for a 17 and a half year old boy. I wish I could do it all over again. My recommendation is, while at Recruit School get stuck in, take it seriously, it will be over soon and enjoy it. In years to come you will reflect fondly, realise how much you learnt and how much you grew as a person in just a few weeks.
  • i know it is really hard work and all but this looks like a whole lot of fun. can't wait for my turn
  • In 1977 arriving at recruit school the first words I heard was, Get off my F……. Bus and line up
  • Gee I remember my training down at Cerberus recruit school for 3 months in 1990, it was a really good memory. Thought it was going to be much harder physically but I had a blast with all my new shipmates. Great experience for a young man, thanks RAN 👍 P.S and I still know how handle an iron very well 😅
  • @viper8434
    I fondly remember my time at recruit school, it was a lot of hard work and fun times with mates you make for life. Best tip what ever physical level they say you need to go in, double it, it will make your life there a lot easier if you do. i struggled bad with fitness and was really far down on fitness level, they get you through it though, be prepared to push yourself. Great trainers and great leaders If i was 20 years younger and a healthy man i go through it all again.
  • I would love to join the Australian Royal Navy it would be a 1 in a life time experience
  • @Vpmatt
    Love the opening titles. Hello Navy circa 1984!
  • Ahhh I remember square gateing across that parade ground, good times
  • I did this in 2003, hasn't changed at all except we wore white tshirts and navy pants
  • What happened to the pushups at the end of the high rope beam? our team go 68!
  • @joshy3667
    Looking to join the Australian Royal Navy Next
  • Someone needs to teach that Lieutenant how to salute properly.
  • @Yummx030
    I hope to join soon, it would be really good, or finish uni then join, and when I’m done go on to do my degree
  • I went through GE125 (1995) we didnt have the high ropes and I have to ask, even now, WHEN on a ship are we going to be climbing over high ropes and on balance beams LOL