Pigeons (inc tango) Blackbird Fledgelings and Starlings

Pigeons, Blackbird Fledgelings and starlings in my back yard

Tango the big Ginger pigeon, when he first arrived he was bright orange as he had dye on him, he came in with a load of dyed ringed pigeons, bright pink and all coloured, Pinky poo had bright pink dye on her, not mine but they loved to live at mine, I think I must live on a direct flight path with a neon sign above saying 'soft touch lives here' he was with me several years living in my yard & on my roof, unfortunately he went missing two years ago, hopefully he went home as he went missing once before for a couple of year then came in as if he's never been away x

Henry and Archie are two feral pigeons I took in poorly, Henry had to be put to sleep after a cat attack but Archie her mates still lives with me and loves cuddles, been with me for 10 years now.

As you can see many of these Pigeons are ringed, they don't belong to me but they love it here.

Bird's need to be on their guard constantly as you can see in this video, the sound is off and music added because they are always being talked to by us before they take off due to being spooked by a warning noise in the background.

Thank you very much for watching xxxxXXXXxxxx

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